Sprouts are the most reliable year-round source of vitamin C, beta-carotene, and many B vitamins (such as folacin). Sprouting seeds, grains, and legumes greatly increases their content of those vitamins. For example, the vitamin A content (per calorie) of sprouted Mung beans is two-and-a-half times higher than the dry bean, and some beans have more than eight times more vitamin A after being sprouted. Sprouts preserve our body's enzymes, which is extremely important. How do they do this? Sprouted beans, grains, nuts, and seeds are extremely easy to digest. Sprouting essentially pre-digests the food for us by breaking down the concentrated starch into simpler carbohydrates and the protein into free amino acids, so our own enzymes don't have to work so hard. Sprouting also removes anti-nutrients such as enzyme inhibitors, and that makes sprouts even easier to digest, further sparing enzymes. Another anti-nutrient is phytates, which is what stops some people from enjoying grains such as wheat. Many people who can't eat unsprouted wheat find they can eat all the sprouted wheat they want with no problem
Almost any vegetable or grain can be consumed from sprouts. Broccoli, cauliflower, and mustard greens sprouts are loaded with vitamins, minerals, protein, enzymes, and chlorophyll. In a recent study, 1 oz. of broccoli sprouts had the same cancer-fighting power as over 1½ pounds of fully-grown broccoli.
Sprouting 101 - No prerequisites required
There are two main types of sprouts, each using different equipment:
Bean Sprouts are traditionally used in oriental cooking. Seed is sanitized, soaked, spread into large bins, and placed in a controlled environment in which the humidity, water, nutrients, gasses, and temperature are constantly monitored. Unlike green sprouts, bean sprouts are grown completely in the dark.
Green Sprouts may be cooked also but are more typically found in salads and sandwiches. The most common green sprouts are alfalfa, broccoli, clover, cress, mustard, peas, radish and sunflower. Edible grasses such as wheat, oats, barley and rye can also be produced.
Start Sprouting!
Economics: Seeds can multiply 7-15 times their weight. At$4.00/lb.for seed, that yields 26 cents for a pound of fresh spouted indoor-grown organic greens!
Nutrition: Sprouts are baby plants in their prime. At this stage of their growth, they have a greater concentration of protein, vitamins and minerals, enzymes, RNA, DNA, bio-flavinoids, T-cell, etc., than at any other point in the plant's life--even when compared with the mature vegetable!
Organic: No chemicals, fumigants or questions about certification. You can trust it's pure because you are the grower!
Availability: From Florida to Alaska; in January or July, enjoy live anytime, anywhere, even on a boat or when hiking a mountain trail.
Space-Time: It's Easy! Just add water! No soil. No bugs. No green thumb required. No special lights. One pound takes grows in only 9 inches of space and takes 1 minute of care per day.
Freshness: Because they are picked the same day they are eaten there is no loss of nutrients sitting in crates or on grocery store shelves.
Digestibility: Because sprouts are baby plants, their delicate cell walls release live nourishment easily. Their nutrients exist in elemental form and the abundance of enzymes make them easy to digest even for those with weak digestion.
Versatility: More varieties of salad greens than on your supermarket shelves...including buckwheat lettuce, baby sunflower, French onion, garlic chive, Chinese cabbage, purple turnip, curly kale, daikon radish, crimson clover, golden alfalfa and more... Your salads will never be boring again!
Meals: Make sprout breads from sprouted wheat, rye, or barley. Snacks from sprouted peanuts, hummus dip from sprouted banzo, cooked vegetable side dish made from sprouted green Chinese sautes from mung, adzuki and lentils, even sprouted wheat pizza!
Ecology: No airplanes or fuel/oil consumed to deliver food to you. No petroleum based pesticides or synthetic fertilizers.
