The methodology is known as the Cloward-Piven Strategy, and we can all be grateful to David Horowitz and his Discover the Networks for originally exposing and explaining it to us. He describes it as:
The strategy of forcing political change through orchestrated crisis. The "Cloward-Piven Strategy" seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.
Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven were two lifelong members of Democratic Socialists of America and taught sociology at Columbia University (Piven later went on to City University of New York). In a May, 1966 Nation magazine article titled "The Weight of the Poor," they outlined their strategy, proposing to use grassroots radical organizations to push ever more strident demands for public services at all levels of government.
The result, they predicted, would be "a profound financial and political crisis" that would unleash "powerful forces ... for major economic reform at the national level."
They implemented the Strategy by creating a succession of radical organizations but most notably the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), with the help of veteran organizer Wade Rathke. Their crowning achievement was the "Motor Voter" act, signed into law by Bill Clinton in 1993 with Cloward and Piven standing behind him.
As we now know, ACORN was one of the chief drivers of high-risk mortgage lending that eventually led to the financial crisis. But the Motor Voter law was another component of the strategy. It created vast vulnerabilities in our electoral system which ACORN then exploited. ACORN's vote registration scandals throughout the U.S. are predictable fallout.
The Motor Voter law has also been used to open another vulnerability in the system: the registration of vast numbers of illegal aliens, who then vote reliably Democrat. Herein lies the real reason Democrats are so anxious for open borders, security be damned.
It should be clear to anyone with a mind and two eyes that this president and this Congress do not have our interests at heart. They are implementing this strategy on an unprecedented scale by flooding America with a tidal wave of poisonous initiatives, orders, regulations and laws. As Rahm Emmanuel said, "A crisis is a terrible thing to waste."
The real goal of "healthcare" legislation, the real goal of "cap and trade," the real goal of "stimulus" is to rip the guts out of our private economy and transfer wide swaths of it over to government control. Do not be deluded by the propaganda. These initiatives are vehicles for change. They are not goals in and of themselves, except in their ability to deliver power, and will make matters much worse, for that is their design.
This time, in addition to overwhelming the government with demands for services, Obama and the Democrats are overwhelming political opposition to their plans with a flood of apocalyptic legislation. Their ultimate goal is to leave us so discouraged, demoralized and exhausted that we throw our hands up in defeat. As Barney Frank said "the middle class will be too distracted to fight."
These people are our enemies. They don't use guns, yet, but they are just as dangerous, determined and duplicitous as the communists we faced in the Cold War, Korea, Vietnam and bush wars across the globe, and the Nazis we faced in World War II.
It is time we fully internalized and digested this fact, with all its ugly ramifications. These people have violated countless laws, and could be prosecuted, had we the political power. Not only are their policies unconstitutional, but deliberately so - the goal being to make the Constitution irrelevant. Their spending is off the charts and will drive us into hyperinflation, but could be rescinded, had we the political power. These policies are toxic, but could be stopped and reversed, had we the political power. Their ideologies are poisonous, but could be exposed for what they are, with long jail sentences as an object lesson, had we the political power.
Every single citizen who cares about this country should be spending every minute of his/her spare time lobbying, organizing, writing and planning. Fight every initiative they launch. It is all destructive. If we are to root out this evil, it is critical that in 2010 we win competent, principled leaders willing to defend our constitution and our country. Otherwise the malevolent cabal that occupies the seat of government today will become too entrenched.
We have lived through a most interesting experience. From the very end of October until about a week ago, a large Central European nation, the Ukraine, was experiencing what could only be called a man-made biological warfare event in the western part of the Ukraine. At its height, 200,000 people were becoming ill a day! Final official figures indicate that over 1 1/2 million people became sick in a short time, and about 150,000 were hospitalized (over half of which are still in the hospital), but less than 400 died.
As I said at the time, there were really two stories. The first story was the outbreak of what was/is called "Ukrainian Plague". The second story was the fact that the mainstream news media totally ignored the story for the first couple of weeks; with British newspapers (and some American media) finally covering the story only in the last week or so.
We are still not really sure what was/is the cause of the illness. Some people are insisting that this was a 'recombined' or a mutated version of A/H1N1 Swine Flu with a key but small change (D225G receptor site) being responsible for the massive spike in cases and the rather horrific nature of some of the cases. In some fatal cases, the lungs turned to mush, were full of blood and coal black in color, and recorded an internal temperature of 130F to 135F. Many doctors called this Pneumonic Plague, others said it was some type of hemorrhagic fever, others called it hemorrhagic influenza, yet others said it was a type of hemorrhagic pneumonia. These were descriptions based on what the doctors were seeing in the very ill patients.
The World Health Organization (WHO) refused to release genetic sequences for almost two weeks and when it did, said that the disease was simply A/H1N1. WHO did not explain how the Swine Flu, which had been showing itself to be much less dangerous than normal seasonal flu, was suddenly causing such a massive spike in cases or how the mild disease could cause the hemorrhagic effect in lung tissue without a major mutation.
There are a couple of major aspects to the story that are 'most interesting'. In mid-August a dual national Israeli-American citizen, a Joseph Moshe who is an expert on biological warfare and reported to be a Mossad agent, called in to Dr. True Ott's national radio talk show and claimed that Baxter International was getting ready to release a 'Plague' from their Ukrainian facility. I am not sure, but this call might have taken place just after the show was over. In any case, he was arrested on his way to meet with an Assistant US Attorney to report his claims. The arrest was carried on television and it was reported that he was flown out of the US to Israel. Now it appears that he was charged with a minor offense and may be in a California state mental hospital.
The other 'most interesting' aspect to this story is the eyewitness accounts by hundreds, if not thousands, in the western Ukraine who saw light aircraft during the day of October 29 spraying something over Ukrainian cities. The government denied doing this and said that no one had permission to spray the cities. Within hours of this spraying, people began to get very ill. In fact the beginning of the spike of the illnesses from "Ukrainian Plague' is connected to the time of the spraying of the western Ukrainian cities with some unknown material.
If this is a 'recombination' or 'mutation' of Swine Flu, WHY HAS THE GROWTH IN THE NUMBER OF CASES DECLINED SO DRAMATICALLY? It is said that the changed virus (A/H1N1) has spread to Norway, and perhaps Poland and the eastern part of the Ukraine. If so, and the D225G change is the reason for the massive spike in sicknesses in the western Ukraine and the hemorrhagic lungs in the worst cases, why are we not seeing such large numbers of very sick people in Norway, Poland, eastern Ukraine, etc.?
Something rotten is going on here! But the true reason for what happened, and the people responsible are not publicly known at this time. Nor is any clear indication known as to what is apt to happen in the future with regards to "Ukrainian Plague".
A few hours after writing the above, a reader sent me this story: Polk County Coroner - H1N1 Deaths Understated ~ link ~ "In the autopsy, what we're seeing is very heavy, wet hemorrhagic lungs, lungs with a lot of blood in them," said Dr. Gregory Schmunk. He said the official count of seven H1N1 deaths is inaccurate, but patient rights laws prohibit him from giving specific numbers.
Autopsies - Wet Hemorrhagic lungs with a lot of blood in them - You think that is Ukraine? NO - It is Iowa in U.S.! ~ link ~ "I live just NW of Des Moines about 45 miles. There have been low flowing helicopters over my town for the past week. I got woke up about 3 am this morning by a low flying plane, I wasn't able to see what it was when I looked out." (Comment from a reader in this article.)
Further UPDATE:
Did we see a biotoxin 'lay-down' in the Ukraine [that killed and seriously injured almost 200,000] coupled with a Swine Flu A/H1N1 spraying [that caused a massive spike in Swine Flu illnesses that were not too bad in intensity/level of sickness, but amounted to about a million and a half people infected in a few days]?
Is this false flag pandemic being used to lock-down the population for a war on Iran? Iran being a known Advanced BioWar "superpower". Is this supposed to keep the West from being a target for an Iranian Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) Strategic Counter-Force attack based on bioterrorism, once Israel and/or the USA strikes at Iran? Of course, "they" are apt to use this to 'chip us'. Perhaps even planting a micro chip in us in the "vaccine" shot itself as some have recently suggested ~ link. IS THE VACCINE THE CHIPPING ....the actual surgical outpatient emplacement of a RFID micro chip in the so called "vaccine" this not the actual Biblical MARK OF THE BEAST? Or is something else going on here?
Professor Victor Bachinsky, PhD., is a coroner in the Chernivtsi region of Ukraine. He provides evidence which indicates that parainfluenza mixed with the H1N1 virus, not pneumonic plague, has caused so much illness in Ukraine. Yet more strains of influenza which have combined, a strong indication that we are dealing with a laboratory developed bio-weapon.
Do Not Wait - This is Real - You WILL need some Basics Items to Protect yourself as naturally as possible, these are items which will be sold out. In fact, I have been doing more searches on mask and am finding many sites now have "backordered" on the N95 mask.
1. Mask/Respirator - half mask (get goggles) or Full Face 2. Vitamin C 3. Vitamin D 4. Garlic 5. Cinnamon 6. Honey 7. Kombucha Tea (IMO)
1918 RBD D225G in Lung Cases in Ukraine and Norway Recombinomics Commentary 11:29 November 21, 2009 For the two 1918 HA variants, the South Carolina (SC) HA (with Asp190, Asp225) bound exclusively alpha2-6 receptors, while the New York (NY) variant, which differed only by one residue (Gly225), had mixed alpha2-6/alpha2-3 specificity, especially for sulfated oligosaccharides.
