Purpose and Principles...
The Purposes of the United Nations are:
1. To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace;
2. To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace;
3. To achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion; and
4. To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends.
The Security Council shall consist of fifteen Members of the United Nations. The Republic of China, France, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America shall be permanent members of the Security Council.
In order to promote the establishment and maintenance of international peace and security with the least diversion for armaments of the world's human and economic resources, the Security Council shall be responsible for formulating, with the assistance of the Military Staff Committee referred to in Article 47, plans to be submitted to the Members of the United Nations for the establishment of a system for the regulation of armaments.
The Security Council shall determine the existence of any threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression and shall make recommendations, or decide what measures shall be taken in accordance with Articles 41 and 42, to maintain or restore international peace and security.
Article 41
The Security Council may decide what measures not involving the use of armed force are to be employed to give effect to its decisions, and it may call upon the Members of the United Nations to apply such measures. These may include complete or partial interruption of economic relations and of rail, sea, air, postal, telegraphic, radio, and other means of communication, and the severance of diplomatic relations.
Article 42
Should the Security Council consider that measures provided for in Article 41 would be inadequate or have proved to be inadequate, it may take such action by air, sea, or land forces as may be necessary to maintain or restore international peace and security. Such action may include demonstrations, blockade, and other operations by air, sea, or land forces of Members of the United Nations.
Less than 20 years after the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was founded, World War II had arrived and once that war was over, America was ready to join "the League of Nations."
America sat down in San Francisco with Alger Hiss and joined the United Nations, the successor to the League of Nations - Alger Hiss, a charter member of the CFR; Alger Hiss, whose sympathy with communism can no longer be denied.
The U.N. Charter and constitution is a thin paraphrasing of the Soviet model which Alger Hiss borrowed from when he coauthored it. The U.N. constitution is therefore a Marxist socialist paradigm.
World regionalism is spelled out clearly in the U.N. Charter, Chapters 8 through 11, using such terms as "regional arrangements, intergovernmental agreements, and metropolital areas." Advocates of one-world socialism have already divided the world into 85 regions for policing purposes. In adopting the U.N. Charter, Congress has established the Charter as the Supreme Law of the land (Fugi v. State of California, 1950-52).
Following are just some of the policies of the United Nations:
* Control of all zoning matters in the United States and the control of our national parks, rivers and historical sites.
* Control over whether women are allowed to have babies.
* Control over the economic and judicial policies of all nations.
* Programs are being processed to create a tax on citizens of the United States as a permanent method of UN funding.
* The United Nation has its own Army and United States soldiers must swear allegiance to this foreign government. Remember Michael New.
By Executive Order No. 11647 on Feb. 10, 1972, President Nixon announced the United States was divided into 10 Federal Regional Councils, each controlled by an appointed bureaucrat for the stated purpose of improving coordination of the activities of all levels of government. The 10 federal regions were to be empowered to control all forms of regionalism within the U.S.. Regional divisions supplementing the 10 federal regions include state subregions, federal reserve regions, population regions, and regions to control the land, water and natural resources of America.
The goal of regional or metropolitan government is to eventually merge the U.S. into the "New World Order" - a one world socialist state under the United Nations.
Regional government is a plan to eventually control all facets of our lives. Executive Order 11490 assigns numerous emergency preparedness functions to federal departments.
Financing of regional governments is acquired through Federal Revenue sharing. Revenue sharing is a mechanism whereby the state and local governments become financially dependent upon the federal government. Pressure can then be applied to any level of state government that refuses to comply with the dictates of the regional government rulers. All but 1 of the 10 federal regional capitals is either a Federal Reserve Bank or branch bank city.
This is the "One World Government" that Strobe Talbot and Bill Clinton promoted. This is a "government" that allows as members terrorist states, ethnic cleansers like China (remember Tibet) and nations that allow slavery (Sudan) as members.
The United Nations destroyed two free nations (Rhodesia and South Africa), two nations which were not politically correct, and so, were forced to their knees. The UN spread vicious lies about Rhosesia and crippled the nation economically, finally turning it over to avowed Communists led by black radical Robert Mugabe - who promptly renamed it Zimbabwe. In the Republic of South Africa its capital, Johannesburg, now ruled by the inept and corrupt Nelsoin Mandela is looking less like the "London of Africa" and a lot more like the Ayatollah Khoemeini's Teheran, Iran. Today Johannesburg is the most dangerous city in the world with one of the highest murder rates.
The U.N. human rights committee removed voice and representation from Sudanese who have been defending themselves against their own Government. Khartoum is carrying out a civil and religious war aimed largely at Sudanese Christians and followers of native African religions.
