The Red River is approaching record flood levels, likely to break century-old records this weekend. Flowing north toward Manitoba along the Minnesota-North Dakota border, the river is jammed up by ice and is being fed by rain, snow and meltwater. The National Weather Service has issued projections of a crest of 43 feet near Fargo, North Dakota, 24 feet above flood stage. Volunteers and national guardsmen are out in force, building levees, rescuing and evacuating those that need to get to higher ground. Cold temperatures are hampering efforts, freezing damp sandbags and making the job that much more strenuous for volunteers. 800 more National Guard troops and 150 Red Cross personnel are arriving in the area this weekend. (30 photos total)
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The Spirit of America
Posted by
King Leonidas I
6:00 PM
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
In late January of 2008 I had an episode at work and ended up doing the funky chicken on the floor. Ended up in the ER. My blood sugar was 250. A Wednesday.
Made follow up visits to the ER once a day over the next two days. My wife said I looked like a druggy with uncontrollable shaking hands, body spasms, barely able to walk (in a wheelchair for one visit). By the weekend I was taking my blood sugar several times a day and it ranged from high 300's to high 400's.
The doctors in the ER said I probably had diabetes. A nurse that was on staff during my last ER visit suggested I try to get into the Diabetics Clinic. She said they were normally 3 months out but gave me the name of a nurse to call that might be able to sneak me it.
On the following Monday I went to see my family doctor. He said I had was having anxiety attacks. I mentioned the contact with the Diabetes Clinic and he said that was fine to see them for my diabetes but to see him for my anxiety. He prescribed Prozac and when I hesitated at that he then changed the prescription to Zoloft.
Frustrated and unbelieving I contacted the nurse at the Diabetes Clinic. They snuck me in. I was told at the Diabetes Clinic not to take the Zoloft and I never filled the prescription nor did I ever return to that doctor. The Diabetes Clinic immediately put me on insulin. I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes.
I changed my diet some - basically substantially lowering my carb intake(oatmeal, cottage cheese, and nuts for breakfast every morning - Subway sandwich for lunch etc). A month later the doctor at the Diabetes Clinic also prescribed Metformin and Lipitor for my high cholesterol.
While filling the prescription I was told my insurance wouldn't cover Lipitor as it was several hundred dollars a month. While the pharmacist contacted the doctor at the Diabetes Clinic for a generic prescription I decided I wasn't going to take it.
I tried the Metformin for several days but it tore my guts out and I decided it wasn't worth it.
I stuck with my new diet and 50-60 units of insulin per day. My A1C dropped from the initial 10.3 to 5.5 in a couple of months. It has stayed in the 5.5 to 5.7 range since. My cholesterol levels came down initially but stayed higher than recommended (danger zone) and I was recommended a cholesterol prescription on every visit to the doctor.
At my diagnosis I was 215 lbs. I was overweight and out of shape having been a desk jockey for six years. Not completely out of whack though as in the Marines I got as high as 233 lbs when pounding the weights on a consistent basis. Graduated from Marine Corps bootcamp a pound over my weight limit.
Within a couple months of insulin I was back in the low 220's but packing more muscle as I was able to substantially increase my poundages in weightlifting.
I hate being chained to the insulin and the damage its doing to my body. In January/February of this year I've tried backing off on my insulin intake several times but my blood sugar quickly shot up in the low to mid 200's within 24-48 hours.
Three weeks ago a friend of mine suggested I read "Diet for a New America" by John Robbins. He quoted the results of some medical studies suggesting I might be able to reduce my insulin intake or completely go off of it within 30 days by changing what I eat.
After getting off the phone with him I went to and ordered a couple books by John Robins and one he advocated. The one I received first was the one Dr. Robbins advocated (he wrote the foreword) called "The China Study" by T. Colin Campbell. I read most of the book the first two days it was in my possession. I discussed it with my wife and we decided to implement the suggested changes to what we eat.
We started on 3-12-2009. The day before my evening (prior to sleep) blood sugar level was 213 (evening 3/11/09). I had been averaging 50-60 units of insulin per day.
On day 2 and 3 my blood sugar was 123 and 126 respectively so I didn't take my evening dose of Lantus. Day 4 it was 191 so I took 30 units. Days 5 & 6 were also 182 and 164 so I took my evening shots. I probably jumped in too soon.
On day 7 (3/18/09) my morning reading was 107 so I didn't take any insulin with meals. My evening blood sugar level was 121 so I didn't take the evening shot of Lantus. My first day without any insulin. On Day 8 in the evening my blood sugar was back up to 167 - I took my evening shot of Lantus (35 units).
Evening blood sugar since last shot of insulin the evening of Day 8:
Day 9 - 102
Day 10 - 123
Day 11 - 144
Day 12 - 137
Day 13 - 113
Day 14 - 115
Day 15 - 144
Day 16 - 176
I considered taking insulin evening of 3/27/09 but I had a late dinner so I measured my blood sugar only one hour after eating. I decided to wait and see what the morning reading would be.
My morning reading was 142 so I decided to stay off insulin.
Day 17 - 148
Day 18 - 177
Another late evening meal plus I had some cake at the birthday party. My blood sugar prior to supper was 122 so I will wait and see where I am in the morning.
My morning reading was 130. I'm still creeping up in my blood sugar levels overall so I may consider taking a shot of insulin tonight to get my levels back down.
Day 19 - 155
I took 10 units of insulin. My morning blood sugar level was 142.
Day 20 - 104
Day 21 - 181
Blood sugar is high but decided to wait till morning. Morning blood sugar was 129.
Day 22 - 202
Another late dinner. Measured blood sugar slightly over an hour after finishing meal....wait till morning. Morning blood sugar was 132.
I've had 45 units of insulin now in the past 16 days. 10 units in the past 14 days. I'm trying to figure out the ups and downs. I had Habanero peppers two days in a row with nightly blood sugars of 113 and 115. I know the peppers have a higher concentration of Vitamin C so I did some research on the internet coming across the following information:
Capsicum peppers or Capsaicin in general are also a good substance for diabetes control by creating new cells that start producing insulin again.