The above description is from a paper analyzing receptor binding domain differences in sequences from the 1918 pandemic. The New York variant had D225G, the same change found in lung tissues from fatal swine H1N1 sequences in Brazil, Ukraine, and Norway. The above result clearly demonstrated a change in receptor specificity for D225G, which was present in A/New York/1/1918 and A/London/1/1919, demonstrating the same change I 1918 that has been described in 2009. Although WHO stated that this change was "not significant" in the Ukraine samples, it was associated with the fatal cases and is cause for concern. The concern was increased by the announcement from Norway indicating the same change was found in fatal H1N1 lung infections there also.
Although there have been comments that this change was "spontaneous" and did not spread, the finding of the same change in all four deceased patients in Ukraine from two distinct locations, indicates it did spread, as did the finding of the same change in multiple cases in Brazil and Norway. Although the concept of "random mutation" has been used to explain away the sudden appearance of the same polymorphism on multiple backgrounds, the appearance via recombination is a much stronger argument for the same change to appear at multiple locations at the same time.
The spontaneous mutation theory, which is the foundation of WHO policy and statements on significance of changes relies heavily on a "selection" component, arguing that the same change keeps appearing on different backgrounds because of string selection pressure. However, this same phenomenon was described for a silent mutation on H5N1, which offers no clear selection pressure. Similarly, a silent change was also found in seasonal H1N1 in sequences that had acquired the Tamiflu resistance marker, H274Y. Thus, these silent (synonymous) changes string argue against a coincidental spontaneous mutation, and instead argue that this acquisition is concurrently acquired because of a widespread common donor.
The concept of acquisition via recombination has serious implications for the current pandemic. It was used to predict the D225G change, in part because the change was "in play" and appearing in July/August sequences at increasing frequency, even though the H1N1 sequences represented different genetic backgrounds. Similarly the clusters of Tamiflu resistance in Wales and North Carolina are also driven by recombination, as happened when the identical change was acquired in H1N1 seasonal flu in patients who were not taking Tamiflu (oseltamivir).
Thus, the concept of recombination predicts that the D225G receptor binding domain change, and the H274Y Tamiflu resistance change, which continue to spread via recombination
Ukraine Dead Increase to 354 - Fatal H1N1 Cases Have D225G Recombinomics Commentary 14:05 November 20, 2009 1,540,514 Influenza/ARI
88,744 Hospitalized
354 Dead
The above numbers represent the latest figures from the Ukraine Ministry of Health. The increase in deaths is 10, which is lower than recent increases and more Oblasts have fallen below the epidemic threshold, but Live still leads in daily increases in cases (from 114,211 to 118,256) suggesting the outbreak has moved east (see map). Similarly, Kiev recorded the largest increase in fatalities (14 to 18).
Recently, Mill Hill in London released sequences from 10 patients in Ukraine and most were in the areas hit hard at the beginning of the outbreak, Ternopil and Lviv. Four of the ten were sequences from deceased patients and all four had D225G, which was not present in the six HA sequences from patients who survived.
This correlation between the receptor binding domain change, D225G and fatal cases is cause for concern, and recent reports describe large increases in cases and fatalities in Poland, raising concerns that this change has significantly spread to the west of western Ukraine also.
Prime Minister Tymoshenko stated, “We cannot relax even for a moment because the World Health Organization (WHO) predicts two more waves of flu, including the bird flu, are expected in Ukraine. There is no alternative to vaccination. The entire world is going this way…” A day earlier she admitted she was not vaccinated and that she prefers “like all other people” plans to rely on garlic, onion and lemon as a way of preventing the flu. Commenting on what’s going on in Eastern Europe F. William Engdahl says, “The degree of fraud, deceit, official cover-up and outright criminal endangerment of the broad population by the current Swine Flu hysteria is seemingly without precedent.”
Ukraine Dead Increase to 315 - Still No Sequences Recombinomics Commentary 19:17 November 16, 2009 1,400,999 Influenza/ARI
78,326 Hospitalized
315 Dead
The above totals are from today's report from the Ukraine Ministry of Health. The increase of 16 fatalities was largely in areas with newer infections and now only 1 of the 27 regions, Luhansk, has not reported a death (see map). The largest jump in cases was in Kiev, with an increase of 4,964 cases to 104,154. The climb in patients who have been hospitalized to 78,326 suggests patients are being hospitalized and treated, but the number of deaths continue to increase at a rate of 16-26 per day.
The steady increase in the number of fatalities continues to cause concerns of small genetic changes. WHO has not directly answered questions at news conferences, and the role of single nucleotide chnages changes in the high number of hemorrhagic fatalities remains unclear.
Poland is now also reporting fatalities, although not at the level of Ukraine. However, there have been a significant number of fatalities in Belarus, raising concerns of spread.
Ukraine Dead Increase to 239 - Still No Sequences Recombinomics Commentary 20:26 November 12, 2009 1,253,558 Influenza/ARI
65.615 Hospitalizations
239 Deaths
The above numbers are from the latest update from the Ukraine Ministry of Health. The number of deaths increased 26 to 239, so 50 new deaths have been reported in the past 2 days. Although the virus continues to spread (only 5 of the 27 reporting areas have not topped the epidemic threshold) many of the deaths are still being reported from the hard hit areas in western Ukraine(see map). However, the biggest jump in cases was 6.096 in Kiev to 89,339.
The steady increase in the high level of deaths continues to raise concerns about genetic changes in the H1N1. In this morning's press conference the WHO discussed the need for prompt treatment with Tamiflu, but did not address genetic changes in Ukraine. Only general statements on the stability of the H1N1 were made in response to questions on genetic changes in Ukraine. Today's conference is a week after the last comments on the Ukraine H1N1 sequences which indicated that there were no large changes, but an update would be forthcoming in a "few days". It has now been over a week and no updates on genetic changes have been forthcoming.
The release of the sequences from Ukraine is long overdue.
A cocktail of three flu viruses are reported to have mutated into a single pneumonic plague, which it is believed may be far more dangerous than swine flu. The death toll has reached 189 and more than 1 million people have been infected, most of them in the nine regions of Western Ukraine.
President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko has called in the World Health Organisation and a team of nine specialists are carrying out tests in Kiev and Lviv to identify the virus. Samples have been sent to London for analysis.
President Yushchenko said: “People are dying. The epidemic is killing doctors. This is absolutely inconceivable in the 21st Century.”
In a TV interview, the President added: “Unlike similar epidemics in other countries, three causes of serious viral infections came together simultaneously in Ukraine – two seasonal flus and the Californian flu
“Virologists conclude that this combination of infections may produce an even more aggressive new virus as a result of mutation.”
Evidence appears to suggest that Baxter International is responsible for a new deadly outbreak of viral pneumonia in Ukraine.
In February of 2009 Bloomberg reported that Baxter “accidentally” send vaccine material containing both live Avian bird flu and seasonal influenza to multiple laboratories worldwide. A laboratory decided to test the vaccine on it’s ferrets, but the ferrets all unexpectedly died. It must be noted that Baxter has made a “mistake” like this before. Blood products produced by Baxter once containd HIV. Thousands of haemophiliacs died due to this, and many went on to infect their spouses.
Later in the year, a bizarre story emerged on the internet. The Huffington Post reported on a a man named Joseph Moshe who was arrested after a hours long standoff with the police because he had supposedly made threats against the White House. The man was able to withstand multiple rounds of tear gas.
However, the internet community was very skeptical of the true reasons behidn this man’s arrest. Comments on the Huffington Post website immediately began pouring in about an unreported side to this story, namely that Joseph Moshe was a Mossad Agent specialized in biological warfare who called into a radio show to warn people about a biological weapn that was being made by Baxter international that would be spread through vaccine and would cause a plague upon it’s release.
Although anyone can make a doomsday claim and we should never believe anyone (and it must be said that the Truth movement handled this well, the message was spread without being proclaimed as gospel) the amazing part about Moshe’s claim was the location where Moshe said the biological weapon was being produced.
Moshe claimed that Baxter’s laboratory in the Ukraine out of all places was creating this biological weapon. All of this came out in the beginning of August, which is more than 2 months before the situation that is currently unfolding. For Moshe to correctly name the country where a new epidemic would be unleashed, requires either inside information, or an incredible coincidence as anyone with a basic knowledge of statistics can confirm for himself.
Let us assume for a moment that every person on our planet has an equal chance of giving rise to a new lethal epidemic due to a virus that mutates as it spreads through his body. The Ukraine has 46 million inhabitants. The current estimated global population is about 6.7 billion. This means that if a new epidemic were to arise, the chance of this epidemic starting in the Ukraine would be 0.69%. However, it appears that this virus is a form of flu. This makes the odds of being right when guessing that a deadly flu is going to break out in the Ukraine even smaller. The reason for this is that back in early August the vast majority of influenza infections were found in different countries than the Ukraine. In fact, on 30 Oktober, Earthtimes reported that Ukraine had officially reported only two cases of swine flu, and no deaths, until last Friday. This deadly epidemic appears to have arrived out of nowhere in the Ukraine.
Moshe’s biomed profile appears to confirm his position as a microbiologist. Furthermore, this page with Baxter’s contact information for it’s Ukraine office confirms that Baxter has a presence in the Ukraine.
It must also be noted that massive numbers of microbiologists have been dying bizarre deaths. This case of what appears to be a brave man who sacrificed it all to bring us this message may explain why so many microbiologists have been murdered. The fact that this man managed to predict an outbreak of highly lethal influenza in a place where we would least expect it, 2 months before it a actually occured, lends credence to his claim that Baxter International is responsible for the outbreak and shows that top microbiologists can pose a problem to the people responsible for this ongoing disaster.
Big difference between the treatment of this guy (and news coverage) -
OTTAWA (AFP) — A Canadian scientist has been arrested for smuggling 22 vials stolen from Canada's National Microbiology Lab, used in Ebola and HIV research, into the United States, Canadian and US officials said Wednesday.