Sprouts are baby green plants. Like all helio-tropes, they follow the sun from dawn to dusk. Through the miracle of photosynthesis, they create their own food (carbohydrate) from sunlight. Jars are simply not designed to accommodate this natural growth process. Sprouters wit: vertical orientation, on the other hand, work in harmony with the natural movement of green plants. They permit your sprout greens grow like vegetables in your garden. In this book, we will be using colander style vertical sprouter. Borrowing from the Orient's love bamboo as a cooking utensil, we will use a simple, widely available bamboo basket as our sprouter in the step by step discussion of how grow sprouted baby vegetables indoors. In this sprouter, the sprout roots support themselves by winding into the weave of the basket instead soil. Once firmly anchored, they grow straight and stand tall. Our technique will apply to any sprouter with a vertical orientation and ample height for growth. Vertical sprouters grow the seedlings the way vegetables grow the garden. Each seed gets proper exposure to light and air. The seed hulls that are normally trapped inside a jar are free to fall naturally. This makes less cleaning work for you, and the grow sprouts are free of this dead matter which can cause rot. Some the hulls are heavy, such as sunflower shells, which become entangled in the mass of roots making the whole lot inedible. Other varieties are 4-6 inches tall and even if they could grow in a jar, would not fit. While jars are okay for basic bean sprouting, they were never intended for the more sophisticated indoor gardening of salad greens.
Top 10 Reason to Sprout
1. Only Pennies Per Serving- One tablespoon of organic seeds will fill a quart jar with several ounces of sprouts. A 4-ounce package will supplies several pounds of organic sprouts. Even larger crops are to be had with our other sprouting supplies, equipment and accessories.
2. Simple and Easy- It takes less than a minute per day to grow and prepare sprouts with the proper organic sprouting supplies and accessories. Sprouts will grow nearly anywhere indoors, in any season with the proper sprouting accessories. Sprouts require very little space and travel well. They are the ideal vegetables for campers, boaters and RVers. Complete, easy-to-follow instructions are provided in the sprouting equipment kits, on the seed package labels and in the Handy Pantry’s book, Sprouting for Health in the new millennium.
3. Fresh and Fast- This “garden in your kitchen” grows very fast with our quality organic sprouting supplies, in any kind of weather. No digging, planting, weeding, pests or chemicals involved. And there’s no long wait, as in seasonal outdoor gardens. Just 3 to 7 days to a bountiful, nutrition-packed harvest. When stored in your refrigerator, they will stay fresh for days- even weeks if rinsed properly.
4. Toxin-free Food- Organic Sprouts are as sweet and pure as Nature intended food to be. The Handy Pantry supplies only natural, untreated seeds, with up to 99% rates of germination, grown especially for sprouting. Almost all the organic sprouting supplies we now carry are now organic.
5. Complete Foods-Sprouts are real health food. They are full of life- as you will see in how fast and luxuriously they grow with the proper supplies, equipment and accessories. The right combination of sprouts contains everything needed for life and health. All their many nutritional elements are easily assimilated and readily available to your body. When home-grown, you know they are pure, and you can enjoy them at the peak of their perfection.
6. Tasty and Delicious-Bursting with flavor, you may be surprised how truly delectable they are when they are grown with the proper sprouting equipment. Enjoy them in salads, on sandwiches, stir-fried, steamed, or even baked in wholesome, home-made breads. You will find several recipe ideas in our book, Sprouting for Health in the 90’s. Check out our sprout recipes!
7. Highly Nutritious-Several contain more protein than cooked meat-at a tiny fraction of the cost. The presence and balance of amino acids makes this protein more digestible. All sprouts are rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes, and fiber. When exposed to light, several become rich in chlorophyll. For specific nutritional qualities of each, see Sprouting for Health in the 90’s.
8. Low in Calories / Low Fat-One fully-packed cup of organic alfalfa sprouts contains only 16 calories. Sprouts supplies your body with simple sugars for quick energy. Sprouts contain no cholesterol and provide several essential fatty acids. Sprouts are the perfect weight-loss accessories and body-purification food for the 90’s. With the accessories and equipment offered here you will be on the road to a much healthier life.
9. Help Detox your Body-Chlorophyll helps cleanse and oxygenate the blood. Enzymes aid in the digestion and assimilation of nutrients, and contribute to the body’s life force. Fiber aids elimination and their lecithin helps the body get rid of cholesterol. A raw food diet is one of the best ways to detox your body. With the proper Organic Sprouting supplies, equipment and accessories you will never be without this super food.