I Google'd "habanero" and "diabetes" and came up with the following information:
I have found a great benefit to my type 2 diabetes blood glucose control in capsaicin (the active compound which makes hot peppers hot - the same thing used in pepper sprays). I have used a variety of hot peppers including both dried hot chili peppers, serrano chili pepper and fresh habanero peppers. Not surprisingly, as for your diabetes capsaicin is what matters not the source, all these peppers have a benefit. You will quickly get to know how much capsaicin you need to see a benefit simply by how hot your meal tastes to you.
I find that the habanero peppers are the most concentrated and readily available source of capsaicin for diabetes blood glucose control. The fresh habanero peppers when incorporated in a diabetic diet recipe easily give up the capsaicin without your having to add additional oil to 'extract the capsaicin' from the peppers as you must do with dried hot chili peppers.
Dr. Hans Michael Dosch of the University of Toronto said, " Injecting a capsaicin to repair the defect cured diabetic mice overnight."
Type 1 diabetes, the pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin to shift glucose into the cells that need it. Defective nerve endings may attract immune system proteins that mistakenly attack the pancreas, destroying its ability to make insulin. The destruction causes diabetes. In
Injection of capsaicin, the active ingredient in hot chili peppers, kills the pancreatic sensory nerves in mice that had an equivalent of Type 1 diabetes. After injecting the mice with it, the mice began almost immediately, to produce insulin normally again. [2]
However, in a study conducted in 1997, dietary 15 mg% capsaicin did not have any significant influence on any of the parameters tested in diabetic rats. [3]
The news article on the study...
In a discovery that has stunned even those behind it, scientists at a Toronto hospital say they have proof the body's nervous system helps trigger diabetes, opening the door to a potential near-cure of the disease that affects millions of Canadians.
Diabetic mice became healthy virtually overnight after researchers injected a substance to counteract the effect of malfunctioning pain neurons in the pancreas.
"I couldn't believe it," said Dr. Michael Salter, a pain expert at the Hospital for Sick Children and one of the scientists. "Mice with diabetes suddenly didn't have diabetes any more."
Link to the scientific study results...,_Issue_6,_Pages_1071-1286_(15_December_2006)%23tagged%23Volume%23first%3D127%23Issue%23first%3D6%23date%23(15_December_2006)%23&view=c&_gw=y&wchp=dGLbVlb-zSkzV&md5=c94603f087e29bc569f3c0cbcdbcc611&ie=/sdarticle.pdf
More on capsaicin...
More info on Habanero peppers...
A Habanero pepper cake...;jsessionid=7E57793CA51D936F4C7D1F6DF0A1DBB8
In 2003, a study was conducted in Pakistan to determine whether or not cinnamon could help diabetic patients. Along with a daily regimen that included diabetic medication, 30 men and 30 women were given anywhere between 1, 3, and 6 mg of cinnamon daily for 40 days. After 40 days, all levels of cinnamon reduced the mean fasting serum glucose, triglyceride, LDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol levels. Changes in HDL cholesterol were not significant and members of the placebo group did not notice significant changes. Even 20 days after the study, benefits were noted (Ali Khann).
Read more: Cinnamon: A Super Spice: Fighting Diabetes, Indigestion, and Arthritis -
The scientific study on cinnamon....
Cinnamon is a safe and inexpensive aromatic spice, which has been used for many years in traditional herbal medicine for treatment of type 2 diabetes. The active ingredient in cinnamon, MCHP mimics the action of the hormone insulin, which removes excess sugar from the bloodstream. Cinnamon also appears to reduce blood cholesterol and fat levels(1) and decrease blood pressure(2).
Columbia University Medical Centre found that curcumin, the anti-nflammatory, anti-oxidant ingredient in turmeric can significantly reduce insulin resistance and prevent Type 2 diabetes.
What is Curcumin?
Who said something that tastes good can't be good for you? Curcumin (Curcuma longa) is the source of the spice Turmeric, and is used in curries and other spicy dishes from India, Asia, and the Middle East. Curcumin is what gives the Curry its characteristic bright yellow color and strong taste. If curry is too spicy for your tummy, then you can still obtain the benefits of Curcumin by taking it as a nutritional supplement in convenient capsule form. Or, if you like the heat, break the capsule open and sprinkle it on your food.
Correlations suggest low magnesium may lead to higher rates of type 2 diabetes
What Foods Have The Most Magnesium?
Halibut - 90mg*
Almonds, dry roasted - 80mg
Cashews, dry roasted - 75mg
Soybeans - 75mg
Spinach cooked -75mg
Nuts, mixed, roasted 65mg
Shredded wheat - 55mg
Oatmeal, fortified - 55mg
Baked Potato w/ skin 50mg
Peanuts, dry roasted, 50mg
*mg - milligrams
Scientists have uncovered the therapeutic properties of bitter melon, a vegetable and traditional Chinese medicine, that make it a powerful treatment for Type 2 diabetes.
Teams from the Garvan Institute of Medical Research and the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica pulped roughly a tonne of fresh bitter melon and extracted four very promising bioactive components. These four compounds all appear to activate the enzyme AMPK, a protein well known for regulating fuel metabolism and enabling glucose uptake.
"We can now understand at a molecular level why bitter melon works as a treatment for diabetes," said Professor David James, Director of the Diabetes and Obesity Program at Garvan. "By isolating the compounds we believe to be therapeutic, we can investigate how they work together in our cells."
People with Type 2 diabetes have an impaired ability to convert the sugar in their blood into energy in their muscles. This is partly because they don't produce enough insulin, and partly because their fat and muscle cells don't use insulin effectively, a phenomenon known as 'insulin resistance'.
Exercise activates AMPK in muscle, which in turn mediates the movement of glucose transporters to the cell surface, a very important step in the uptake of glucose from the circulation into tissues in the body. This is a major reason that exercise is recommended as part of the normal treatment program for someone with Type 2 diabetes.