Konan Michel Yao, 42, "was taken into custody" while crossing the border from Manitoba province into the western US state of North Dakota on May 5, said a spokeswoman for the Public Health Agency of Canada, which operates the lab.
According to US prosecutor Lynn Jordheim, Yao was detained for carrying unidentified biological materials in vials wrapped in aluminium foil inside a glove and packaged in a plastic bag, along with electrical wires, in the trunk of his car.
Yao said in an affidavit he stole the vials, described as research vectors, from the Winnipeg lab on his last day of work there on January 21.
He told US border guards he was taking them to his new job with the National Institutes of Health at the Biodefense Research Laboratory in Bethesda, Maryland.
US authorities feared their contents could pose a terrorist threat. But tests later showed "they are not hazardous," said Jordheim.
"This turned out not to be a terrorism-related case," he said by telephone from North Dakota. "It appears to be exactly as he (Yao) said. However, he still faces possible charges for smuggling the vials into the United States."
Yao, meanwhile, remains in US custody after waiving his right to bail and preliminary hearings, as he awaits a possible grand jury indictment for smuggling, he said.
A Public Health Agency of Canada spokeswoman told AFP Yao "was working on vaccines for the Ebola virus and HIV, among other things."
"But he only had access to harmless and non-infectious materials, similar to what you'd find in a hospital or university lab. He did not have access to dangerous materials."
The Ivory Coast-born scientist is said to have studied at Laval University in Quebec and briefly worked at the University of Manitoba's plant sciences department.
So if you are trying to warn people you get taken down hard....and if you are just transporting....well not a big deal....
Today, the MSM are not talking about this case any more. Yesterday, they wanted us to believe that Joseph Moshe was a nutcase and a terrorist, arrested for threatening to bomb the White House. Interesting detail about his arrest (the “Westwood standoff”) was that he seemed to be immune to the 5 cans of tear gas and 5 gallons of law-enforcement grade pepper spray they pumped into his face. He very calmly remained in his car, as the video footage of his arrest shows.
Professor Moshe had called into a live radio show by Dr. A. True Ott, (explanation of Joseph Moshe’s call at 06:00) broadcast on Republic Broadcasting claiming to be a microbiologist who wanted to supply evidence to a States Attorney regarding tainted H1N1 Swine flu vaccines being produced by Baxter BioPharma Solutions. He said that Baxter’s Ukrainian lab was in fact producing a bioweapon disguised as a vaccine. He claimed that the vaccine contained an adjuvant (additive) designed to weaken the immune system, and replicated RNA from the virus responsible for the 1918 pandemic Spanish flu, causing global sickness and mass death.
Sources tell us that Bar-Joseph Moshe made no threat against the President or the White House. He did not mention any bomb or attack. He then proceeded to inform the White House he intended to go public with this information. When he noticed men in suits in front of his house and feared that the FBI was about to detain him, he packed some belongings into his car and, him being a dual Israeli citizen, tried to reach the Israeli consulate located in close proximity to the federal building where the standoff took place. The FBI and the bomb squad prevented him from reaching it. Who is this man? His profile on says he is a plant disease expert with many publications on his name involving the genetic manipulation of virii. Photographic evidence that Moshe is who he says he is can be found here.
Joseph Moshe was soon after his arrest sent or let go to Israel. Nothing has been heard from him since. The Secret Service was not the agency involved in the surveillance of Moshe at his home in California. This was done by the FBI, who had orders to detain or arrest him. Mounted on top of a large black vehicle used in his arrest was a microwave weapon that possibly damaged the electronics in Moshe’s car as well as any communication devices he had which might have been used to contact the media or others who could help him.
Moshe did not suffer the same effects of the gas and pepper spray that others would have because he had built up an immunity to such weapons as a by-product of his Mossad training. Moshe was not handcuffed because he was not placed under arrest.
Does this sound like an insane conspiracy theory? Sure it does. Due to the scarcity and anonimity of the sources we would dismiss it as exactly that, if it weren’t for some uncomfortable facts: Baxter Pharmaceutical has been caught, red-handed, in spreading a live, genetically engineered H5N1 Bird flu vaccine as a lethal biological weapon all over the world, destined to be used for human vaccinations. This happened just a few months ago. And only luck prevented a global catastrophe of epic proportions.
Baxter International Inc. had mixed live, genetically engineered avian flue viruses in vaccine material shipped to 18 countries. Only by sheer luck, a Czech laboratory decided to test the vaccine on a dozen ferrets, which all died in days. The World Health Organization was notified and catastrophe was averted. This was clearly a deliberate act on Baxter’s part, because they adhere to BS3, bio-safety level three. Baxter admitted a “mistake”. Such monumental screwups are totally impossible at that level. Many safety systems would have needed to be sabotaged, many key personell would have needed to be bribed. It simply can’t be done without direction from the inside. They did not send out the wrong vial – they produced dozens of gallons of biological-weapon agent (genetically engineered live H5N1 / Bird flu virus), then sent it out as a “vaccine”.
Baxter knew full well that their vaccine was lethal, because the year before they had tested it on a few hundred homeless Polish people – dozens died as a result.
Where’s the meat? Well – Baxter is now being sued for the deliberate, repeated contamination of vaccines with biological weapons designed – by them – to mass-murder people. Here is the complaint (PDF). By some kook nutcase? Not likely – Jane Burgermeister is an experienced, respected journalist. She is not the only one suing Baxter for planning and executing a plan for global genocide: Others are filing complaints as well. Read a well-researched complaint here (PDF).
Qui bono? We think it may be profit-motivated or even sheer incompetence, but for the conspiracy-minded: The latter complaint alludes to intentional “culling of the herd”. Have you heard of the Georgia Guidestones? An enormous monument loaded with Masonic symbolism costing millions of dollars, it has been erected by unknown, powerful elites (multimillionaires with the clout to erect monuments wherever they please, obviously) around 30 years ago. It gives an “alternative ten commandments”, of which the first is the extermination of six and a half billion people from the face of the Earth. Half a billion will remain. This is the number of people the planet can sustain indefinitely, so that the descendents of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers can live in peace and affluence indefinitely. Slaves are needed to produce that luxury, but 500 million will do just fine. But how does one go about killing off most of the world?
“Vaccinating” the planet with a bioweapon with near-100% mortality would do the trick. Baxter would provide both the bioweapon as well as the vaccine against it to “civilized” Western peoples. Result: We can plunder Africa, we have no more competition from SE Asia, the oil is for our taking and only Western and perhaps Chinese sheeple remain.
Rockefeller said this in 1994 at a U.N. dinner: “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order.” PNAC said something similar right before 9/11.
"Disturbing reports are beginning to surface in western Europe. In Austria, special army units based in Korneuburg (where Baxter's facilities are located), have been conducting pandemic emergency exercises and quarantining patients in hospitals. Are they expecting something to happen?"
WHO "Whole-of-Society Pandemic Readiness Guidelines for Pandemic Preparedness and Response in the Non-Health Sectors"
Prepared in April 2009, the same month Swine Flu was reported in Mexico, it was revised in July and now easily accessed coincidently with the Ukraine outbreak. Its aim is:
"to prepare the whole of society, beyond the health sector, for pandemic influenza....including public and private sector organizations and essential services."
The says it "outlines how WHO will take over a country's essential services, including water and sanitation; fuel and energy; food; health care; telecommunications; finance; law and order; education; and transportation under the pretext of a pandemic emergency."
The "guidelines" state:
"National inter-ministerial pandemic preparedness committees should map out the central government's roles, responsibilities, and chain of command and designate lead agencies," answerable to the WHO that's perhaps enforceable during a "health emergency." It may work like this.
Vaccine law attorney, Alan G. Phillips says:
"....underlying laws.... allow states to mandate vaccines in an emergency....throw out exemptions, (and) impose quarantines and isolation outside of our homes."
US laws are similar. They can mandate vaccinations and let states isolate and quarantine influenza victims if authorities call the disease infectious and life-threatening. Under the 2006 Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, the HHS Secretary may declare any disease an epidemic or national emergency requiring mandatory vaccinations, quarantine, or other protective measures. It's a short step to empowering WHO with authority over most nations in short order.
Its "guidelines" also want Defense Ministries to designate military assets to enforce vaccinations and quarantines under pandemic conditions. They also say:
"Ministries of Justice should consider what legal processes could be suspended during the pandemic and make alternate plans to operate courts" while it continues.
According to
"leaked (French) documents show that the Minister of Justice has ordered the suspension of the most basic rights, and people can be incarcerated for up to six months without having to appear before a judge in a pandemic emergency."
Might America and other nations order similar measures under a "pandemic emergency," real or bogus.
Internal 2006 IBM Document Reveals Advance Knowledge of a Planned Pandemic
Titled, "Services & Global Procurement pan IOT Europe, Pandemic Plan Overview," it was distributed to upper-level management in France. It predicted a "100% chance (of a) planned (pandemic) occurring within the next 5 years," covering quarantines and operational procedures to be taken after an official WTO announcement. This document suggests what many believe - that governments and the drug cartel, in collusion with the WTO, orchestrated the current crisis, choosing Ukraine as the lead target. The situation there deserves close monitoring because of what may happen globally.
Advance Pandemic Warning and Early Preparations
Replikins, Ltd. is a small Boston-based biotech firm that "develops and markets....predictive products and vaccines....based upon the company's discovery of Replikins, a new group of peptides related to the rapid replication function in viral and other diseases (capable of) predicting the emergence of virulent strains of particular diseases."