We are in the midst of a propaganda campaign desired to scare us and encourage us to see things the way The Order sees them. Since another great depression and financial crisis is almost certain, the nations should move now to organize themselves into a One World Economic Order to insure that even though such a calamity may occur, there will be "a reconstitution of a meaningful international monetary system."
In 1939, Hiss became assistant to Stanley Hornbeck, the State Department's Political Adviser in Charge of Far Eastern Affairs. Two years later, his son Tony was born. In 1944, as World War II was drawing to a close, he helped plan for peace. As deputy director of the Department's Office of Special Political Affairs, he was in charge of setting up the United Nations. Later that year, he headed the Dumbarton Oaks Conference, which formally drew up the U.N. Charter.
In 1945, while serving as a member of the American delegation to the Yalta Conference, Hiss was named Director of the Office of Special Political Affairs. Later that year, he was Secretary General of the San Francisco Conference that organized the United Nations. After the conference - as the highlight of his government career - Hiss was asked to fly the new U.N. charter back to Washington in a special plane for President Truman's signature. "That was the day," Hiss said later, "when I realized exactly how important I really was - the charter had a parachute and I didn't."
Hiss left the government in 1946 to become president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a foundation which under his leadership became a leading supporter of the U.N. He was serving in that capacity when before the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1948, Whittaker Chambers first made his public charges that Hiss was a secret communist. Hiss denied the charge and filed a libel suit against Chambers, but after Chambers produced a number of copies of State Department documents and said they were given to him by Hiss for transmission to the Soviet Union, perjury charges were brought against Hiss when he denied before a grand jury that he had committed espionage. The Hiss-Chambers affair would prove to be the watershed case of the McCarthy period and one of the most important of the century.
A first trial ended in a hung jury, but Hiss, who firmly maintained his innocence, was convicted in a second trial. He served 44 months in jail before his release in November 1954.
The VENONA files are decoded cables sent from Soviet agents in the United States to Moscow. Transcripts of the intercepted cables were released by the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency in 1995 and 1996. The VENONA transcript with the most relevance to the Hiss case is #1822, sent March 30, 1945 from the Soviet's Washington station chief to Moscow. (The transcript appears below.) If one accepts that "ALES" is indeed Alger Hiss, the transcript indicates that Hiss continued to work as a Soviet agent well until at least 1945, well after his association with Chambers ended in 1938. The period of the 1940s was one during which Hiss served as an important policy maker in the State Department.
"ALES" is assumed by most scholars to be Alger Hiss. This conclusion is suggested by point #6, which refers to ALES visiting Moscow after the 1945 Yalta Conference. Hiss attended Yalta, then (as adviser to Secretary of State Stettinius) travelled with Stettinius to Moscow by private plane. Also, Hiss was identified as ALES in 1988 by Oleg Gordievsky, a high ranking KGB agent who defected to the West in 1985. Gordievsky wrote that "a handful of the most important agents were run individually [and not through spy networks]. Among them was Alger Hiss (code-named ALES)....[whose] wartime controller was the leading NKVD illegal in the United States, Ishak Abdulovich Akhmerov." This reference to Hiss as ALES occurs more than six years before the release of the VENONA transcript, adding to its credibility.
Most historians now accept that Alger Hiss fed secrets to Soviet agents...Hiss was the elegant diplomat who sat behind President Franklin Roosevelt at his Yalta meeting with Stalin and managed the conferences that created the United Nations.
In 1948 his once warm friend Whittaker Chambers called him a Communist before the House Committee on Un-American Activities. The accused, Hiss, was a suave, handsome and highly credentialed government official; Whittaker, the accuser, was a fat, rumpled ex-Communist with bad teeth and a gnarled personality. Hiss haughtily dared Chambers to repeat his charge in a legally unprotected setting, never suspecting that Chambers possessed proof of their sying. But Chambers promptly complied and Hiss was compelled to sue for libel, forcing the accuser to present evidence. Chambers confessed to previously being a spy and produced copies of documents that he had stashed away 10 years earlier to protect himself against retribution by Stalin's agents. The documents had provably crossed Hiss's desk at the State Department and been copied on Hiss's typewriter, by his wife, Priscilla. The evidence prevailed at a second trial.
"If Hiss had disappeared after 44 months in prison", says author Edward White, "he would have been just one other undercover agent who had lied, betrayed his country and gotten caught". But steered by Hiss, his loyal son, Tony, and ardent supporters, undeterred even by damning discoveries in Soviet communications, Hiss sold himself to gullible college audiences. He acquired credibility as his pursuers, including Joseph McCarthy, lost theirs. By the time of his death in 1996, Hiss had regained much of his footing, including his government pension and even his license to practice law in Massachusetts.