10. Build your Immune System- Antioxidants supplies protection for you from radiation and toxic chemicals. They are an equipment of sorts to help the body to cleanse, detox, rebuild and heal itself. Organic Sprouts are rich in antioxidants and supplies protection for you from the health scourge of the 90’s— toxic build-up. Antioxidant enzymes are especially important, because they are essential for the proper function of the immune system. Organic sprouts are one of the best sources for these important nutrients and with the proper organic sprouting supplies, equipment and accessories you will be able to build up your immune system.
Good sprouting technique doesn't take a "green thumb" , just a good set of sprout instructions on how to sprout seeds and paying attention to four factors: the right amount of moisture, the correct temperature, the free circulation of air, and minimal light. By rinsing them a couple of times daily, you keep them moist. You also wash away carbon dioxide and other metabolic wastes that could cause souring or spoiling. Using cool water when rinsing ventilates and cools the sprouts to prevent overheating. Proper drainage prevents excessive moisture that can cause mold and rot and is essential in how to sprout seeds. The ideal sprouting temperature depends on the seed, but generally lies between 70 and 85 degrees F. To protect the tiny growing things, keep sprouting containers away from cold drafts, direct heat, or any light. For free air circulation, at least one-third of the container must be empty. Sprouts expand 6 to 10 times over a few days, so give them plenty of room to grow. Sprouts are very light sensitive and need to be covered during the early stages of the growing cycle.
The Six Rules of How to Sprout Seeds:
* Rinse often.
* Keep seeds / sprouts moist, not wet.
* Keep seeds / sprouts at room temperature.
* Give them plenty of room to breathe.
* Don't put too many seeds in any one container.
* Keep them covered - no light.
Sprouting wheat berries is trouble-free and well worth the three-day wait that it takes for them to grow into nourishing little green sprouts. Once the small berries develop a small sprout on the end they become what is classified as a “living food”, and are ready to be eaten as sprouts. Raw fruits and vegetables that have never been cooked are considered to be “living foods” and are the most beneficial to our health.
Live foods, like wheat berry sprouts, have miraculous amounts of cell restoring properties that help repair and build up our system towards resistance to sickness and disease. This is one reason why eating raw foods is so important in our daily diet - eating four to five servings of live/raw foods daily is absolutely imperative to having good health.
Two or three servings of your raw food intake can be from your very own wheat sprouts that you grow yourself! Wheat sprouts are excellent in salads, soups, and tossed on any cooked food, such as rice, pasta, and vegetable stir fry dishes. When the stir fry is finished cooking, and it is taken off of the heat, toss in several heaping tablespoons of sprouts to the dish or add them to your own dish for extra nutrition. Wheat sprouts are very tasteful and add a nutty like flavor and chewy texture to the foods.
Sprouting wheat is an easy way to have fresh, nourishing sprouts for your favorite foods at anytime. Your smaller children will truly enjoy helping you to bring to life these small wheat kernels and they will probably like the nutty flavor they bring to your dishes. Wheat berries are already nutritious just as they are for making breads and other whole wheat foods, imagine how much more nutritious they will be after they develop into a living food – the wheat sprout.
The nutritional content of the wheat berry quadruples in some of the vitamins and minerals through the sprouting process. For example, once the wheat berry is sprouted, vitamin B-12 quadruples, other B vitamins increases 3 to 12 times, vitamin E content triples, and the fiber content increases three to four times that of whole wheat bread! According to research undertaken at the University of Minnesota, sprouting increases the total nutrient density of wheat berries. Here is an example of what happens to the wheat berry once it sprouts. It’s absolutely amazing!
* Vitamin B1 (thiamin) increase of 28%
* Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) increase of 315%
* Vitamin B3 (niacin) increase of 66%
* Vitamin B5 (pantathenic) increase of 65%
* Biotin increase of 111%
* Folic acid increase of 278%
* Vitamin C increase of 300%
How to Sprout Wheat Berries
You will need a wide mouthed quart sized pickle jar, or other jar, and a fine mesh strainer and cheesecloth. Fill the jar half full of water, add three tablespoons wheat berries and let stand over night. The next morning strain and rinse the wheat berries using a fine mesh strainer. Cover jar with a terry cloth or mesh screen and hold it in place with a rubber band.