On April 7, 2008, a year before the reported Mexican H1N1 outbreak, it published a "FluForecast" stating the following:
"Replikins, Ltd. has found that the Replikin Count of the H1N1 strain of influenza virus has recently increased to 7.6 (plus/minus 1.4), its highest level since the 1918 H1N1 pandemic....A rising Replikin Count of a particular influenza strain, indicating the rapid replication of the virus, is an early warning which has been followed consistently by an outbreak of a specific strain. The current increase appears to be specific to H1N1; there was a concurrent 80% decline in the Replikin Count of (seasonal) H3N2, for instance."
"The current H1N1 appears to be rapidly replicating simultaneously in the US and Austria....However, the same virus replikin structures detected by FluForecast software in all three previous pandemics, namely 1918 H1N1, 1957 H2N2, and 1968 H3N2, as well as in H5N1 (Avian Flu), have not yet been detected in the currently evolving H1N1."
In an October 24, 2007 press release, the US Treasury Department discussed the "preliminary results of the industry-wide pandemic flu exercise....More than 2,700 organizations registered to participate anonymously (which) began in September and ran for three weeks." Involved were banks, insurance companies, securities firms and exchanges, and state and federal regulators.
"The exercise simulated a pandemic wave with a peak absenteeism rate of 49 percent....President Bush directed Treasury in May 2006 to coordinate with the banking and finance sector to better prepare its response to a pandemic crisis."
On December 12, 2007, FEMA Region I (for New England) hosted a joint federal-state exercise "to strengthen contingency plans for an influenza pandemic. Operation PANEX 07 is the first functional exercise of its type in this country designed to determine best practices for a coordinated multi-agency response to an outbreak."
Participating agencies included the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Health and Human Services (HHS), and Defense (DOD) "in partnership with their counterparts in the six New England states."
On July 28, 2009, CNN reported that the Pentagon will "establish regional teams of military personnel to assist civilian authorities in the event of a significant outbreak of the H1N1 virus this fall, according to Defense Department officials....The plan calls for military task forces to work in conjunction with (FEMA)."
Consider the implications. On October 23, Obama declared a H1N1 national emergency. The Pentagon will be in charge if conditions warrant it. Civil liberties may be suspended. Martial law may be declared. Mandatory toxic, dangerous vaccinations may be ordered, known to cause auto immune diseases ranging from annoying to debilitating to life-theatening. The situation in Ukraine bears watching. It may signal what's soon heading everywhere.
Stephen Lendman is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization. He lives in Chicago and can be reached at
Evidence appears to suggest that Baxter International may be responsible for a new deadly outbreak of viral pneumonia in Ukraine.
( In February of 2009, Bloomberg reported that Baxter “accidentally” sent vaccine material containing both live Avian bird flu and seasonal influenza to multiple laboratories worldwide. A laboratory decided to test the vaccine on its ferrets and the ferrets all unexpectedly died.
It must be noted that Baxter has made a “mistake” like this before. ( Blood products produced by Baxter once containd HIV. Thousands of haemophiliacs died due to this, and many went on to infect their spouses.
Later in the year, a bizarre story emerged on the internet. The news was full of reports on ( a man named Joseph Moshe who was arrested after a hours long standoff with the police because he had supposedly made threats against the White House. The man was able to withstand multiple rounds of tear gas…which left L.A. police officers amazed.
However, the internet community was very skeptical of the true reasons behind the man’s arrest. Comments on the Huffington Post website immediately began pouring in about an unreported side to this story, namely that Joseph Moshe was a Mossad Agent who specialized in biological warfare and who called into a radio show to warn people about a biological weapn that was being made by Baxter international that would be spread through vaccine and would cause a plague upon its release.
Although anyone can make a doomsday claim and we should never believe anyone (and it must be said that the Truth movement handled this well, the message was spread without being proclaimed as gospel) the amazing part about Moshe’s claim was the location where Moshe said the biological weapon was being produced.
Moshe claimed that Baxter’s laboratory in the Ukraine out of all places was creating this biological weapon. All of this came out in the beginning of August, which is more than 2 months before the situation that is currently unfolding. For Moshe to correctly name the country where a new epidemic would be unleashed, requires either inside information, or an incredible coincidence as anyone with a basic knowledge of statistics can confirm for himself.
The pandemic situation in Ukraine has rapidly gotten worse. In fact, the number of people in Ukraine who have contracted serious respiratory illness has almost doubled in two days to nearly half a million.
On October 29, the Australian web site reported that:
"Western Ukraine was hit by a severe epidemic of unidentified influenza, tentatively diagnosed by doctors as viral pneumonia. The number of dead has climbed dramatically. Doctors advise Western Ukrainians to stay home and use preventive medicine."
On October 30, Jane Burgermeister's reported that:
"More than 30 people have died in the Ukraine as a result of a mysterious new virus that has an affinity for the lungs," according to Swiss reports. Ukraine's Health Ministry said the virus' origin is unknown and showed "no signs of mutating to become more virulent." So far, 40,000 people were reported sick and 951 hospitalized.
On October 30, reported that Ukraine's Health Minister, Vasyl Knyazevych, said two laboratories diagnosed 11 of 33 samples tested as "highly influenza A/H1N1." As a result, he considered declaring a nationwide quarantine, even though western areas alone were affected.
Since October 19, 30 deaths, including one child, from "acute respiratory infections," were reported, at first called SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome, a serious form of pneumonia caused by a virus). Influenza A virus affects birds and some mammals like pigs. WTO Fear Mongering
The WTO says Swine Flu is similar to seasonal strains. Most cases are mild, and many people recover unaided. Yet it called the virus "unstoppable" and, on June 11, declared its highest phase 6 alert, saying: "The world is now at the start of the 2009 influenza pandemic." On July 13, it stopped just short of mandating mass vaccinations to halt the pandemic's spread.
On its November 1 "Pandemic (H1N1) 2009" update, it said "more than 199 countries and overseas territories/communities have reported laboratory confirmed cases of pandemic influenza H1N1 2009, including over 6,000 deaths."
On November 3, it reported the outbreak in Ukraine, "confirmed (as) H1N1 (based on) samples taken from patients in two of the most affected regions," and concluded that "most (Ukraine influenza) cases are caused by the H1N1 virus.
Infectious disease expert, Dr. Donald Lau, disagrees, saying:
"The statistical probability of this being the same H1N1 virus (is) infinitesimally small." He believes a highly virulent new strain is to blame. Public health authority, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz sees a deadly connection between governments and the drug cartel over dangerous, toxic vaccines. On You Tube, he recently warned that:
"These vaccinations contain highly unstable viruses that easily mutate, because they are 'live active' laboratory mutants that are being administered....People shed these 'live' viruses up to three weeks following vaccination. That means if you haven't been vaccinated, and you get near someone who has and then sneezes, you can get their H1N1 laboratory infection."
He explained that anyone contracting H1N1, from vaccinations or other Swine Flu-infected persons, risks combining it with other internal or environmental viruses, creating a lethal mix that can kill. He expressed great concern about vaccines used to transmit dangerous viruses, capable of mutating into deadly ones, believes this may be happening in Ukraine, and thinks America and other nations may be next. Ukraine Reports of Overhead Aerosol Spraying
On October 31, Kiev newspaper editors got dozens of calls about light planes doing aerosol spraying during the day. In refuting the claims, the district's Emergency Response office said "no permission had been granted for small aviation aircraft to fly within the city limits." Yet eye-witness accounts from Lviv, Ternopil, and other Ukraine cities said the same thing.
On November 8, the South African web site reported that last June 26:
"Suspicious aircraft were forced to land. A US operated (Russian-made long-range heavy transport) AN-124 changed its call sign from civilian to military which then triggered a response from the IAF (Indian Air Force) upon entering Pakistani air space (forcing) the plane to land in Mumbai while (a) second one was forced down by Nigerian fighter jets that also arrested the crew."
"According to reports, China's People's Liberation Army Air Force contacted the Indian and Nigerian intelligence officials about the presence of these US operated Ukrainian aircraft amidst growing concern that the United States was spreading 'biological agents' in the Earth's atmosphere, which some Chinese officials believed to be an attempt to (commit) mass genocide via the spread of H1N1 swine flu."
These aircraft "were carrying 'waste disposal' systems that could spray up to 45,000kg (nearly 100,000 pounds) of aerial type mist from sophisticated....nano pipes" in the planes' wings - called chemtrails.
"Then last week, (aircraft) sprayed (an unknown) substance over Ukraine days before the (mysterious) plague outbreak."
Quarantine and Martial Law Declared
On October 30, president Viktor Yushchenko quarantined nine regions, ordered mobile military hospitals established throughout the country, and was expected to declare martial law. Reports from western Ukraine said a "severe outbreak of UNIDENTIFIED Influenza, (is) suspected by doctors to be a form of viral pneumonia."
On November 4, in a nationwide address, Yushchenko cited:
* an "emergency epidemic situation in the country," caused by "infections of viral origin, including A/H1N1 flu (that are) rapidly spreading across Ukraine;" * "People are dying; the epidemic is killing doctors;" * "three pathogens of viral infections came to Ukraine at the same time: two of them are seasonal flu and the third is the A/H1N1; according to virologists, such a combination of infections due to mutation may produce a new, even more aggressive virus;" * "It is generally known that the only way to prevent any infection is vaccination;" Dr. Viera Scheibner, the world's foremost vaccine expert, calls it the worst way as vaccines often cause the diseases they're designed to prevent; * "in early October," it was known that "viral infections in the west of the country" were spreading; * "The current Constitution after alterations in 2004 makes the Government solely responsible for conducting state healthcare policy....(by) my decree I put" the National Security and Defense Council (in charge) of decision-making;" * "Failure to comply with its orders will immediately result in application to the law enforcement authorities."
In other words, Yushchenko declared martial law. He also ordered a crackdown on political protests, the arrest of public health officials opposed to mass Swine Flu vaccinations and quarantines, arrests of anyone not complying, and a ban on all infection medicines except Swine Flu vaccines.