The four compounds isolated in bitter melon perform a very similar action to that of exercise, in that they activate AMPK.
"The advantage of bitter melon is that there are no known side effects," said Dr Ye. "Practitioners of Chinese medicine have used it for hundreds of years to good effect."
"Bitter melon was described as "bitter in taste, non-toxic, expelling evil heat, relieving fatigue and illuminating" in the famous Compendium of Materia Medica by Li Shizhen (1518-1593), one of the greatest physicians, pharmacologists and naturalists in China's history," said Professor Ye. "It is interesting, now that we have the technology, to analyse why it has been so effective."
Bitter Melon, Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia)recommendations...
Pterocarpus Marsupium has a high reputation in the traditional system of Indian medicine (including folklore) and therefore is one of the drugs used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus by Ayurvedic physicians in different parts of India.
Water is kept overnight in wooden tumblers made of the heartwood of the tree. Alternatively, a piece of the heartwood of the tree of standard dimensions is placed in the glass or plastic tumbler at night; the tumbler is filled with water and covered for protection against night insects; and the water with the wood in it, is kept till the morning. The water changes color to a "rainbow effect" immediately on contact with the wood, and within a few hours changes gradually to a brown color with a light blue tint. The water extract is slightly bitter to the taste. It is drunk a half hour before breakfast.
For twice a day use in cases of higher levels of blood sugar (or obesity or joint pain), the same procedure as above is followed after the aqueous infusion bas been drunk in the morning. The water with the same piece of wood it is kept till the evening and drunk half an hour after dinner.
Gymnema (Gymnema sylvestre)
Known as gurmar in its native India, gymnema (Gymnema sylvestre) is a tropical plant of the milkweed family.
Gymnema has a long history of medicinal use in India for "honey urine" or what we call diabetes. Its ancient Sanskrit name means "sugar destroyer."
Researchers at India's University of Madras in the early 1990s found that high doses (40 gm of dried herb daily) of gymnema extracts may actually help to repair or regenerate the pancreas's beta cells, which play a crucial role in the production and secretion of insulin. Few other substances, synthetic or natural, offer such promise for reversing beta cell damage and at least partially reducing diabetics' need for insulin and other drugs. On the other hand, studies indicate that animals that do not have diabetes do not produce more insulin after consuming gymnema.
In a study conducted by Diabetes Educators, under the protocols established by Diabetes in Control and Informulab of Omaha, NE, the makers of Beta Fast GXR®, Gymnema Sylvestre was found to lower HbA1c from 10.1% to 9.3%
This ninety day study conducted by a group of your peers showed these results in 65 patients.
The patients were given Beta Fast GXR® brand of Gymnema Sylvestre (GS) containing 400mg GS leaf extract (standardized to 25%) per tablet twice daily.
Patients varied from diet controlled to insulin dependent and age varied form 18 to 73 years old.
It is interesting to note that at higher starting A1c Values the positive results were profound. In the group that started at 9% or above, HbA1c was
lowered from 10.1% to 9.3%(0.8% decrease). In the poorest pre-study group, those with an A1c above 10% the Gymnema Sylvestre (Beta Fast GXR®) supplementation lowered HbA1c from 11.1% to 9.9% (1.2% decrease).
Gymnema sylvestre is a woody, vine-like plant which climbs on bushes and trees in the Western Ghats in South India, and to the west of those mountains in the territory around the coastal city of Goa. It came to be known as “destroyer of sugar” because, in ancient times, Ayurvedic physicians observed that chewing a few leaves of Gymnema suppressed the taste of sugar. Recent clinical trials conducted in India have shown that an extract of Gymnema sylvestre is useful in both insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and in certain types of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). As a result of these clinical tests and years of successful treatments, Gymnema is used today all over India for treating diabetes mellitus.
Onion and garlic have significant blood sugar lowering action. The principal active ingredients are believed to be allyl propyl disulphide (APDS) and diallyl disulphide oxide (allicin), although other constitutents such as flavonoids may play a role as well.
Results of the basic diet:
I have more energy - I want to exercise to get rid of it all (especially at night so I can sleep). I've lost 5.5 pounds since starting this diet. My digestive system is much more responsive - bowel movements occur more frequently and tend to be fast and runny (adapting to the high fiber intake).
I haven't cut back on intake and probably have increased the amount of what I eat. I'm starving by meal time now as my body seems to process the food so quickly.
I can't wait to get a blood workup and see how much my cholesterol levels have dropped.
It still amazes me that such a simple thing as changing what I put in my mouth can have such a dramatic effect on my health.
First of all I suggest you obtain a copy of the book, "The China Study", and read all the evidence, suggestions, and recommendations in all their glorious detail.
Category 1 - Eat all you want
Whole, unrefined plant-based food. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains (in breads, pastas, etc.)
Category 2 - Minimize
Refined carbs (pastas, white bread, crackers, sugars, cakes, pastries, cold cereals, etc.)
Added vegetable oils (corn oil, peanut oil, olive oil, etc.)
Fish (salmon, tuna, cod)
Category 3 - Avoid
Meat (steak, hamburger, lard)
Poultry (chicken, turkey)
Dairy (cheese, milk, yogurt)
Eggs (eggs & products with a high egg content like mayonnaise)
In the past two weeks I've had salmon at one meal and a club sandwich with some cold cuts and mayonnaise at one meal. I've also had some bread, rolls, etc. that were made with eggs. I've switched over to soy milk for my breakfast cereals (oatmeal, malt-0-meal, granola, etc.).
I can't advocate enough how much better I feel and hopefully I'm completely free of insulin from here on out. If you are chained to the pillboxes....get a copy of the book, read it, and give the diet a 30 day trial. What do you have to loose?
Here is a link to another person's experience following the suggestions in "The China Study" by T. Colin Campbell...
Website for the book...
About the authors...
A copy you can read on Google books...,M1
Amazon has better deals...
More testimonials...