Place sprouts on their side facing towards a window so they receive light, but not sunlight. Rinse sprouts a couple of times a day. I rinse my sprouts in the morning and in the evening. Within three days you will see that your sprouts have come to life. If the sprouts are not green than they need more light. It only takes a few hours for the sprouts to turn green and come alive with chlorophyll and abundant life giving nourishment. Once your berries have sprouted they should be kept in the refrigerator to retain freshness. Isn’t that easy?
In my home, I like to have two jars of sprouts going at one time so I will have always have sprouts on hand. In which case you can start another jar of sprouts on the second day of the first jar. An excellent way to look good and feel well throughout the day is to eat healthy snacks. I mix wheat sprouts with raisins or other dried fruits such as dates, prunes, and figs, and sometimes I add pecans or almonds to this mix. This is a great tasting snack that you can bring along to work with you to provide energy throughout the day. You can also pack this mix in your children’s lunch box for a nutritious protein filled snack.
You can sprout several different types of seeds. Try alfalfa first; alfalfa sprouts are tasty and easy to grow. They are ready in about six days. Most sprouts grow more quickly in the warm summer months and more slowly in cooler temperatures. You can also sprout wheat, clover, cabbage, lentils, mung beans, radish seeds, soy beans and fenugreek seeds. If you sprout wheat or lentils, I recommend that you eat the sprouts quite early, such as on the second or third day at the latest. Wheat and lentil sprouts are rather hard to chew after that, although they are certainly still good for you. I do not recommend trying to sprout mung beans or soy beans at first. Mung sprouts are fussy and soy bean sprouts can have a rather strong odor. I am very partial to radish sprouts because they are a bit "hot" or spicy, just like a radish. Yum. Your local health food store or co-op probably has more information on seeds for sprouting. Don't hesitate to ask.
It is important that you obtain unsprayed, FRESH seed for sprouting. Stale seed does not germinate (sprout) very well. It is a good idea to smell the seeds that you are about to buy. Do they smell stale, old or rancid? If so, shop elsewhere. It is wise to purchase your seeds someplace where they sell a LOT of seeds. This helps ensure freshness. You do not want to buy huge amounts of seed at a time, either. Start with perhaps half of a pound or a pound at most. At home, we keep our seeds in separate glass jars with tightly-fitting lids. And of course, keep the seed dry until you are ready to grow!
Plain tap water is usually fine for rinsing your sprouts. If your harvest is small, you might consider filtering your tap water, or letting it stand for a day before use. These ideas often help if you are having trouble getting the seeds to germinate. It is normal for some of the seeds to NOT sprout. Most should, or the seeds are too old.
For the first few days, your sprouts do not need sunlight. After all, seeds normally sprout underground. For the final couple of days, it is a good idea to put them in the window to get sunlight. This will "green up" your sprouts and help them grow more quickly. Continue to rinse and drain the sprouts right up until you eat them.
One of the healthiest things you can do is eat a jar or two of assorted sprouts each day. Sprouts are a complete protein, just like meat... but without the fat and other negative aspects of dead animal muscle. Sprouts are loaded with enzymes, vitamins and minerals. Eating a lot of the different kinds of sprouts gives you a virtually perfect diet. Sprouts are inexpensive and really tasty when you grow them yourself. Sure, you can buy them in a store. You will also pay more and get a much less fresh, and much less flavorful, product.
In order to have two jars of sprouts to eat each day, you need to START two jars each day. This is why you need all those jars that we mentioned earlier. If you start two jars daily, and the sprouts take six days to be ready to eat, then you need twelve jars. Starting three jars each day means 15 jars, and so on.
It does sound like a lot to eat two jars of sprouts per day. Remember, though, that each jar will not be full. Normally, the sprouts will only fill the jar half to two-thirds full. Also, sprouts take up a lot of space. Try making a sandwich using sprouts instead of lettuce. You will find that when you press the slices of bread together that the sprouts crush right down to very little. So eat your sprouts!