By November 6, Deputy Health Minister, Zinovy Mytnyk, said "633,877 people (were) suffering from flu and acute respiratory infections," and "95" had died.
On November 7, updated the totals to "871,037 Influenza/ARI (acute respiratory infection) cases, 39,603 hospitalized, and 135 deaths, and asked if Baxter released a bioweapon in Ukraine, saying "Evidence appears to suggest" it. It cited a February 24 report that "Baxter Sent Bird Flu Virus to European Labs by Error (containing) contaminated (virus) samples...."
The problem was discovered when inoculated ferrets in a Czech lab died. Austrian health minister, Sigrid Rosenberger, confirmed that Baxter supplied batches "infected with a bird flu virus." Company spokesperson, Christopher Bona, blamed "human error." Others were skeptical, including Austrian journalist Jane Burgermeister.
On June 10, she filed sweeping criminal charges with the FBI in addition to earlier April 8 ones with the Vienna State Prosecutor's Office against Baxter AG, Baxter International and Avir Green Hill Biotechnology AG, "for manufacturing, disseminating, and releasing a biological weapon of mass destruction on Austrian soil between December 2008 and February 2009 with the intention of causing a global bird flu pandemic virus and of intending to profit from that same pandemic in an act that violates laws on international organised crime and genocide."
Baxter operates Biosafety Level 3 (BLS-3) labs that take strict precautions to assure against accidental H3N2 (human influenza) and H5N1 (bird flu) co-mingling contamination. Letting it happen suggests something more nefarious than an accident.
BLS-3 personnel are trained in handling pathogenic and potentially lethal agents and are supervised by competent, experienced scientists. In addition, these labs have specially engineered design features for added safety.
By combining H3N2 and H5N1 viruses, "Baxter produced a highly dangerous biological weapon with a 63 per cent mortality rate. The H5N1 virus is restricted in its human-to-human transmissibility, especially because it is less airborne."
"However when....combined with seasonal flu viruses (easily transmitted by air), a new flu virus is created which is unknown to the human immune system and which will have a severe impact on an unprotected population. A deadly virus of this kind could spread around the world in a short time and (potentially) infect millions (or) even billions of people."
Baxter (via Avir) "distributed (72 kilos of) contaminated (live bird flu) vaccines using false concealment and false labels to 16 laboratories in Austria and....other countries at the end of January/beginning of February, potentially infecting at least 36-37 laboratory staff, who (were) treated preventively for bird flu and ordinary flu." On the same day, 18 Avir employees were as well at Vienna's Otto Wagner Hospital.
Burgermeister cited a Baxter-Avir 2006 contract with Austria's Health Ministry for 16 million vaccine doses in case a bird flu pandemic was declared. This "laboratory incident shows that national and international authorities are not able to fulfill their obligations to ensure the safety of the Austrian people," and indicates they engaged in a cover-up.
"If a pharmaceutical company can breach laws - and almost trigger a bird flu pandemic, which (potentially could spread worldwide) - without being made accountable for it....then there is, de facto, no rule of law on Austrian territory."
She also contends that Baxter's production system, "namely, the use of 1200 liter bioreactors and vero cell technology," meets "the technical criteria to be classified as a secret dual purpose large-scale bioweapon production facility (able to produce) a huge amount of contaminated vaccine material....rapidly."
"If (this) material were added to the 1200 liter bioreactors, it would replicate and infect the entire batch of vaccine material in (it). Contaminated material could (then) be distributed among sections of the population using false labels and secretly marked batches (able to) infect millions of people."
Burgermeister accused high-level Austrian Health and other Ministry officials of knowledge and support of this practice. Otherwise, controls would have prevented it. In June, she named drug producers Baxter, Novartis and Sanofi Aventis; world agencies, including the WHO, UN, and CDC; and high-level officials in Austria, other European countries, and America. Did Baxter Release a Bioweapon in Ukraine?
Baxter has a facility in Ukraine. Given the above evidence, it may be behind the current outbreak. A November 1 David Rothscum article headlined: "Has Baxter International released a biological weapon," in citing an earlier Huffington Post report on a man named Joseph Moshe, a Mossad biological warfare expert. True or not, he warned, on an August radio program, about "a biological weapon....being made by Baxter International('s Ukraine facility) that would be spread through vaccine and would cause a plague upon its release." Having reported this two months before the outbreak lends credence to his story.
In August, Ukraine was almost influenza free. On October 30, said only two cases of Swine Flu had been reported. According to, on March 26, reports were that "thousands of Ukrainians refused" to be vaccinated, because of fears about "diphtheria, mumps, polio, hepatitis B, tuberculosis, (and) whooping cough among others. Health officials said (this) could lead to disease outbreaks...." Perhaps unleashing a "biological weapon" is how to convince them and millions elsewhere.
Rothscum confirmed Moshe's credentials, noting that "massive numbers of microbiologists have been dying bizarre deaths." Among them:
* Stephen Lagakos, Professor of Biostatistics and AIDS researcher at Harvard's School of Public Health, died in an October auto collision; * Malcolm Casadaban, reknown molecular geneticist, died of plague in September; * Wallace Pannier, noted germ warfare scientist, died in August of respiratory failure; * August "Gus" Watanabe, former Eli Lilly and Company Executive Vice President of Science and Technology and former head of its Research Laboratories, died of apparent self-inflicted wounds from a .38-caliber handgun; a note left behind cited depression over his daughter's death; * Caroline Coffey, Cornell University post-doctoral biomedicine researcher, died in June from massive cuts to her throat; and * Nasser Talebzadeh Ordoubadi, a Mind-Body-Quantum medicine pioneer and discoverer of an antitoxin treatment for bioweapons, died in February of "suspicious" causes.
On November 7, asked:
Is the Ukraine outbreak "the plague? A mutated virus? Or is the plague the cover for introducing a mutated virus?" Citing the South African web site, it wondered if the Ukraine Swine Flu strain "might have mutated (to) pneumonic plague."
It reported Ukraine's Deputy Minister of Health saying his nation has a different H1N1 strain than the rest of the world because of how many were infected so fast. Other officials disagree and suggest this one may have mutated to something else because it "has a much bigger rate of filling the lungs with blood....The plague or virus in the Ukraine has 10 times the mortality rate (attributed to) normal swine flu."
However, unconfirmed reports are that "people are going on as normal....they also say this is fear mongering" to promote voluntary vaccinations. "Everyone is waiting for the gene sequences which will confirm whether this has been hyped up, a real mutated H1N1, or just bad (Ukraine) health services." Perhaps exaggerated illness and death reports to stoke fear and be a pretext for what followed.
Ukraine is now under martial law. Civil liberties are suspended. By government edict, anyone may be criminally prosecuted. Scheduled January elections may be delayed or cancelled. Public demonstrations are banned. Political opponents are prohibited from traveling in quarantined areas. Borders are partially closed. Mandated vaccinations are coming. WHO fear-mongering is hyping the danger. A month before the outbreak, it took part in a bioterrorism plague exercise. On November 7, Lake of the Hills, IL police conducted their own against pneumonic plague as part of the McHenry County Department of Health's emergency planning.
Burgermeister suggests that Baxter, the:
"WTO and the international corporate crime syndicate that funds them may have decided they could go ahead with their plan to trigger a pandemic in Europe and the USA because the public awareness of the dangers of the vaccine has become too great, not least as a result of WHO and Baxter being caught contaminating 72 kilos of vaccine material with the live bird flu virus in February."
On November 6, headlined, "Pneumonic Plague Outbreak in China Follows Outbreak in Ukraine." The town of Ziketan (population 10,000) reported two deaths and a dozen others infected. The "area inside a 17-mile radius" was quarantined to contain it. The "highly contagious disease, one of the most virulent and deadly diseases on earth, (is) usually fatal within 24 hours. It attacks the lungs and kills nearly everyone who catches it unless treated rapidly with antibiotics."
On the same day, Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko called the panic over Swine Flu artificially created by drug companies. He urged people not to panic, and said authorities are monitoring the situation in neighboring Ukraine. Ten deaths were reported in the Minsk, "preceded by flu-like symptoms."
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty disseminates US propaganda in 20 countries, including Russia, Ukraine, Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan. On November 4, it headlined, "Swine Flu Fears Spread from Ukraine to Afghanistan," then reported, true or false, incidences showing up in Iran, Belarus, Turkmenistan, Serbia, and other Balkan countries. "Afghanistan has declared a nationwide public health emergency and closed all educational institutes for three weeks."
On November 2, the Chinese web site reported that authorities in a southeast Bulgarian district declared an A/H1N1 epidemic, according to local media accounts. The "sick rate" rose "to 200 per 10,000 people," and in some towns is approaching epidemic levels. A later report said 210 per 10,000. Two deaths were reported, and Bulgaria's chief health expert, Tencho Tenev, said "at least two million Bulgarians, or 30 percent of (the) population, could become infected with the flu virus over the coming months."
On November 9, headlined, "Russia, Belarus and Bulgaria On The Verge Of A Flu Epidemic As Cases In Ukraine Near 1 Million."
Same day Ukraine reports said 1,031,597 people are sick with flu-like symptoms, 52,742 have been hospitalized, and 174 people have died. On November 6, Russia's Chief Health Official, Gennady Onishchenko, said most regions in the country "are on the verge of a flu epidemic."
"Disturbing reports are beginning to surface in western Europe. In Austria, special army units based in Korneuburg (where Baxter's facilities are located), have been conducting pandemic emergency exercises and quarantining patients in hospitals. Are they expecting something to happen?"