UNITED NATIONS -- A U.N. task force has uncovered a pervasive pattern of corruption and mismanagement involving hundreds of millions of dollars in contracts for fuel, food, construction and other materials and services used by U.N. peacekeeping operations, which are in the midst of their largest expansion in 15 years.
In recent weeks, 10 procurement officials have been charged with misconduct for allegedly soliciting bribes and rigging bids in Congo and Haiti. It has been the largest single crackdown on U.N. staff malfeasance in the field in more than a decade
The task force identified multiple instances of fraud, corruption, waste and mismanagement at U.N. headquarters and peacekeeping missions, including ten significant instances of fraud and corruption with aggregate value in excess of $610 million," said one report by the task force, headed by a former federal prosecutor in Connecticut, Robert Appleton.
The new corruption cases highlight the limits of reforms imposed since the early 1990s, when a previous buildup of peacekeeping missions led to reports of rampant corruption in Cambodia, Somalia and the Balkans. In response, in 1994 the United Nations created the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS), but it has a poor record of holding corrupt officials to account.
The absence of the world's key players from the recent United Nations 60th anniversary in San Fransisco surprised even the U.N. members themselves. The disinterest came as a stark reminder that the world body is facing a crisis and is in desperate need of reform. There was no Blair, Bush, Chirac or Putin and not even the top UN official, Secretary-General Kofi Annan, bothered to front up. Such indifference has to be an indication of the current lack of enthusiasm of the world's major players for the organization that is theoretically supposed to monitor and guide the course of world affairs. Instead, the various events were attended by a crew of political "has-beens" and second-rank officials.
Considering President Bush's well-known distrust of the U.N., it could be expected that he'd give the anniversary a pass. More painful was the snub from Kofi Annan, who also stayed away and sent an underling in his stead.
But the press missed the biggest insult of them all. Both California Senators -- Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer -- as well as Representative Nancy Pelosi, the House Minority Leader, had all been invited, and were all in San Francisco on June 25th (the opening day of the celebration), but they all skipped the U.N. festivities and instead spent the day at a private party held by filmmaker George Lucas just two miles away at the Presidio. (The SF Chronicle's coverage of the Lucas event mentions them by title only, but the Chronicle did provide a photo of Boxer laughing it up with Lucas.)
That's gotta hurt. Especially since these three leading Democrats have been strong pro-U.N. voices in Congress. I guess partying with George Lucas is more important than world peace.
But the show must go on. The first event of the weekend was a program at the Stanford Court, a ritzy hotel at the top of the city's exclusive Nob Hill. The first speaker was announced as David O'Reilly, Chairman and CEO of Chevron. He didn't have much to say, but I got to thinking: why would a corporate CEO be the lead speaker at a U.N. conference? After he finished, I got my answer, projected on the conference-room screen: Chevron was the main sponsor of the event. Even the U.N. is not above selling speech-making opportunites to the highest bidder.
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee unanimously approved legislation (S. 392) on June 27, 2007, that would pay the United Nations more for peacekeeping than current U.S. law allows. The legislation would increase the 25 percent cap to 27.1 percent for 2005 through 2008 to enable the United States to pay the U.N. an estimated $157 million more than the U.S. would otherwise pay for its share of the U.N.'s peacekeeping budget.[1] The key sponsor of the legislation, Senator Joseph R. Biden (D–DE), justifies the legislation with the assertion that we should not "fail to pay our bills"[2] to the United Nations.
Under the current assessment scale for the U.N. regular budget:
* The top eight contributors are assessed 71.1 percent of the regular budget in 2007.
* The U.S. is assessed 22 percent of the $4.174 billion 2006–2007 biennial regular budget (about $459 million per year).[47]
* The combined assessment of the 128 countries with the lowest assessment—two-thirds of General Assembly members—is a paltry 0.919 percent of the U.N. regular budget. In other words, the U.S. pays over 22 times their combinedregular budget assessment, yet these 128 countries have the power to approve budget increases over the objection of the U.S.[48]
* The 54 countries with the lowest U.N. regular budget assessment in 2007 (0.001 percent of the U.N. regular budget) pay just under $21,000 per year.
The assessment scale for the U.N. peacekeeping budget, while based on the regular budget assessment, is even more skewed:
* The top eight contributors are assessed 77.6 percent of the peacekeeping budget for 2007.
* The U.S. pays 25 percent of the $5.246 billion peacekeeping budget ($1.311 billion) and is assessed 26.0864 percent for 2007 ($1.368 billion).
* The 128 lowest-paying countries pay a minuscule 0.232 percent of the peacekeeping budget.
* The 35 countries with the lowest peacekeeping assessment (0.0001 percent) pay just over $5,000 per year.[49]
For more on UN spirituality see my post....
Monday, June 8, 2009
United Nations - Charter & 1st Secretary General
Posted by
King Leonidas I
7:29 AM
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