How should sprouts be eaten? Raw, that's how. (Soy sprouts would be the exception here: they are better cooked.) When you make a salad, use sprouts for a base instead of lettuce. Then add the cut-up vegetables that you like best on top of the sprouts. Feel free to use different salad dressings if you wish. I am in favor of ANY dressing that gets you to eat a lot of sprouts.
Should you find that you have too many sprouts ready on a given day, you can refrigerate them. I suggest loosely covering the jar opening with an inverted small sandwich beg to keep the moisture level inside about right. Avoid storing the sprouts in the back or bottom of the refrigerator where it is coldest. Frozen sprouts do not appeal to most people.
If I had just one piece of health advice to give to a person, it would be to eat a lot of sprouts. People who do are so much healthier. There's only one way to prove this for yourself, and that is to try it for yourself.
List of Wheatgrass Juicers
Another source for sprouting info
Other resources
Growing Wheatgrass – a beginners guide
This guide shows you one common way to growing wheatgrass at home. Because wheatgrass isn’t frequently available in the average high street, many juicing enthusiasts look to growing wheatgrass at home. You may be able to find wheatgrass in specialist health food stores, alternatively you can buy organically grown wheatgrass online.
Soak around 500g of your wheatgrass seeds in water for 8 hours. Just before the end of the soaking period prepare a 20 x 10 inch seed tray (of around 2 inches depth) by adding about 11/2 inches of moist compost and potting mix. Try to use an organic growing medium. After soaking, drain the seeds, rinse thoroughly and then drain the seeds again.
Spread the seeds evenly over the compost mix. Add another half inch of soil your growing medium and then water the seeds using a watering can with a rose so as to give an even distribution of water. Your compost mix should be moist but not sodden. It is vital to keep your soil moist whilst the wheatgrass is growing so the tray should be watered everyday. You should then cover the tray either with moist newspaper, another tray, or plastic bubble wrap. This covering helps to keep the moisture in.
After 3 days the wheatgrass should be a couple of inches in height. You can then remove the cover off the tray and place the tray in a position where the wheatgrass will receive good amounts of indirect sunlight. You should not place the Wheatgrass in direct sunlight as this can cause drying out of the soil which inhibits growth. The sunlight will enable the sprout to produce chlorophyll which will quickly transform the yellow wheatgrass sprouts to a vivid green colour.
You should harvest when the wheatgrass is about 7-8 inches in length as this is when it is at it’s nutritional peak. To harvest your wheatgrass simply trim an a centimeter or two above the soil surface with a pair of scissors or a chefs knife. You should rinse your crop thoroughly before putting it through your juicer.
The time to harvest after you remove the seed cover is about 4-5 days but this can be increased/decreased by changing the temperature and light levels in your growing micro-climate. 65-68° F is a widely accepted temperature for growing wheatgrass in. If the temperature is too hot or the air is too humid then mould formation can occur. Some people are allergic to mould and it is also bad news for people who suffer from asthma. If mould does form in your wheatgrass then trim the wheatgrass well above the mould to avoid ingesting the mould. For more information see the wheatgrass FAQs.
If you harvest more wheatgrass then you wish to juice that day then simply transfer the excess wheatgrass into an airtight container and refrigerate. The wheatgrass should keep for a few days.
Once you are familiar with
* the time cycle associated with growing wheatgrass (which will differ for different climates and seasons)
* how much juice a tray yields
* how much wheatgrass juice you consume each day
you will be able to plan when to plant your next tray of wheatgrass to ensure that you have a constant supply of fresh grown and harvested, nutritionally packed wheatgrass that has been produced using organic methods. Growing your own wheatgrass is also the most economical way of obtaining a regular intake of the the green wonder juice!
Basic sprouters
There are three forms of basic sprouter, sprouting tray, the sprouting jar and the sprouting bag.
Sprouting trays
Sprouting trays are one or more trays that you spread your seeds across. They normally have drainage holes in the bottom of the trays to allow water that rinses the sprouts to drain off freely. A tray sprouter may have drip trays built into it and may have tray lids to help retain moisture levels in the sprouting environments air. Tray sprouters often offer a 'modular' design where trays can be stacked on top and next to each other in a snug fitting modular fashion to make economical use of the room space you have allocated to sprouting.