WHO "Whole-of-Society Pandemic Readiness Guidelines for Pandemic Preparedness and Response in the Non-Health Sectors"
Prepared in April 2009, the same month Swine Flu was reported in Mexico, it was revised in July and now easily accessed coincidently with the Ukraine outbreak. Its aim is:
"to prepare the whole of society, beyond the health sector, for pandemic influenza....including public and private sector organizations and essential services."
The says it "outlines how WHO will take over a country's essential services, including water and sanitation; fuel and energy; food; health care; telecommunications; finance; law and order; education; and transportation under the pretext of a pandemic emergency."
The "guidelines" state:
"National inter-ministerial pandemic preparedness committees should map out the central government's roles, responsibilities, and chain of command and designate lead agencies," answerable to the WHO that's perhaps enforceable during a "health emergency." It may work like this.
Vaccine law attorney, Alan G. Phillips says:
"....underlying laws.... allow states to mandate vaccines in an emergency....throw out exemptions, (and) impose quarantines and isolation outside of our homes."
US laws are similar. They can mandate vaccinations and let states isolate and quarantine influenza victims if authorities call the disease infectious and life-threatening. Under the 2006 Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, the HHS Secretary may declare any disease an epidemic or national emergency requiring mandatory vaccinations, quarantine, or other protective measures. It's a short step to empowering WHO with authority over most nations in short order.
Its "guidelines" also want Defense Ministries to designate military assets to enforce vaccinations and quarantines under pandemic conditions. They also say:
"Ministries of Justice should consider what legal processes could be suspended during the pandemic and make alternate plans to operate courts" while it continues.
According to
"leaked (French) documents show that the Minister of Justice has ordered the suspension of the most basic rights, and people can be incarcerated for up to six months without having to appear before a judge in a pandemic emergency."
Might America and other nations order similar measures under a "pandemic emergency," real or bogus.
Internal 2006 IBM Document Reveals Advance Knowledge of a Planned Pandemic
Titled, "Services & Global Procurement pan IOT Europe, Pandemic Plan Overview," it was distributed to upper-level management in France. It predicted a "100% chance (of a) planned (pandemic) occurring within the next 5 years," covering quarantines and operational procedures to be taken after an official WTO announcement. This document suggests what many believe - that governments and the drug cartel, in collusion with the WTO, orchestrated the current crisis, choosing Ukraine as the lead target. The situation there deserves close monitoring because of what may happen globally. Advance Pandemic Warning and Early Preparations
Replikins, Ltd. is a small Boston-based biotech firm that "develops and markets....predictive products and vaccines....based upon the company's discovery of Replikins, a new group of peptides related to the rapid replication function in viral and other diseases (capable of) predicting the emergence of virulent strains of particular diseases."
On April 7, 2008, a year before the reported Mexican H1N1 outbreak, it published a "FluForecast" stating the following:
"Replikins, Ltd. has found that the Replikin Count of the H1N1 strain of influenza virus has recently increased to 7.6 (plus/minus 1.4), its highest level since the 1918 H1N1 pandemic....A rising Replikin Count of a particular influenza strain, indicating the rapid replication of the virus, is an early warning which has been followed consistently by an outbreak of a specific strain. The current increase appears to be specific to H1N1; there was a concurrent 80% decline in the Replikin Count of (seasonal) H3N2, for instance."
"The current H1N1 appears to be rapidly replicating simultaneously in the US and Austria....However, the same virus replikin structures detected by FluForecast software in all three previous pandemics, namely 1918 H1N1, 1957 H2N2, and 1968 H3N2, as well as in H5N1 (Avian Flu), have not yet been detected in the currently evolving H1N1."
In an October 24, 2007 press release, the US Treasury Department discussed the "preliminary results of the industry-wide pandemic flu exercise....More than 2,700 organizations registered to participate anonymously (which) began in September and ran for three weeks." Involved were banks, insurance companies, securities firms and exchanges, and state and federal regulators.
"The exercise simulated a pandemic wave with a peak absenteeism rate of 49 percent....President Bush directed Treasury in May 2006 to coordinate with the banking and finance sector to better prepare its response to a pandemic crisis."
On December 12, 2007, FEMA Region I (for New England) hosted a joint federal-state exercise "to strengthen contingency plans for an influenza pandemic. Operation PANEX 07 is the first functional exercise of its type in this country designed to determine best practices for a coordinated multi-agency response to an outbreak."
Participating agencies included the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Health and Human Services (HHS), and Defense (DOD) "in partnership with their counterparts in the six New England states."
On July 28, 2009, CNN reported that the Pentagon will "establish regional teams of military personnel to assist civilian authorities in the event of a significant outbreak of the H1N1 virus this fall, according to Defense Department officials....The plan calls for military task forces to work in conjunction with (FEMA)."
Consider the implications. On October 23, Obama declared a H1N1 national emergency. The Pentagon will be in charge if conditions warrant it. Civil liberties may be suspended. Martial law may be declared. Mandatory toxic, dangerous vaccinations may be ordered, known to cause auto immune diseases ranging from annoying to debilitating to life-theatening. The situation in Ukraine bears watching. It may signal what's soon heading everywhere.
Notice that it dies quickly in air & sunlight....hence the nighttime spraying...
Ukraine's epidemic of flu and acute respiratory disorders has now affected more than a million people, the country's deputy health minister said on Tuesday.
Vasyl Lazoryshynets said the death toll from the epidemic had risen to 174, as President Viktor Yushchenko warned the country must brace itself for a second wave of infections.
Nearly 53,000 Ukrainians have now been hospitalised, Lazoryshynets said, but the number in intensive care has fallen by nearly a quarter to around 330.
With wild rumors circulating across the internet on the nature of the flu strain raging in the Ukraine, a team of British scientists having begun testing the 'super flu' that has been responsible for 189 deaths across the country.
As conspiracy theories and collusion rumors go, the H1N1 swine flu outbreak in the Ukraine provided the right amount of juice to keep the web presses running. At its peak, there were reports of suspected hemorrhagic pneumonia as the core symptom of a mysterious new virus in the country.
The Ukraine rumors caught on and were coupled with reports of overhead aerosol spraying in Kiev just prior to the outbreak and leading many to believe that the population was intentionally infected with a powerful biological agent.
The World Health Organization responded to the crisis and the resulting rumors, visiting with health officials in the Ukraine. After assessing the situation on the ground, WHO officials have now begun suggesting that anti-viral drugs be administered earlier to help prevent swine flu deaths.
Despite WHO assurances that the epidemic in the Ukraine was indeed badly-managed H1N1 swine flu, a team of British scientists is now testing samples to see if this may be the beginning of a dreaded mutation in the H1N1 virus. A more virulent mutation would be a repeat of history, as the 1918 H1N1 influenza demonstrated a disturbingly similar pattern of mild introduction.
"Unlike similar epidemics in other countries, three causes of serious viral infections came together simultaneously in Ukraine: two seasonal flus and the Californian flu," Ukraine President Yushchenko said in a television interview. "Virologists conclude that this combination of infections may produce an even more aggressive new virus as a result of mutation."
The British scientists confirmed that they do not yet have enough samples to determine the nature or strain of the Ukraine virus.
"We do not have a time scale for the results of the tests, although some preliminary results have been obtained. I cannot tell you what they are, " a spokesperson told the Daily Mail. "We did not have enough of the virus samples so we will have to grow some more before we can come to a conclusive decision about its nature."
Kiev, Ukraine - Authorities in the town of Kiev, Ukraine denied any spraying of "aerosolized medication" by aircraft over the city. This after it was reported that light aircrafts were seen flying over the forest market area that sprayed a aerosol substance to fight h1n1 or swine flu.
5 Sources confirms this and the local newspapers of Kiev also received hundreds of phone calls from residents and business owners close to the area the planes were spraying the suspicious substance. Not only that but local businesses and retailers were "advised" to stay indoors during the day by the local authorities.
As if that is not enough, the government authorities also pushed the radio stations in Kiev to deny the reports. Online on forums, websites and blogs reports came in about eye witness accounts that confirms this. There was also reports of helicopters spraying aerosols over Kiev, Lviv, Ternopil and throughout Ukraine.
‘A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.’ – Ted Turner to Audubon Magazine, 1996
On October 30th,”2009 editors of local papers in Kyiv, Ukraine received a flood of phone calls from citizens reporting low flying aircraft spraying an unknown aerosolized substance over L’viv, Ternopil and other cities. On October 27th”the Ukrainian media broke the story that on October 26th”in Ternopil an unknown flu had killed seven people , and that over the past few days about 6 thousand people had sought out medical attention in regards to flu like symptoms. From this first report through to the 9th”of November over 1 million people inside the Ukraine people have contracted some form of flu like illness. This is almost double the number of ‘confirmed’ H1N1 cases worldwide in all other countries. There have also been over 155 deaths reported due to influenza during this time. This outbreak is unprecedented yet it has received minimal coverage in the western media. It just seemed to get lost amidst all of the swine flu coverage, and written off as just more cases of H1N1 before any lab samples had been processed. In the Ukrainian and”Russian media however the outbreak has been treated more seriously and has been referred to as ‘pneumonic plague’. On October 29th”a report came out of Ukraine describing the deaths of 6 young people in the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast. After the autopsies were performed it was recorded that the cause of death in these individuals was “severe hemorrhagic pneumonia”. Also unconfirmed reports from bloggers in the Western Ukraine that doctors were seeing that this was a new form a flu that killed much faster than the regular H1N1 virus. “Soon Ukrainians started to panic, and the stores emptied of masks and all forms of flu medication. Even onions, garlic, and lemons became scarce in so me cities. As a countermeasure to this outbreak 9 Oblasts (cities) were placed under quarantine by the government. The WHO sent a team of experts to take samples of this new flu and send them back to the Mill Hill lab in London to determine the gene sequences of this flu, and to discover if this was in fact the same Californian/Mexican A/H1N1 virus. “On November 3rd”the WHO announced that the samples had been received at Mill Hill, yet almost a week later there have been no reports issued and no gene sequence data released. If these were typical samples it seems that an announcement would have been made already. “The silence is deafening. It should also be noted that rumors of the doctors being told not to disseminate any information about the new flu cases that would incite any panic, were later confirmed by statements made by the Ukrainian government that police have been told to confiscate hospital reports on patients who have recently contracted the flu.” All things considered, it would not be a surprise if this unidentified virus turned out to be far more serious than the mild A/H1N1 circulating the globe.