Couple links to more diabetes info....
Posted by
King Leonidas I
6:50 AM
Friday, March 20, 2009
Radiant Energy
Of all the great inventions and discoveries of Nikola Tesla, nothing stood out with greater potential benefit to the whole of humanity than his discovery of Radiant Energy in 1889. The series of observations that led to the discovery of Radiant energy initially grew out of experiments that Tesla had conducted in an attempt to duplicate the results that Heinrich Hertz had claimed to achieve in affirming the existence of electromagnetic waves, the discovery of which Hertz announced in 1887. While replicating Hertz’s experiments, Tesla experimented with violently abrupt DC electrical discharges and discovered a new force in the process. Only after conducting exhaustive experimental trials for the next three years, did Tesla announce this stupendous discovery in a paper published in December, 1892, entitled “The Dissipation of Electricity”. Incredibly, most academicians of the day completely missed the mark in understanding the true significance of his paper. Noted scientists such as Sir Oliver Lodge, mistakenly thought that Tesla was referring to high frequency AC electricity in the operation of the Tesla Transformer, a huge blunder that remains to this day in the misnaming and misinterpretation of the Tesla Coil. The transformer that Tesla referred to in the 1892 paper did not operate on magnetic/electric field induction created by alternating currents. It operated in an entirely new domain of physics based on abrupt discharges of electrostatic potentials and the subsequent release of kinetic Radiant Energy from the omnipresent ether. Tesla was now operating under entirely new rules which he referred to as “dynamic” electro-static forces and had, by now, completely abandoned any further interest in the AC waveform. The genesis of the Lodge misunderstanding, however, began a few years earlier with the publication of certainmathematical formulas by a brilliant Scotsman named James Clerk Maxwell.
Maxwell’s Equations
Using mathematical models, James Clerk Maxwell had earlier suggested that two different types of electrical disturbances could possibly exist in Nature. One type was a longitudinal electric wave which required alternating concentrations of densified and rarefied pulsations of electrostatic fields that moved along a single vector (today, we refer to these as standing waves or scalar waves). Maxwell ultimately rejected this idea because he was convinced that this type of wave propagation was impossible to achieve, but his assumption was erroneous and would later portend formidable consequences for Tesla and the world at large.
Maxwell’s second wave postulation was that of a transverse electromagnetic wave that exhibited a rapid alternation of electric fields along a fixed axis that radiated away from its point of origin at the speed of light and was detectable at great distances. Maxwell had more faith in the existence of this type of wave and encouraged experimenters to look in this direction. It was the discovery of this type of wave that Hertz had laid claim to, but Tesla was meticulous and fastidious in replicating Hertz’s experimental parameters and he could not obtain the results claimed by Hertz.
Tesla discovered a fundamental flaw in Hertz’s experiment: Hertz had failed to take into account he presence of air in his experiments. Hertz had mistakenly identified electrostatic inductions or electrified shockwaves as true electromagnetic waves. Tesla was saddened to bring this news to the distinguished academician, but felt scientific honesty was paramount if progress was to be achieved. Tesla visited Hertz in Germany and personally demonstrated the experimental error to him. Hertz agreed with Tesla and had planned to withdraw his claim, but reputations, political agendas, national pride, and above all, powerful financial interests, intervened in that decision and set the stage for a major rift in the ‘accepted’ theories that soon became transformed into the fundamental “laws” of the electric sciences that have held sway in industry and the halls of academia to the present day.
Tesla’s introduction to the phenomena of Radiant Energy began with early observations by linesmen working for Thomas Edison, Tesla’s former employer
DC Anomalies
Before Tesla’s invention of the Polyphase AC generator became the industry standard and overtook Thomas Edison’s use of DC generators, the DC electrical system was the only system available to deliver electricity to America’s homes and factories. Due to the resistance offered by long transmission lines, Edison had to produce very high DC voltages from his generators in order to deliver enough voltage and current to its final destination. He also had to provide additional ‘pumping’ stations along the way to boost the sagging voltage which dwindled from line losses. A curious anomaly occurred in the very first instant of throwing the power switch at the generating station: Purple/blue colored spikes radiated in all directions along the axis of the power lines for just a moment. In addition, a stinging, ray-like shocking sensation was felt by those who stood near the transmission lines. In some cases, when very large DC voltages surged from the generators, the “stinging” sensation was so great that occasionally a blue spike jumped from the line and grounded itself through a workman, killing him in the process.
Tesla realized almost immediately that electrons were not responsible for such a phenomena because The blue spike phenomena ceased as soon as the current stated flowing in the lines. Something else was happening just before the electrons had a chance to move along the wire. At the time, no one seemed to be very interested in discovering why these dramatic elevations in static electrical potential were taking place, but rather, engineering design efforts were focused on eliminating and quenching this strange anomaly which was considered by everyone to be a nuisance-except Tesla. Tesla viewed it as a powerful, yet unknown form of energy which needed to be understood and harnessed if possible. The phenomena only exhibited itself in the first moment of switch closure, before the electrons could begin moving. There seemed to be a “bunching” or “choking” effect at play, but only briefly. Once the electrons began their movement within the wire, all would return to normal. What was this strange energy that was trying to liberate itself so forcefully at the moment of switch closure?
In the later quarter of the 19th century, Tesla was alone in his opposition to the fundamental views of the nature of electrical forces as described by three of the biggest names in electric science: James Clerk Maxwell, Herman Von Helmholtz, and Heinrich Hertz. Tesla possessed a broader vision of the cosmos because his keen sense of awareness and especially his natural intuitive insights gave him a deeper understanding of the role that the ether (or aether) played in the manifestations of all electrical phenomena while his contemporaries focused their attention exclusively on the electromagnetic component (assuming that no other component could be involved). This lack of etheric insight by his contemporaries (with the exception of Sir William Crookes) and the heated controversy that the mere mention of the ether had engendered was to cause Tesla ridicule and sarcasm from men of inferior intellect for decades. The ether controversy largely dissipated in the academic arena after the publication of Eienstein’s Theory of Relativity (1905) and the Michaelson-Morley Experiment which essentially declared that the ether ‘theory’ was dead, but Tesla’s insights and deductions concerning the role of the ether were correct all along.
