Friday, November 13, 2009

Reading List

The items are not listed with respect to any priority...and by no means have I read them all. Basically a combination of recommendations and my reading wish list - from recommendations by others. Highly recommended books have a "Required Reading" post following the book listing...

Recommended Reading List:

The Naked Capitalist by W. Cleon Skousen (Required reading!)

The True Story of the Bilderberg Group by Daniel Estulin

Treason History: Order of Sons of Liberty by Felix C. Stidger

Dark Alliance by Gary Webb

Neither Liberty nor Safety: Fear, Ideology, and the Growth of Government by Robert Higgs

The Book of Honor : The Secret Lives and Deaths of CIA Operatives by Ted Gup

The Politician by Robert Welch (Required reading!)

Welcome to Terrorland by Daniel Hopsicker

Web of Debt by Ellen Hodgson Brown (Required reading!)

A Very Thin Line by Theodore Draper

9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA by Webster Tarpley

The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow by Constance Cumbey (Required reading!)

Every Spy a Prince by Dan Raviv & Yossi Melman

Barry & 'the Boys': The CIA, the Mob and America's Secret History by Daniel Hopsicker

The Secret History of the CIA by Joseph John Trento

Depression, War, and Cold War by Robert Higgs

The Chronology of the Illuminoids by Neil Wilgus

Non Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen (Required reading!)

Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil by Michael Ruppert (Required reading!)

The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America by Jim Marrs

Key to the Future (Soft Cover Book) by Duane S. Crowther

Corporate Crime in the Pharmaceutical Industry by John Braithwoite (Required reading!)

The Revolution: A Manifesto by Ron Paul

Witness by Whittaker Chambers (Required reading!)

The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions And Distortions by David Ray Griffin

Spiritual Survival In The Last Days by Blaine and Brenton Yorgason

Resurgence of the Warfare State by Robert Higgs

The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot by Naomi Wulf

Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids by Jim Marrs

The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve by G. Edward Griffin (Required reading!)

The Terror Timeline: Year by Year, Day by Day, Minute by Minute: A Comprehensive Chronicle of the Road to 9/11--and America's Response by Paul Thompson

The world and the prophets by Hugh Nibley

Prophetic destiny : The saints in the Rocky Mountains by Paul Thomas Smith

The Insiders: Architects of the New World Order by John F. McManus

The Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman

Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning by Holly sklar

The Illuminoids: Secret Societies and Political Paranoia by Neal Wilgus

The Secret History of the American Empire, by John Perkins

Against Leviathan by Robert Higgs

Blowback and The Sorrows of the Empire, by Chalmers Johnson

Best Evidence by David Lifton

Descent into Slavery by Des Griffin (Required reading!)

The Dark Side of the Moon, by W.W. Norton

JFK and the Unspeakable, by James Douglass

Secret Agenda, by Linda Hunt

The CIA Covenant: Nazis in Washington, by Gregory Douglas

Who Will Tell The People, by William Greider

Murder of an American Nazi, by Tim Fleming

Powderburns by Celerino Castillo III & Dave Harmon - Head of DEA in El Salvador discovered that the Contras were smuggling cocaine into the United States. Castillo's superiors reacted to his reports by burying them. This book is too controversial for an American publisher to print. (Required reading!)

Out of Control by Cockburn, Leslie - Early account of the of the Reagan Administration's secret war in Nicaragua, the illegal arms pipeline and the Contra drug connection.

The Reagan, Clinton, and Bush Years in the White House by Gary Anton

The Immaculate Deception: Bush Crime Family Exposed by Russell S. Bowen

Sleepwalking Through History by Haynes Johnson - History of the Reagan years traces the relationships of William Casey, Manuel Noriega and the Medellin cocaine cartel.

The Iron Triangle: Inside the Secret World of the Carlyle Group by Dan Briody

The Big White Lie by Michael Levine - DEA undercover investigator learns that the biggest deterrent to stopping the drug epidemic is the Central Intelligence Agency. (Required reading!)