Two unconfirmed reports, one in 2002 and one in 2009 by alleged government insiders revealed that at some point that live 1918 Spanish flu would be released on a large scale in the form of a vaccine, for the purpose of mass genocide. The August 2009 report by Joseph Moshe revealed that he was involved with Baxter in a plan to release the 1918 virus in the Ukraine. Not only was it confirmed that he was a microbiologist, his claim was also substantiated by the current Ukrainian outbreak. After a number of deaths in September the Ukrainian government”banned the use of the H1N1 vaccine. This would make it quite difficult to release the 1918 virus as described by Joseph Moshe.” It now seems as though the vaccine ban will be lifted and h1n1 vaccines will be forced on the people of Ukraine. “On November 9th”the”Globe and Mail“published a story that revealed, despite”previous claims“by the Ukrainian Government that they had not authorized the use of aerosolized medication on the public as a response to the outbreak, that they in fact “sprayed the city with the necessary products”.” Was this in fact medication or disinfectant? If so why would the government deny this? “Was the spraying in fact a release of the mystery flu? Was the original intention to release it via the vaccine? Was the aerosol release the plan B after the Ukrainian government banned the use of the vaccine? A blog post from a Lviv resident claimed that his mother who works for the city council received a text message the night of Oct 29th from a colleague warning her to keep her windows closed as something was to be sprayed. The context wasn’t crystal clear. It could have been a warning regarding a street disinfecting procedure as is often done during typhoid outbreaks. The government’s denial is not irrefutable proof of a bio-attack, but it is suspicious.
As reported by SkyWatch Canada on September 15th , the frequency of low flying aircraft with unusual flight patterns have caught the attention of Canadians living in the Nation’s Capital. Is there a chance that Canadians are being acclimated to these types of flight patterns for a future bio-release ? In 1994 such an event took place in the town of Oakville, Washington where there were confirmed reports of a clear gel like substance raining form the sky and making residents horribly ill. Readers should also be reminded of the report given on the Power Hour radio show in March 2009, about truckloads of “bird flu” being delivered throughout America to underground missile silos orchestrated by the department of homeland security. Several of those loads were delivered into the back of a military C-130 (an aircraft often equipped with an aerosol dispersal system). Was this multi-million dollar operation conducted for the purpose of spreading the mild and basically insignificant H1N1 demi-flu ? Or has the final phase of the operation yet to occur? Has the event to justify the recent American National Emergency yet to occur? Will the CDC finally make use of their scores of mass graves and plastic caskets? Will the military be deployed to put the country under pandemic lockdown, as we have seen in the Ukraine? Far too much has been put into the H1N1 fiasco for it to amount to a mere outbreak of the common cold. It seems like many pieces of a plan have been put in place. Will the NWO put the people in check? Will the virus ‘Mutate’? Is this the beginning of the Globalist Endgame of population reduction ?
There are reports now coming from Romania, India, Bulgaria, Belarus, Turkey, Norway that the rate on increase of flu is increasing rapidly. In Norway for example 300,000 residents contacted the flu in a single week. Whatever disease has been released is moving across Europe fast. This bug has spread too widely to be a Ukrainian election scam. Readers should note that just before the outbreak in Ukraine, the government was running pneumonic plague drills. In early November, there were also pneumonic plague drills being run in Illinois. Connect the dots. Notable there have also been reports of heavy supply and personnel movement in and out of known D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) very recently. According to an unconfirmed report the parking lots of these bases are full and haven’t been this full since just after 911. What is going on? Will this fast moving disease be released in America? Listen for low flying aircraft. Shut your windows at night. Stock up on colloidal silver, antibiotics and high quality vitamins. Please watch the skies!
THERE ARE particularly intense levels of swine flu activity in Ireland, according to a study of European countries released yesterday.
The weekly Influenza Surveillance Report from the Swedish-based European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) found only Iceland had experienced a similar level of intensity in Europe.
Asked if this meant Ireland had the highest level of flu activity in Europe, Prof Angus Nicoll, flu co-ordinator with ECDC, said it was not possible to say this as not all countries were reporting data. No figures were available for France, Finland, Denmark and Greece, for example.
Furthermore, he said countries such as Sweden and Ireland, for example, could not be compared as they used different systems for measuring flu activity. Germany and the UK also used different methods.
“It could be a mistake to say, therefore, that there’s more intense transmission in Ireland if there are differences in the systems,” he said.
The new report also shows that while there are “particularly severe levels of influenza activity” in Ireland and Iceland now, the situation in Ireland is “stable” while in Iceland flu activity is “decreasing”.
OTTAWA – In a shocking surge, 24 Ontario residents have died in less than 72 hours from Swine Flu, the Public Health Agency of Canada reported on its website.
Ontario’s startling fatalities reported between November 10 and 11 a.m. EST on November 12 catapults the death toll from 37 reported on Nov. 10 to a total of 61. That is twice the figure of dead in Quebec and the highest of any province in Canada.
Hospitals from coast to coast are swamped with admissions and visits to emergency departments in the past week with other provinces reporting record admissions from Swine Flu since its outbreak was noticed in April.
Nova Scotia and Manitoba reported one death each between Nov. 10 and Nov. 12 to take Canada’s national fatality toll to 161 with much of the spike happening since the second wave of Swine Flu began in October.
On November 10 at 11 a.m. EST, Ontario’s death toll stood at 37 and the Canadian national total was at 135.
46 Canadians have died between November 5 and November 12 with heavy rates of hospitalizations across the country.
Ontario government officials could not be reached last night to comment about the 24 deaths.
OTTAWA – Hospitalizations and deaths soared significantly in a one-week period between Nov. 1 and Nov. 7 with 1,324 people admitted to hospitals across Canada and a four-fold increase in fatalities compared to the previous week, the Public Health Agency of Canada, PHAC, reports in its weekly bulletin.
Included in the national total for this reporting period are 198 children who were admitted. One child died during this period to take the national total of pediatric death since April to five for children under 16.
“In week 44, 198 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated paediatric hospitalizations and 1 death were reported through the Immunization Monitoring Program Active (IMPACT) network,” said PHAC.
“ The new death was a male aged between 5 and 9 years of age with underlying medical conditions,” said the latest report. “861 (child) hospitalizations had been reported since week 17 (April 26); 96.3% of these hospitalizations were due to Pandemic (H1N1) 2009.”
You won't see this stuff on MSM....Gore should be neutered!
Apparently a "Global Climate Center" was hacked and the contents have been posted to the Internet. A ZIP file exceeding 60MB and containing a huge number of emails and other documents has been posted worldwide.
Original speculation as to whether the files posted were legitimate or some sort of spoof appears to now be confirmed as legitimate:
“It was a hacker. We were aware of this about three or four days ago that someone had hacked into our system and taken and copied loads of data files and emails.”
I have not had time to read all of the material yet (there are over a thousand files involved!) but what I have skimmed looks VERY damning. Contained within the documents are what appear to be admissions of intentional tampering with data as well as intentional falsification of results to "show" man-made global warming.
One of the emails says:
"I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline."
That is, to hide a decline in global temperatures.
It gets better. Another message, this one allegedly from 2000:
It was good to see you again yesterday - if briefly. One particular thing you said - and we agreed - was about the IPCC reports and the broader climate negotiations were working to the globalisation agenda driven by organisations like the WTO. So my first question is do you have anything written or published, or know of anything particularly on this subject, which talks about this in more detail?
Oh, so it's not about the planet getting warmer, but rather is a convenient means of advancing an agenda that has already been pre-determined?
Then there's this:
In my (perhaps too > > harsh) > > view, there have been a number of dishonest presentations of model > > results by individual authors and by IPCC. This is why I still use > > results from MAGICC to compare with observed temperatures. At least > > here I can assess how sensitive matches are to sensitivity and > > forcing assumptions/uncertainties.
(Pardon the formatting, it's text-mode email 'yanno.)
Guess who that was addressed to? Michael Mann. You know, the (infamous and now discredited) "Mann Hockey Stick"?
Guess where that email originated? NASA.
Yes, I have the file. So do a few million other people.
There's enough evidence in there, in my opinion, of outrageously fraudulent conduct to make this the scandal of the 20th and 21st century.
On Friday, we found out that the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit server was hacked, which was, as The Air Vent put it, 62mb of gold. The files, especially the emails, are very damning to the AGW movement, and could be the final nail in the coffin of human induced global warming, er, climate change, whateverthehell they are calling it this week. They show collusion, corruption, manipulation, and obstruction. As Andrew Bolt puts it
Conspiracy, collusion in exaggerating warming data, possibly illegal destruction of embarrassing information, organised resistance to disclosure, manipulation of data, private admissions of flaws in their public claims and much more.
Emails such as this
I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) amd from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline. (Watts Up With That? has a good breakdown of this email as it relates to the so-called hockey stick)
We see fantasies of violence against skeptics, gloating at the death of skeptic John L. Daly, suppression of evidence, and forcing dissenting views out of academia. Wouldn’t want people to actually practice science, you know.