The ether existed then and it exists now, despite the lock step denials by mainstream science, past or present. Rudolf Steiner, another man of genius, affirmed that the ether was composed of four fractions which he described as 1) the Light Ether, 2) the Warmth Ether, 3) the Chemical Ether, and 4) the Life Ether, a combination of the first three. Tesla’s New York and Colorado experiments confirmed for him that Radiant energy was bound up within the elusive ether, but could be made manifest by the creation of an abrupt disruption in the equilibrium of the ether fractions using one way, high magnitude pulses of short duration.
This was the key that unlocked Radiant Energy.
“See the excitement coming!”
These were the words that Tesla used at the end of his pivotal 1892 December lecture, “The Dissipation of Electricity”. He was brimming over with buoyancy and optimism for the future In the 1890's, Tesla conducted a large number of experiments which confirmed his theory and refined his understanding of the special conditions required for Radiant energy to express itself. He later expanded his New York work with the large scale experimental trials conducted at Colorado Springs, Colorado in 1899. Tesla, the humanitarian, wanted more than anything to share this enormous discovery with his fellow man. Tesla spoke of practical applications of radiant energy that were so wide reaching that they could have created a profound and immense leap into the future for all of mankind in practically every sector of daily life:
Unlimited electricity could be made available anywhere and at any time, by merely pushing a rod into the ground and turning on the electrical appliance. Homes, farms, offices, factories, villages, libraries, museums, street lights, etc., could have all their lighting needs met by merely hanging ordinary light bulbs or fluorescent tubes anywhere desired- without the need for wiring -and produce brilliant white light 24 hours a day. Motor energy for any imagined use such as industrial applications, transportation, tractors, trucks, trains, boats, automobiles, air ships or planes could be powered freely-anywhere on the planet from a single Magnifying Transmitter. This new form of energy even had the ability to elevate human consciousness to levels of vastly improved comprehension and mental clarity. Undreamed of therapeutic applications to improve human health and to eliminate disease conditions could have been achieved fully 100 years ago had Tesla been allowed to complete his commercial development of Radiant Energy. But powerful barons of industry, chiefly in the person of John Pierpont Morgan, colluded to deny him the financial backing he needed and in doing so, effectively denied mankind one of Nature’s most abundant and inexhaustible gifts of free energy.
Posted by
King Leonidas I
9:16 PM
Thursday, March 19, 2009
3/19/2009 News Radar
The mystery over who ordered U.S. Army forces to patrol the streets of the south Alabama town where 11 people were killed in a shooting spree last week has been solved. WND confirmed troops from nearby Ft. Rucker provided limited assistance after a request from the police chief of Samson, Ala.
"Under the authority of a mutual aid agreement which Fort Rucker has with local law enforcement community in Samson, Alabama, the Samson city police chief requested support from military police after the shooting," Lt. Col. Almarah Belk, an Air Force officer working for the Department of Defense press office, told WND in a telephone interview.
"Fort Rucker provided 22 military police personnel, and five vehicles were sent into Samson to provide non-law enforcement support in the town of Samson, Alabama," Belk said.
WND has reported extensively that USNORTHCOM is a combatant military command based at Peterson Air Force base in Colorado Springs, Colorado, with a mission to provide Department of Defense-directed military support to state and local law enforcement in domestic emergency situations.
In an exclusive interview with WND during Vigilant Shield 2008, commanding officer Gen. Renuart affirmed USNORTHCOM would deploy U.S. troops on U.S. soil should the president declare a domestic emergency in which the Department of Defense ordered USNORTHCOM involvement.
For more information on the US Northern Command see my respective post...
A lawyer threatened by a federal judge with sanctions for filing one of the myriad legal challenges to President Obama's eligibility has responded by criticizing the judge for relying on "hearsay" blog information for his decision and suggesting he should be given a hearing that could include discovery of the president's original birth certificate.
WND reported earlier when Judge James Robertson dismissed a lawsuit filed by John D. Hemenway on behalf of Gregory S. Hollister, a retired military officer, who is subject to being recalled to duty and therefore would need to know the legitimacy of any order coming from Obama.
In his statement dismissing the case, Robertson ridiculed the complaint, which never had a court hearing, ruling that the eligibility issues had been "blogged, texted, twittered and otherwise massaged."
"The issue of the president's citizenship was raised, vetted, blogged, texted, twittered, and otherwise massaged by America's vigilant citizenry during Mr. Obama's two-year-campaign for the presidency, but this plaintiff wants it resolved by a court," Robertson wrote.
Wrong on most counts, Hemenway contends.
"This is not what Plaintiff Hollister’s concern is," Hemenway wrote in a court-required response. "Plaintiff Hollister is a retired colonel, who is subject to recall. Plaintiff’s concern is how an order received from Soetoro/Obama is to be regarded. Would it be a legal order which he must obey or an illegal order which he must disobey?
"These are not frivolous matters, as the learned Judge Robertson has suggested. Possible illegal orders are a matter of great concern to officers in the armed forces. Undersigned counsel himself entered the Army of the United States during WWII and was promoted to Infantry Second Lieutenant preparing for the anticipated landings in Japan which were scheduled for November 1, 1945. But for President Truman’s use of nuclear weapons to end the war, this would have transpired. The legality of orders in and out of combat is of paramount importance," he wrote.
Hemenway continued with a "second point" Robertson raised.
That is, he said, that "the president of the United States had been properly vetted."
"This assumes facts not in evidence and was not addressed. It is clear that the constitutional qualifications of President Soetoro/Obama have not been properly vetted. Judge Robertson even cites an earlier case filed in Pennsylvania by one of the two lead attorneys in this case, in which the judge claimed candidates in the recent presidential election had never been more closely vetted. Nothing was further from the truth. Effectively, the Pennsylvania District Court judge was introducing his own hearsay and opinion into the case as if it were acceptable evidence," Hemenway wrote.