Deep Cover by Michael Levine - DEA undercover operative penetrates the leadership of the Bolivian cocaine cartel, Panamanian money-launderers and Mexican military middle-men. But it is all for nought, as interference from the CIA and Attorney General Meese, along with DEA infighting, sabotage the investigation. (Required reading!)

The Politics of Heroin by Alfred McCoy - Excellent history about CIA complicity in the global drug trade, from the French Connection, to Southeast Asia and onward into the Afghanistan and Latin America. (Required reading!)

Fooling America by Robert Parry - Several sections discuss Contra cocaine smuggling in this book which describes how Washington insiders twist the truth and manufacture the Conventional Wisdom.

Casey by Joseph E. Persico - Biography on former CIA director William Casey briefly explores the relationships between the CIA and drug traffickers, as well as the protection of narco-CIA assets.

Compromised by Terry Reed & John Cummings - The definitive book on Mena, Reed's first person account of his CIA service on behalf of the Contras opens eyes as to the relationships between the CIA, drug trafficking and recent occupants of the White House. A second edition is in bookstores, however not from bankrupt S.P.I. Books. Get the 1995 paperback.(Required reading!)

Disposable Patriot: Revelations of a Soldier in America's Secret Wars by Jack Terrell & Ron Martz - An American soldier goes to fight the Sandinistas in Nicaragua. But he discovers that the most dangerous war is the political infighting of Washington as politicians and covert operatives fight to save their political skins ans stay out of jail.

Kings of Cocaine by Guy Gugliotta & Jeff Leen - Miami drug investigation runs into powerful smugglers.

Partners in Power by Roger Morris - Traces rise of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Sections on Bill's recruitment by the CIA and his involvement in Mena.

Boy Clinton by R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr. - Traces rise of Bill Clinton.

The Plot Against the Peace by Sayers and Kahn

JFK by L. Fletcher Prouty

The Strange Death of Vincent Foster by Christopher Ruddy

The War - A Concise History 1939-1945 by Louis L. Snyder

Project Paperclip by Clarence G. Lasby

Fearful Master: A Second Look at the United Nations by G. Edward Griffin (Required reading!)

House of Bush, House of Saud: The Secret Relationship Between the World's Two Most Powerful Dynasties by Craig Unger

The Germans - Double History of a Nation by Emil Ludwig

Notes from the Underground: The Whittaker Chambers/Ralph de Toledano Letters, 1949-1960 by Whittaker Chambers

Brown Book - War and Nazi Criminals in West Germany by Albert Nordon

Secret Armies by John L. Spivak

Treason's Peace by Howard Ambruster

In God's Name by David Yallup

The De-industrialization of America by Bluestone & Harrison

The Kennedy Conspiracy by Paris Flammonde (Required reading!)

The Rape of Ma Bell by Kraus and Constantine

Critical Path by R. Buckminster Fuller

In Banks We Trust by Penny Lernoux

The New Germans and the Old Nazis by T. H. Tetens

Yakuza by Kaplan and Dubro

Minister of Death - The Adolf Eichmann Story by Reynolds, Katz, and Aldouby

The Last Circle by Carol Marshall

The Bluegrass Conspiracy by Sally Denton

The Re-emergence of Fascism by Dennis Eisenberg

The Spear of Destiny by Trevor Ravenscroft

The Murder of Christ by Wilhelm Reich

Sabotage! by Sayers and Khan

The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives by Zbigniew Brzezinski

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins

Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army by Jeremy Scahill

The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy by David Icke

The Case Against the Fed by Murray N. Rothbard

Who's Who of the Elite : Members of the Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations, & Trilateral Commission by Robert Gaylon, Sr. Ross

Terrorstorm - A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism by Alex Jones

Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country by William Greider

The Unseen Hand by A. Ralph Epperson

The 5000 Year Leap: A Miracle That Changed the World by W. Cleon Skousen (Required reading!)