Sprouting Jars
Sprouting Jars are probably the most well known form of sprouter and are often peoples first sprouter. You can make your own sprouting jar whereas commercial sprouting jars tend to have sprouting functionality built into them such as an angled storage and perforated lids to aid in efficient drainage. Sprouting jars don't tend to have as good air circulation as other forms of sprouter which means that you may have to rinse your sprouts more often.
Sprouting bags
Sprouting bags are sometimes chosen in preference to sprouting jars because they allow better air circulation and drainage due to their porous nature. Sprouting bags are often made of hemp fibre which is a natural fibre that drains freely. Sprouting bags also make rinsing and drainage as simple as can be as they are simply dipped and swirled for rinsing and then hung up to allow for drainage (this is however not the least messy of sprouters). Sprouting bags are the best option for those that travel a lot as you can easily pack your sprouting bag and a selection of seed packets into any travel bag. Do not be tempted to make your own sprouting bag from plastic carrier bags as the drainage and air circulation will be poor. Sprouting bags are especially popular for sprouting beans and seeds.
First, you must soak most seeds and grains for about 8 hours. I generally soak them overnight for convenience. Begin by putting 3-4 tablespoons of seeds into your sprouting/soaking container (when sprouting grain, I sprout 1 cup at a time) and cover generously with purified water. At the end of 8 hours, or when you get up in the morning, thoroughly drain the seeds/grain.
Next, rinse the seeds/grain for about 30 seconds under rushing tap water. This is a very important step. When I first started sprouting, I tried to rinse my seeds using water from my purification system. There was not enough volume and pressure to rinse the seeds thoroughly. I ruined several batches of seeds before I figured out what was going wrong.
After rinsing your seeds, make sure you drain or shake of any excess water. If your seeds are left to stand in excess water they will rot…Avoid the disappointment of ruined sprouts by rinsing and draining thoroughly.
Now that your seeds have been soaked, rinsed and drained once, they will begin sprouting. From this point you should continue rinsing and draining 3 times daily until they are finished, about 3 days: I have found that routinely rinsing and draining my sprouting seeds once in the morning, once in the afternoon and once in the evening before I go to bed results in successful crops every time.
Another principle which aids in successful sprouting is using an effective sprouting container. In the past I used a mason jar with a sprouting lid. I never had consistent success with this method and therefore grew quickly disillusioned with sprouting. The lids never fit properly and it was difficult to rinse and drain the seeds properly.
Since the old days of mason jars and mesh lids I have discovered the Easy Sprouter. This simple plastic sprouter has several parts that make all the sprouting steps easy and convenient. I have 2 Easy Sprouters. That way I can sprout seeds and grains at the same time. The Easy Sprouter is inexpensive, convenient, and portable. And most importantly they will yield a good harvest of sprouts every time…as long as you follow the three simple steps...soak, rinse and drain.
More Wheatgrass and Juicing resources
Sprouting Instructions
Yields approximately 1 Cup (1/2 lb.) of Sprouts
Put 2/3 Cup of seed* into a bowl or into your Sprouter.
Add 2-3 times as much cool (60-70 degree) water.
Mix seeds up to assure even water contact for all.
Allow seeds to Soak for 6-12 hours.
Empty the seeds into your sprouter if necessary.
Drain off the soak water.
Rinse thoroughly with cool (60-70°) water.
Drain thoroughly.
Set anywhere out of direct sunlight and at room temperature (70° is optimal) between Rinses.
Rinse and Drain again in 8-12 hours.
And, perhaps one more...
Rinse and Drain in 8-12 hours.
We usually stop here. We like our sprouts small.
Depending on your climate and the time of year you are sprouting and most importantly your personal preference - You may Rinse and Drain again at 8-12 hour intervals for several days. However - we prefer to sprout only to the point where most of the seeds have sprouted tiny (1/4 inch) roots, which is typically after just 2 or 3 Rinse and Drain cycles.
As always, we suggest that you taste your crop at EVERY RINSE - including the very first - just after the Soak period. The soaked seeds are already alive and though they may not be their most nutritious they are still very nutritious - they are already without enzyme inhibitors (a very good thing indeed) so they'll digest themselves and nourish your cells without requiring anything from your body!