The big media is covering it, and, in some cases, trying to spin it away, as the NY Times tries, along with the Guardian. Others get all sorts of “hey, let’s cover both sides of the issue fairly,” which only happens when they know their side is in deep doo doo.
Michelle Malkin calls it the climate scandal of the century, but, I’m not so sure about that. The entire issue of anthropogenic global warming is a scandal. A fake issue that originally started as a few scientists wondering if Mankind’s output of greenhouse gasses, in particular, CO2, were causing a warming trend. This was quickly hijacked by people who realized they could use it to make themselves some money, often mandated by Government, turn themselves into stars, and, oh, initiate a way to put people, companies, and economies, heck, even countries, under the control of Government, just as their 70’s and 80’s love of the repressive Soviet Union government told them to.
Don’t believe me? We’ve heard about it many times before. Lord Monckton stated that he had read the Copenhagen draft treaty, and it would be the death knell of American sovereignty and freedom. Oh, and here’s EU President Herman Van Rompuy, telling us what the point is...
“The Climate Conference in Copenhagen is another step forward towards the global management of our planet…”
It's now official. Much of the hype about global warming is nothing but a complete scam.
Thanks to hackers (or an insider) who broke into The University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit (CRU) and downloaded 156 megaybytes of data including extremely damaging emails, we now know that data supporting the global warming thesis was completely fabricated.
Inquiring minds are reading Hacked: Hadley CRU FOI2009 Files on The Reference Frame by Luboš Motl, a physicist from the Czech Republic.
James Delingpole is still on the case, recording the very slight coverage in the MSM of the CRU hacking.
This has become very much another example of the blogosphere/MSM divide, with bloggers immediately realising the significance of the material, and the MSM running for cover. Given the intensity of interest though, this story is not going to go away, even if the MSM wants to bury its head in the sand.
James, incidentally, has picked up a useful site where all the e-mails are listed in searchable form, making it a lot easier to dip into the contents without having to trawl through each individual message.
He adds his view of the MSM (lack of) response, noting that it has been caught with its trousers down. The reason it has been so ill-equipped to report on this scandal – which is now being called "climategate" is because almost all of its Environmental Correspondents and Environmental Editors are parti pris members of the Climate-Fear Promotion lobby.
Most of their contacts (and information sources), says Delingpole, work for biased lobby groups like Greenpeace and the WWF, or conspicuously pro-AGW government departments and Quangos such as the Carbon Trust.
How can they bring themselves to report on skullduggery at Hadley Centre when the scientists involved are the very ones whose work they have done most to champion and whose pro-AGW views they share?
And this, of course, is the problem with the MSM. They have bought into the myth, and are now hopelessly compromised. The free spirits and independent thinkers are on the blogosphere, says James. And indeed some of them are, although there are far too many wannabe MSMers. But there are enough to tear this one apart - as always, WUWT is the one to watch.
There is also a good summary of the state of play here. So far, of course, this hasn't gone "political", but anything which damages the warmist religion is bound to have political implications, not least because the politicians have so easily let themselves be gulled by the creed.
Climategate: how the MSM reported the greatest scandal in modern science
Here’s what the Times has had to say on the subject:
E-mails allegedly written by some of the world’s leading climate scientists have been stolen by hackers and published on websites run by climate change sceptics.
The sceptics claim that the e-mails are evidence that scientists manipulated data in order to strengthen their argument that human activities were causing global warming.
(Yep – definitely an improvement on their earlier, non-existent coverage; but not exactly pointing up the scandalousness of this scandal).
And the Independent:
(Yep. Nada).
And here’s how The New York Times (aka Pravda) reported it:
Hundreds of private e-mail messages and documents hacked from a computer server at a British university are causing a stir among global warming skeptics, who say they show that climate scientists conspired to overstate the case for a human influence on climate change.
(Yep. That’s right. It has only apparently caused a stir among ’skeptics’. Everyone else can rest easy. Nothing to see here.)
And here’s how the Guardian has reported it:
Hundreds of private emails and documents allegedly exchanged between some of the world’s leading climate scientists during the past 13 years have been stolen by hackers and leaked online, it emerged today.
The computer files were apparently accessed earlier this week from servers at the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit, a world-renowned centre focused on the study of natural and anthropogenic climate change.
(Oh. I get it. It’s just a routine data-theft story, not a scandal. And a chance to remind us of the CRU’s integrity and respectability. And – see below – to get in a snarky, ‘let’s have a dig at the deniers’ quote from Greenpeace).
A spokesman for Greenpeace said: “If you looked through any organisation’s emails from the last 10 years you’d find something that would raise a few eyebrows. Contrary to what the sceptics claim, the Royal Society, the US National Academy of Sciences, Nasa and the world’s leading atmospheric scientists are not the agents of a clandestine global movement against the truth. This stuff might drive some web traffic, but so does David Icke.”
Here’s the Washington Post:
Hackers broke into the electronic files of one of the world’s foremost climate research centers this week and posted an array of e-mails in which prominent scientists engaged in a blunt discussion of global warming research and disparaged climate-change skeptics.
The skeptics have seized upon e-mails stolen from the Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia in Britain as evidence that scientific data have been rigged to make it appear as if humans are causing global warming. The researchers, however, say the e-mails have been taken out of context and merely reflect an honest exchange of ideas.
(Ah, so what the story is really about is ’skeptics’ causing trouble. Note how as high as the second par the researchers are allowed by the reporter to get in their insta-rebuttal, lest we get the impression that the scandal in any way reflects badly on them).
Here is the BBC:
E-mails reportedly from the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU), including personal exchanges, appeared on the internet on Thursday.
A university spokesman confirmed the email system had been hacked and that information was taken and published without permission.
An investigation was underway and the police had been informed, he added.
(Ah yes, another routine data-theft story so dully reported – “the police had been informed, he added” – that you can’t even be bothered to reach the end to find out what information was stolen).
Meanwhile, the Climategate scandal (and I do apologise for calling it that, but that’s how the internet works: you need obvious, instantly memorable, event-specific search terms) continues to set the Blogosphere ablaze.
For links to all the latest updates on this, I recommend Marc Morano’s invaluable Climate Depot site.
And if you want to read those potentially incriminating emails in full, go to An Elegant Chaos org where they have all been posted in searchable form.
As the contents of a hacked climate change unit’s server in Britain were exposed on the Internet Friday, the event had some of the scientists involved scrambling to explain their emails and skeptics believing they had found a smoking gun. On the surface, the emails seem to indicate scientists modified data to fit the anthropogenic global warming theory, tried to silence dissenting opinions and reflect a concerted effort to restrict access to climate data possibly by deleting it.
The emails and documents were illegally obtained from a server at Britain’s Climate Research Unit, University of East Anglia and then posted to a Russian server. From there, the file and its contents spread like wildfire across the Internet. Inside are over 1,000 emails and dozens of documents that detail private correspondence among some of the world’s top climate scientists.
A spokesman for the university said, “We are aware that information from a server used for research information in one area of the university has been made available on public websites.” Law enforcement is involved and is trying to track down the person responsible for leaking the emails. Speculation is high that it was an ‘inside job’ as the contents were all targeted toward the science and debate about manmade climate change.
Another skirmish has broken out in the long-running battle between climate scientists and so-called sceptics, with the hacking of email messages between some of the world's leading researchers on global temperature trends. But as usually happens in the blogosphere, this episode is generating more heat than light and is likely to lead to more public confusion over the causes of climate change.
For the past few years, a small group of climate change 'sceptics' have been poring over scientific journal papers that report historical trends in temperatures from around the world, as recorded by directly by thermometers and other instruments, and by 'proxies', such as tree rings. Their primary objective has been to seek out evidence that global warming has been invented by climate researchers who fake their data.
Among their main targets have been papers published by research teams led by Michael Mann at Pennsylvania State University and Phil Jones at the University of East Anglia, and particularly those featuring the famous 'hockey stick' graph, showing that average temperature in the northern hemisphere was relatively stable and constant for most of the last couple of millennia, but rose dramatically upwards in the last 100 years. This graph appeared prominently in the landmark Third Assessment Report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in 2001, which concluded that "most of the observed warming over the last 50 years is likely to have been due to the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations".
The attacks on the hockey stick graph led the United States National Academy of Sciences to carry out an investigation, concluding in 2006 that although there had been no improper conduct by the researchers, they may have expressed higher levels of confidence in their main conclusions than was warranted by the evidence.
The 'sceptics' believe they have been vindicated and have presented the hockey stick graph as proof that global warming is not occurring. In doing so, they have ignored the academy's other conclusion that "surface temperature reconstructions for periods prior to the industrial era are only one of multiple lines of evidence supporting the conclusion that climatic warming is occurring in response to human activities, and they are not the primary evidence".
Hundreds of private e-mail messages and documents hacked from a computer server at a British university are causing a stir among global warming skeptics, who say they show that climate scientists conspired to overstate the case for a human influence on climate change.
The e-mail messages, attributed to prominent American and British climate researchers, include discussions of scientific data and whether it should be released, exchanges about how best to combat the arguments of skeptics, and casual comments — in some cases derisive — about specific people known for their skeptical views. Drafts of scientific papers and a photo collage that portrays climate skeptics on an ice floe were also among the hacked data, some of which dates back 13 years.
In one e-mail exchange, a scientist writes of using a statistical “trick” in a chart illustrating a recent sharp warming trend. In another, a scientist refers to climate skeptics as “idiots.”
Some skeptics asserted Friday that the correspondence revealed an effort to withhold scientific information. “This is not a smoking gun; this is a mushroom cloud,” said Patrick J. Michaels, a climatologist who has long faulted evidence pointing to human-driven warming and is criticized in the documents.
Some of the correspondence portrays the scientists as feeling under siege by the skeptics’ camp and worried that any stray comment or data glitch could be turned against them.