Foundations, Their Power and Influence by Rene Wormser

The Canaris Conspiracy by Roger Manvell & Heinrich Fraenkel

For the President's Eyes Only by Christopher Andrew

In Retrospect: The Tragedy and Lessons of Vietnam by Robert Strange McNamara - A superficial and selective mea culpa. The former Secretary of Defense claims our governing elite had little understanding of the Vietnamese and the war — and from the perspective of 25 years — explains all that they did (do) not know. McNamara decries the Vietnamese lack of resolve to fight, he still does not realize that they won, repelling the world's strongest military force. McNamara was the best and brightest of the "best and brightest," but his book does not cite a single communist source. The shallowness of his analysis exposes the intellectual prostitution demanded of America's academic elite. Sam Adams, a CIA analyst, who fought the CIA at every step, said the Agency in undercounting the VC, refused to use what should have been its primary source — captured enemy documents. In my own experience I discovered that the CIA buried any information that did not support its pro-war policies. Asian communist leaders set forth in their writings the plans and programs of their revolutions but I doubt if any Agency operative, or any member of the best and brightest, ever read or, if so, understood those writings. The CIA recruited paid agents to tell the CIA what it wanted to hear, ignoring the mass of overt information that so disproved our rationales for the war. This practice epitomizes Agency operations from the beginning to the present.

THE BEARTRAP: AFGHANISTAN'S UNTOLD STORY by Mohammad Yousaf & Adkin, M. - The book outlines CIA's support operation for the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan via Pakistan's Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI), Pakistan's CIA. ISI funneled 70 per cent of all material aid — money, uniforms, weapons, including stinger missiles and demolitions — to radical Islamic fundamentalists. Now radical Islamic fundamentalism is one of our major problems.

SAFE HOUSE: THE COMPELLING MEMOIRS OF THE ONLY CIA SPY TO SEEK ASYLUM IN RUSSIA by E.L. Howard - Howard says he had no contact with the Soviets until FBI harassment operations forced him to flee the United States and seek sanctuary in the USSR.

SELL OUT: ALDRICH AMES AND THE CORRUPTION OF THE CIA by James Adams - The story of Ames' betrayal. To protect Ames the KGB ran deception operations that kept the FBI chasing false leads for years. The book foreshadows a series of other such books on Ames.






Sell Out: Aldrich Ames and the Corruption of the CIA by James Adams

War of Numbers: An Intelligence Memoir by Samuel Adams

Diana, The Queen of Hearts & The CIA, Prince of Darkness by B.C. Adamson

Inside the Company by Philip Agee

On the Run by Philip Agee

La Pença: On Trial in Costa Rica by Tony & Honey Avirgan

La Pença: Report of an Investigation by Toney & Honey Avirgan

The Control of Candy Jones by Donald Bain

The Counterinsurgency Era by D.S. Blaufarb

Killing Hope: U.S Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II by William Blum

The CIA: A Forgotten History by William Blum

Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower by William Blum

The CIA File by R.L. & J. Marks Borosage

Mafia, CIA and George Bush by Pete Brewton

American Dreamers — The Wallaces and Reader's Digest: An Insider's Story by Peter Canning

The Crisis in Drug Prohibition by The CATO Institute

Deterring Democracy by Noam Chomsky

The Culture of Terrorism by Noam Chomsky

What Uncle Sam Really Wants by Noam Chomsky

The CIA: Reality vs. Myth by Ray Cline

Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs and the Press by Alexander Cockburn & Jeffrey St. Clair

Out of Control by Leslie Cockburn

Honorable Men: My Life in the CIA by William E. Colby

Lost Victory by W. Colby

In The Sleep Room by Anne Collins

The IndoChina Story: A Fully Documented Account by the Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars

CIA Mind Control Operations in America by Alex Constantine

Blond Ghost: Ted Shackley and the CIA's Crusades by D. Corn

History of the Counterintelligence Staff 1954-1974 (unpublished CIA study, 1981) by Cleveland C. Cram

Our Man in Panama by John Dinges

Secret Warriors: Inside the Covert Military Operations of the Reagan Era by Steven Emerson

Deception: The Invisible War between the KGB and the CIA by Edward J. Epstein

Uncloaking the CIA by H. Frazier

Spyworld: Inside the American and Canadian Intelligence Establishments by Mike Frost & Michael Gratton

War at Home by Brian Glick

New Terrorism: How U.S Collusion with Drug Dealers and Terrorist Brought Down Pan Am 103 and Brought Terror to America by Donald Goddard & Lester Coleman

Gentleman Spy: The Life of Allen Dulles by Peter Gross

The Book of Honor: The Secret Lives and Deaths of CIA Operatives by Ted Gup

In Contempt of Congress by Joy & Siegel Hackel

Theirs was the Kingdom: Lila and Dewitt Wallace and the Story of the Reader's Digest by John Heidenry

The Real Terror Network: Terrorism in Fact and Propaganda by Edward S. Herman

Deadly Secrets: The CIA & Mafia War against Castro and the Assassination of JFK by Warren Hinckle & Willam Turner

Safe House: The Compelling Memoirs of the Only CIA Spy to Seek Asylum in Russia by E.L. Howard

Allan Welsh Dulles as Director of Central Intelligence 26 February 1953 - 29 November 1961, Volume III, Covert Activities by Wayne G. Jackson

A Season of Inquiry: The Senate Intelligence Investigation by Loch Johnson

Modern Times by Paul Johnson

History of the Central Intelligence Agency, Book IV of the Final Report of the Church Committee by Anne Karalekas

In Our Image: America's Empire in the Philippines by Stanley Karnow

The Great Heroin Coup by Henrik Kruger

The Crimes of Patriots: A True Tale of Dope, Dirty Money and the CIA by Jonathan Kwitny

Acid Dreams: The CIA, LSD and the Sixties Rebellion by Martin A. Lee & Bruce Shlain

The Boys on the Tracks by Mara Leveritt

Holy War, Unholy Victory: Eyewitness to the CIA's Secret War in Afghanistan by Kurt Lohbeck

Cold Warrior: James Jesus Angleton, the CIA's Master Spy Hunter by Tom Mangold

War in the Shadows: the Vietnam Experience by R. Manning

The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence by Victor Marchetti & John D. Marks

The Search for the Manchurian Candidate by John Marks

The Iran-Contra Connection by Scott Marshall

Wilderness of Mirrors by David Martin

Terrorism & The Illuminati by David Livingstone (Required reading!)

The Clinton Chronicles, 3rd ed. by Patrick Matrisciana

The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia by Alfred W. McCoy

Backfire: The CIA's Secret War in Laos and its Link to the War in Vietnam by Alfred W. McCoy

A Question of Torture by Alfred W. McCoy

The Politics of Heroin, CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade by Alfred W. McCoy

Deadly Deceits by Ralph McGehee

Facing Reality: From World Federalism to the CIA by Cord Meyer

Spying for America by N. Miller

The Underground Empire — Where Crime and Governments Embrace by James Mills

Spies and Provacateurs: A Worldwide Encyclopedia of Persons Conducting Espionage and Covert Action by W. Minnick

Brought to Light by Alan Moore & Bill Sienkiewicz

TRANCE Formation of America Through Mind Control by Cathy O'Brien & Mark Phillips

Honorable Treachery: A History of U.S. Intelligence, Espionage and Covert Action from the American Revolution to the CIA by G.J.A. O'Toole