Grow them for as long as you like (as long as you continue to Rinse and Drain every 8-12 hours) and find out for yourself when they are most delicious! If you grow for a week you'll have grass growing as well as roots.
Experiment! Have Fun! It's All Good!
Your sprouts are done 8-12 hours after your final rinse. Be sure to Drain them as thoroughly as possible after that final rinse.
The goal during the final 8-12 hours is to minimize the surface moisture of your sprouts - they will store best in your refrigerator if they are dry to the touch.
Transfer your sprout crop to a plastic bag or the sealed container of your choice - glass is good too - and put them in your refrigerator.
Note: Grains do not store well in refrigeration so you should try to grow just what you need. It isn't actually that they store poorly, it is just that grains are cool weather crops, so though they slow down quite a bit, they continue to grow - even in the refrigerator.
By Kurt Saxon
...But now to get to the main subject; the perfect 3.3 cent breakfast. This is just one example of a food which is easy to process, nourishing, energy and health giving and costs practically nothing.
It is simply four ounces of wheat, sprouted for 48 hours, cooked overnight in your thermos and put in your blender. This makes a large bowl of breakfast cereal which tastes wonderful and will give you more energy than you can imagine.
There are several steps to processing this food but it takes only a few minutes in all as you bustle about in your daily routine.
You probably already have most of what you need but you should equip yourself with what you lack.
First, look up your local feed and seed store, even in a city, and call them. Ask if they have, or can order, 50 to 60 pounds of hard red winter wheat, untreated (treated seed is strictly for planting). There is no reason they should not be able to provide it.
It will cost between $7.00 and $8.00, depending on your location. Say it costs $8.00 for 60 pounds or 13 cents per pound. You will use 4 ounce portions. That is 4 times 60 or 240 breakfasts or 3.3 cents for each breakfast.
One thing you will need is a Stanley Aladdin narrow-mouthed thermos bottle. These cost $19.00 at Wal-Mart, are almost unbreakable and will last a lifetime. Don't be tempted to get a wide-mouthed thermos, if you mean to cook in it. It holds 3/4 cup less than you need. Also, the cap has a wider surface, which keeps it from holding the heat of the near boiling water needed for actual cooking.
Next you need two quart jars. Mayonnaise jars or similar will do. To cover them get some nylon window screen from the hardware store and cut two six inch by six inch squares. Put four ounces of wheat in each jar. Put the screens over the jars and hold them in place with large rubber bands. Fill one jar one-third with water and set it near the sink overnight.
Next morning pour out the soak water and drink it. It is vitamin-rich and a good morning tonic. Upend the jar in the sink to drain. After the first draining, flood the wheat about every four hours before bedtime and drain it. The idea is to keep the wheat moist.
At the last flooding the first day, just before bedtime, flood the second jar and let it set overnight like the first. Next day, drink the water and treat the second as the first, flooding both every four hours or so.
On the second evening the first jar of wheat will show sprouts protruding from the ends of the grains. Now it is ready. It is part grain and part fresh vegetable. Its protein and vitamin content is higher and it is altogether a more complete food, rich and amazingly nutritious and, again, a complete meal for less than 4 cents.
Empty the sprouted grains into a two cup measure and put four more ounces of wheat in the jar, flood and set aside overnight as before. Now you have a perpetual routine taking up no real time and producing a fantastic amount of food for little cost.
With the sprouted grain in the two cup measure fill it with water to the two cup mark. Then pour it into a saucepan on the stove and add two more cups of water and a few shakes of salt to keep it from tasting flat. Heat it to a boil, which takes about five minutes.
You will need a funnel to pour the water and the grain into the thermos. Take a gallon plastic bottle; milk, bleach, vegetable oil, etc. and cut it in half. Use the top half for the funnel.
Fill your thermos with hot water to preheat it and then pour out just before filling with the grain. While the grain is still boiling, empty the pan into the funnel and so into the thermos. You will have to use a spoon to push part of the grain from the funnel into the thermos, as well as some of the grain from the pan. At any rate, do it quickly so you can cap the thermos to contain the heat.