"It is sad to read this court's use of material from the Internet to imply that the issues in the numerous lawsuits filed have been resolved by the 'twittering and blogging' to determine that the litigants are invoking 'conspiracy theorists.' It suggests that the intellectual capacity of this court focused on the issues in the instant suit at a very low level, perhaps for political purposes, such as to win attention from the highest authority when a seat on the Supreme Court of the United States becomes vacant," Hemenway wrote.
Further, Hemenway wrote, Robertson is threatening him with sanctions for "the costs allegedly borne by the defendants when all that would be necessary to terminate this political chicanery (substitute 'crisis') that now has involved hundreds of thousands of concerned citizens would be for President Obama to display his actual birth certificate."
Instead, ranks of attorneys have been hired to block "access to his records by sealing his college records, refusing access to his 'vault' birth certificate; and all other documents which would provide his citizenship status."
Hemenway said, "Defendant Soetoro/Obama has never responded. Instead, a document [purporting] to be Soetoro/Obama's birth certificate was placed on the Internet in sites including, but not limited to:, and
"This image so presented was later challenged by a forensic expert as a forged and/or altered document. … It is a widely recognized legal principle that, when a false or modified or counterfeit document is presented as the original, under discovery, the actual document must be presented," he said.
"Moreover, this document is a Certification of Live Birth which is issued by the Hawaiian State Government when births abroad or births occurring outside of a hospital are registered with the Hawaii Department of Health. A proper birth certificate provides information as to where the child was born, weight, length, parent’s information, doctor information, etc. The Certification of Live Birth provided by Soetoro/Obama only shows he was born – somewhere," he said.
Increasingly, the International Monetary Fund, with the support of the United States and Russia, appears positioned to launch a one-world currency at the upcoming G-20 meeting in London.
The move is intended to be a last-ditch effort to prevent massive bank failures from occurring throughout the European Union.
The idea is for the IMF to issue at least $250 billion in Special Drawing Rights, or SDRs, to IMF member states as a method of placing a safety net under developing countries that might otherwise have to declare bankruptcy.
The idea gained momentum Tuesday when the Moscow Times published an article revealing that the Kremlin intended to use the G-20 meeting, beginning April 2, to push for the IMF to utilize SDRs as "a super-reserve currency widely accepted by the whole of the international community."
U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner is on the record calling for the G-20 to support "substantially increasing emergency IMF resources" by up to $500 billion to deal with the global economic crisis.
"The IMF is looking for about $500 billion in SDRs in order to bail out the European Union banks that have lost trillions of dollars making loans into the Eastern European countries the EU thought would adopt the euro after joining the EU," said Bob Chapman, author of the online International Forecaster newsletter, in a telephone interview.
"If the United States or other countries come up with $500 billion the IMF wants to back these new SDRs, the $500 billion will end up being loans to the IMF that the IMF will simply never pay back," Chapman explained.
"SDRs under the IMF proposal before the G-20 are going to end up being a newly invented one-world currency manufactured by a one-world organization, created to ease nations out of failed fiat currencies like the dollar," he argued.
SDRs are international reserve assets calculated by the IMF in a basket of major currencies that are allocated to the IMF 185 member nation-states in relation to the capital, largely in gold or widely accepted foreign currencies that the IMF member nation-states have on deposit.
The Washington and Kremlin-backed proposal would issue SDRs to central banks of IMF member states far in excess of any gold or currency reserves the member states have on deposit with the IMF.
WASHINGTON - At least 13 firms receiving billions of dollars in bailout money owe a total of more than $220 million in unpaid federal taxes, a key lawmaker said Thursday.
Rep. John Lewis, chairman of a House subcommittee overseeing the federal bailout, said two firms owe more than $100 million apiece.
At his town hall meeting in Costa Mesa, Calif., Wednesday evening, President Obama compared embattled insurer AIG and other large failing banks to a suicide bomber.
"A lot of people say, 'Well, why not just let the banks fail?'" the president said. "'Why don't we just let them fail, let them go bankrupt, what's the problem?'"
The president said that if the local community bank, Fullerton Community Bank, failed, "We've got something called the FDIC, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, that would take it over, it would guarantee all the deposits so you don't have to worry about your deposits. They are not at risk. And it would be able to kind of sort things out and then resell the bank fairly quickly and it doesn't threaten the system as a whole."
Bigger banks, however, "Citicorp or Bank of America or, you know, Wells Fargo that controls 70 percent of the banking system, and all of them are weakening, you can't afford to have all those banks all at once start going under. Even though the deposits might be guaranteed, you've got the entire economy resting on that credit."
"Here's the problem," Mr. Obama said, "It's almost like they've got -- they've got a bomb strapped to them and they've got their hand on the trigger. You don't want them to blow up. But you've got to kind of talk them, ease that finger off the trigger."
Watch the other 30% disappear quickly into the hands that currently control the 70%!
OTTAWA (AFP) — A plane set off Wednesday during a break in bad weather to re-supply three stranded British researchers, who are trapped and fighting to survive in the North Pole, organizers of the aid effort said.
The team aims to gather data to complement satellite and submarine observations to measure the sea ice and plot how fast it is disappearing during their 850-kilometer (530-mile) trek.
Global warming is believed to be the main culprit in the rapidly melting north polar ice cap that is freeing up new sea routes and untapped mineral resources on the ocean bottom.
In a statement on Tuesday, Hadow described the team's desperate plight.
"We're hungry, the cold is relentless, our sleeping bags are full of ice and because we're not moving, the colder we get," he said.
Sounds like warming isn't an issue!
Here's a few excerpts from two of the Protocols (written in the late 19th century)...