The Final Judgment by M.C. Piper

The Man Who Kept the Secret by T. Powers

Presidents' Secret Wars by J. Prados

The Secret Team by L. Fletcher Prouty

The Agency: The Rise and Decline of the CIA by John Ranelagh

Trafficking: The Boom and Bust of the Air America Cocaine Ring by Berkeley Rice

The U.S. Intelligence Community by Jeffrey Richelson

Air America by Christopher Robbins

Crime and Cover-up; The CIA, the Mafia, and the Dallas-Watergate Connection by Peter Dale Scott

Drugs, Oil and War by Peter Dale Scott

Cocaine Politics — Drugs, Armies and the CIA in Central America by Peter Dale Scott & Jonathan Marshall

Gold Warriors: America's Secret Recovery of Yamashita's Gold by Peggy & Sterling Seagrave

Global Tyranny Step By Step by William F Jasper (Required reading!)

Desperados — Latin Drug Lords, U.S. Lawmen and the War America Can't Win by Elaine Shannon

A Bright Shining Lie by N. Sheehan

Silent Warfare — Understanding the World of Intelligence by Abram N. Shulsky

The Twisted Cross by Joseph Carr(Required reading!)

A Murder in Wartime by J. Stein

Defrauding America: Dirty Secrets of the CIA and other Government Operations by Rodney Stich

Disavow: A CIA Saga of Betrayal by Rodney Stich & T. Conan Russell

The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush by Webster Tarpley & Anton Chaiken (Required reading!)

Journey into Madness: Medical Torture and the Mind Controllers by Gordon Thomas

Oyster: The Story of the Australian Secret Intelligence Service by B. Toohey & W. Pinwill

Donovan and the CIA: A History of the Establishment of the Central Intelligence Agency by Thomas F. Troy

Secrecy and Democracy: The CIA in Transition by Stansfield Turner

The Phoenix Program by D. Valentine

Secret Intelligence by E. Volkman & B. Baggett

The CIA Under Harry Truman: CIA Cold War Records by Michael Warner

Father, Son and CIA by Harvey Weinstein

666 Illuminati by William Josiah Sutton

Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time by Carroll Quigley (Required reading!)

The Hidden Secrets Of The Rainbow by Constance E. Cumbey (Required reading!)

The Spy Who Got Away: The Inside Story of Edward Lee Howard by David Wise

Molehunt — The Secret Search for Traitors that Shattered the CIA by David Wise

The Beartrap: Afghanistan's Untold Story by Mohammad Yousaf & M. Adkin

Awakening to our Awful Situation by Jack Monnett (Required reading!)

International Terrorism and the CIA: Documents, Eyewitness Reports, Facts by Vitaly Syrokomsky

Journey Into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse by Gordon Thomas

Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror by Michael Scheuer

Radio Liberty: The Secret Government (4 One Hour Interviews) (Required listening!)

U.S. Congressional Committee Reports

* Title: Final Report [of the Church Committee]
* Committee: Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities
* Publication date: 1976
* Publisher: U.S. Govt. Printing Office

* Title: Project MKULTRA, The CIA's Program of Research in Behavioral Modification
* Committee: Joint Hearing Before the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources
* Publication date: 1977
* Publisher: U.S. Govt. Printing Office

* Title: Drugs, Law Enforcement and Foreign Policy
* Committee: Committee on Foreign Relations, Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics and International Operations
* Publication date: 1989
* Publisher: U.S. Govt. Printing Office

* Title: An Assessment of the the Aldrich Ames Espionage Case and its Implications for U.S. Intelligence
* Committee: Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
* Publication date: 1994-11-01
* Publisher:

* Title: Report of Investigation: The Aldrich Ames Case
* Committee: Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, U.S. House of Representatives
* Publication date: 1994-11-30
* Publisher:

I look forward to additional can get free copies of some of the listed titles below....

Also some are available on Google books as free PDF documents...or for purchase...

A couple other resources are, EBAY and Bonanzle which I recently used to pick up a copy of The Politician for $5 including shipping.