Cap then shake the thermos and lay it on its side so its contents don't bunch up, and leave it overnight. Next morning, pour the contents into a blender and pour out part of the liquid into a cup. Drink the liquid as it is rich in vitamins.
With just enough liquid to cover the grain, turn on the blender at low. Then increase the speed until the grain is all ground to the consistency of oatmeal. You can add cinnamon or any other flavoring if you like but you will find it has a delicious taste of its own.
You do not need much sweetener as the sprouting has created quite a bit of wheat sugar. You can add cream if you like, but I like mine plain. In fact, I just blend the wheat with all the liquid and drink it.
You will be surprised at the energy you feel even a few minutes after eating. Not only will it enable you to be more energetic and alert until lunch time but it will also be an excellent weight adjuster.
For instance, if you are overweight, that energy will make you more active and you will lose weight. If you are underweight, its carbohydrates will be burned up as energy and that same energy will activate and increase your musculature.
There is one possible drawback to this 3.3 cent breakfast. If you are active, no problem. But if you live a sedentary lifestyle and are sluggish, you may get the runs. Not chronic, just loose. However, this would only last a few days. After all, this is whole wheat, with all the bran. People have been eating roughly ground whole wheat for thousands of years. Up until about eighty years ago only the very rich ever ate white bread. Sluggish intestines were a rarity except among the wealthy.
Consequently, only the rich got colon cancer. Colon cancer is caused by the buildup of carcinogens on intestinal linings. The rough bran from whole wheat and coarsely ground corn kept the intestines of common folk free from any such buildup.
The same goes for oatmeal, which has recently been touted as the perfect bran food. It is a staple of the Scots and is high in protein. But what with the bran craze its price has risen much higher than its nutritive value.
So back to the wheat bran and its unsettling effects on the innards of sluggards. This is only temporary. Any radical, even beneficial, change in the diet will cause a reaction. The intestines are not harmed, any more than unused muscles are harmed after a first day of horseback riding. The nether quarters doth protest but they soon get used to it. No need to overdo it to bowleggedness though.
So I am not suggesting this to be your whole breakfast permanently or that you make whole wheat your staple food. What I would suggest, however, is that you challenge yourself to make it your whole breakfast for two weeks.
You will save money. You will experience fantastic energy. You will lose/gain weight. You will even get cleaned out and regular and will realize that you will never really need a laxative, even Metamucel, from then on if you eat only one serving each day. You will lower you risk of colon cancer. And you will never fear starvation as long as you have sense enough to buy whole grains in bulk.
This Sprouted Wheat Bread recipe is so simple and delicious; you won’t believe it is made with only one ingredient. Yes, that’s right, bread made from one ingredient. In order to make it you need to plan ahead (about 3 days). Here’s how it’s made….
1 cup wheat berries
Sprouting equipment
Food processor with S blade
Small Pyrex type bowl (heat resistant)
Crock-pot with low setting
Soak wheat berries for 8 hours or overnight. Then rinse and drain the berries three times a day for the next 32 hours or until the wheat berries have sprouted ¼ inch tails. For more information on sprouting go to our sprouting page.
Important: Make sure the berries are well drained before processing into dough. In other words, don’t rinse after they are finished sprouting!
Place the sprouted wheat berries into your food processor with the S blade in place and pulse until the berries resemble bread dough and form a ball around the food processor blade.
Remove the ball of dough from the food processor. Shape the dough into 1 small ball. You may want to sprinkle with freshly ground corn meal. Place the shaped dough into a small Pyrex type bowl that will easily fit into your crock pot.
Place the cover on your crock-pot and turn to its lowest setting. Cook the bread for approximately 8 hours or until the bread is a rich, dark brown. The top of the bread may crack and it will have a tough, thick crust on the outside and a moist, brown bread on the inside.
This bread is very rich, delicious and extra nutritious because it uses sprouted berries. Because it is so nutritionally dense, you only need a small piece to accompany your salad or soup entrée. This recipe will serve about 4. Your sprouted grain bread recipe will stay fresh in your refrigerator for about 1 week.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Posted by
King Leonidas I
1:00 PM
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