Protocol 20The reforms projected by us in the financial institutions and principles of the goyim will be clothed by us in such forms as will alarm nobody. We shall point out the necessity of reforms in consequence of the disorderly darkness into which the goyim by their irregularities have plunged the finances. The first irregularity, as we shall point out, consists in their beginning with drawing up a single budget which year after year grows owing to the following cause: this budget is dragged out to half the year, then they demand a budget to put things right, and this they expend in three months, after which they ask for a supplementary budget, and all this ends with a liquidation budget. But, as the budget of the following year is drawn up in accordance with the sum of the total addition, the annual departure from the normal reaches as much as 50 percent in a year, and so the annual budget is trebled in ten years. Thanks to such methods, allowed by the carelessness of the goy States, their treasuries are empty. The period of loans supervenes, and that has swallowed up remainders and brought all the goy States to bankruptcy.
Every kind of loan proves infirmity in the State and a want of understanding of the rights of the State. Loans hang like a sword of Damocles over the heads of rulers, who, instead of taking from their subjects by a temporary tax, come begging with oustretched palm of our bankers. Foreign loans are leeches which there is no possibility of removing from the body of the State until they fall off of themselves or the State flings them off. But the goy States do not tear them off; they go on in persisting in putting more on to themselves so that they must inevitably perish, drained by voluntary blood-letting.
What also indeed is, in substance, a loan, especially a foreign loan? A loan is -an issue of government bills of exchange containing a percentage obligation commensurate to the sum of the loan capital.
If the loan bears a charge of 5 per cent, then in twenty years the State vainly pays away in interest a sum equal to the loan borrowed, in forty years it is paying a double sum, in sixty -treble, and all the while the debt remains an unpaid debt.
Protocol 21When we ascend the throne of the world all these financial and similar shifts, as being not in accord with our interests, will be swept away so as not to leave a trace, as also will be destroyed all money markets, since we shall not allow the prestige of our power to be shaken by fluctuations of prices set upon our values, which we shall announce by law at the price which represents their full worth without any possibility of lowering or raising (Raising gives the pretext for lowering, which indeed was where we made a beginning in relation to the values of the goyim.)
We shall replace the money markets by grandiose government credit institutions, the object of which will be to fix the price of industrial values in accordance with government views. These institutions will be in a position to fling upon the market five hundred millions of industrial paper in one day, or to buy up for the same amount. In this way all industrial undertakings will come into dependence upon us. You may imagine for yourselves what immense power we shall thereby secure for ourselves. . .
for more on the Protocols...
The following is a snippet from a secret memorandum written by high-ranking German officers and distributed among an elite group of German leaders in Bonn and other parts of the world. It is an electrifying picture of current events.
Economic difficulties will one day plunge the United States down from its present dizzy heights. Such a catastrophe can be brought about through crafty manipulations and through artificially engendered crises. Such maneuvers are routine measures which have already been employed in international power struggle and will be used again and again as long as economic rivals fight for power positions and markets in the world.
It is quite conceivable that America, weakened by a depression, will one day seek support from a resurrected Germany. Such a prospect would open tremendous possibilities for the future power position of a bloc introducing a new order in the world.
That was written in 1950. It can be found in T.H. Tetens’ 1953 book, Germany Plots With the Kremlin.
For more than a year, the U.S. Federal Reserve System has been increasingly acting as the world's central bank, injecting hundreds of billions of dollars into foreign government treasuries in an effort to increase liquidity in those countries.
The foreign central banks have used the U.S. currency to bail out financial institutions within their borders. The Fed program links its balance sheet directly to the fates of foreign central banks at a time when they're on the ropes.
The program has so far gone unreported in the mainstream media and is a major expansion of Federal Reserve involvement in the global economy. It represents a stark break from the prior role of the Fed, moving it into territory more traditionally occupied by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
The program puts both the Fed and the foreign central banks at increased risk. If the bailed-out banks can't repay the loans, the foreign central bank is still on the hook to the Fed. It would have to raise the money by selling debt -- which most Europeans are finding difficult today -- or raise taxes or cut spending, actions that further exacerbate the economic crisis. Or, the foreign central bank could default, leaving the U.S. holding a bag of foreign currency of plummeting value.
The U.S. taxpayer has also bailed out foreign banks indirectly by pumping billions into American Insurance Group, which announced Sunday that it had forwarded that cash to counterparties that include foreign banks such as Societe Generale, Deutsche Bank, Calyon, Credit Suisse, the Royal Bank of Scotland and Barclays.
"I'm concerned about Europe," Paul Krugman wrote in Monday's New York Times. "Actually, I'm concerned about the whole world -- there are no safe havens from the global economic storm. But the situation in Europe worries me even more than the situation in America."
The Federal Reserve's decision to fire up the printing presses to the tune of $1 trillion continued to wash over world financial markets on Thursday, pushing the price of government bonds higher and dragging down the value of the dollar.
On Wall Street, stocks fluctuated in early trading, a day after they bounced in response to the Fed's plans to buy up $750 billion in mortgage-backed securities and $300 billion in Treasury debt.
March 17 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. risks sending the world into a depression as its bailouts of failed companies rob healthy businesses of capital, investor Jim Rogers said.
“The U.S. is taking assets from competent people and giving them to incompetent people,” said Rogers, chairman of Singapore-based Rogers Holdings and the author of books including “Investment Biker” and “Adventure Capitalist.” “That’s bad economics.”
A Massachusetts bank that has defied the odds and remained free of bad loans amid the economic crisis is now being criticized by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. for the cautious business practices that caused its rare success.
The secret behind East Bridgewater Savings Bank's accomplishments is the careful approach of 62-year-old chief executive Joseph Petrucelli.
"We’re paranoid about credit quality," he told the Boston Business Journal.
That paranoia has allowed East Bridgewater Savings Bank to stand out among a flurry a failing banks, with no delinquent loans or foreclosures on its books, the Journal reported. East Bridgewater Savings didn’t even need to set aside in money in 2008 for anticipated loan losses.
But rather than reward Petrucelli's tactics, the FDIC recently criticized his bank for not lending enough, slapping it with a "needs to improve" rating under the Community Reinvestment Act, the Journal reported.,2933,509584,00.html
The threat is only implied in more than two-dozen state sovereignty bills making the rounds in legislatures across the country, except for a New Hampshire bill where the authors didn't hold back. Any law infringing on the state's right to self govern would trigger the dissolution of the nation: "All powers previously delegated to the United States of America by the Constitution ... shall revert to the several states individually."
The S.C. House of Representatives has approved a resolution with the same state's rights concerns (but omiting the dire consequences), and the Senate is expected to soon take up a similar resolution.
State Rep. Michael Pitts (R-Laurens), who authored the House bill, says that it's not as much a threat to the Union as it is a "wake-up call." Federal mandates have strained his patience, particularly those laws relating to gun control and the treatment of illegal immigrants. Threats aren't necessary, he says.
"If Washington doesn't wake up and our economy keeps going the way it is going, I don't think we'll have to dissolve the union," he says. "It won't be able to stand."
This urgent message is from our correspondent, Linn Cohen-Cole:
We have less than two weeks to stop the take over the farms and ranches.
H.R. 875 and S. 425
We need to rally people immediately.
The new administration is pushing new farm controls through Congress as fast as possible and have coordinated the bills so there will be no debate and the committee meetings are closed.
Transparency, change, undoing Bush's regulations, giving the public time to comment, grassroots anything? Our entire food system and thus our health is being decided without the public knowing and those who do know have zero access and the media is absent and they are moving at warp speed to sew this up.
Would you put these out, in this order, showing the article as you do so people are more likely to read it? They are imperfect but the closest I've come to explaining how the game is going to be played. No direct, frontal assault on organic farming but an insidious process of "infecting" organic farming...
Example: imagine Joel Salatin's wonderful organic farm under the direction of the USDA, with detailed instructions on what he must feed and when, how he must medically "treat" his animals and with what, what he must "spray" and when, ... you get the picture. These bills will industrialize all farms and insure the farmers are forced to buy chemicals and drugs. Organic is dead. As well as human control over the food supply. As well as health.
The United States is the largest borrower in the world. The US national debt has already exceeded the level of 11 trillion dollars as of the beginning of 2009 and continues to grow like an avalanche. Experts say that the USA has only two ways to solve the problem: to either declare default or trigger off a war.
Dmitry Abzalov, an expert with the Center for Russia ’s Political Conjuncture, said that governments currently take on the debts of corporations. “The corporate debts crisis thus becomes the crisis of governmental debts. The US debt in the beginning of 2009 amounted to $10.6 trillion. Taking into consideration the current deficit budget of the United States , as well as the prospects for the deficit of the budget during the current year, it becomes clear that the US Treasury bond market is based on no alternative whatsoever. There is no other way for investors to invest their funds with treasury bonds being the only option,” the expert told
he debt percentage grows every day, which makes the USA borrow more and more on a daily basis. America will have no chances to pay off the debt,” the expert said.
Inga Foksha, an analyst with Aton Investment Company, agrees that the US default is quite possible, although she is certain that it will not happen unless the world finds an alternative to the US dollar. The dollar will collapse immediately in case of default, which is absolutely unacceptable, because 63 percent of world reserves are saved in dollars. Their collapse will trigger the global economic collapse.
“Technically, the default of the United States may occur during three or five years, although it is too early to say that it could be possible. The USA can print new dollars to pay their debts with them,” she said.
Nevertheless, the US government bonds still enjoy investors’ support and are still considered a risk-free investment.
Dmitry Abzalov believes that the current situation with the US national debt may end with a new war. The war will destroy excessive liquidity and the current debt.
“The war in Iraq began to delay the US crisis, which started brewing in the US economy at the end of 2000,” he said.
The Americans have been trying to raise their economy with the help of military actions for decades, since the Great Depression of the 1930s. A war boosts the nation’s industry, even if a recovery is based on defense orders.
There is a certain sense of disheartening irony in the fact that many of President Obama’s cabinet-level nominees have tax problems. The Democratic Party is, after all, the party that promotes taxation to spread the wealth. How can America’s leaders ask its citizens to dig deep and open up their pocketbooks to help the country, if those in power refuse to pay the taxes they themselves legislate?
Another cabinet-level nominee revealed on March 2 that he owes thousands in unpaid taxes for 2005, 2006 and 2007. Trade representative nominee Ron Kirk is the fifth Obama appointee to admit that he neglected to pay what he owes.
Yes, tax cheats have always been with us. But if there was ever a time that America needed strong, impeccable leaders of character to steer us through troubled economic times, it is now. Unfortunately, in our time of greatest need, Washington’s tax problems are one more factor destroying the people’s faith in the most important institution in the land—the government.
Kirk’s tax revelations add to the long list of admissions.
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner failed to pay $34,000 in taxes that he owed. What was his reward? We gave him the keys to the national Treasury. The highest financial post in the government has been given to someone who either couldn’t manage his own finances, or purposefully tried to cheat on his taxes.
Former chief performance officer nominee Nance Killefer also admitted to failing to pay taxes. Prior to her resignation, President Obama implied Killefer would make the government “more effective, more efficient, and more transparent.” Obama credited her with modernizing the Internal Revenue Service (irs) and wringing out inefficiencies so that taxpayers could get more for their money. A former irs head not paying her taxes—hardly an incentive to follow the rules, is it?
Labor Secretary Hilda Solis admitted that the family business run by her husband had $6,400 in tax liens against it.
Former secretary of health and human services nominee Tom Daschle is the biggest offender. Somehow he forgot to pay $140,000 in back taxes and interest. Maybe it was partially because he failed to disclose more than $300,000 worth of income.
Then there is Rep. Charles Rangel, who wields congressional oversight of the federal tax code as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. He apparently did not realize income from rental properties was considered reportable income. He has apologized, but is still under investigation by the House Ethics Committee over his taxes.
It is bad enough for taxpayer morale that so many of America’s national leaders have tax problems, but sadly, evidence indicates state legislators are equally culpable—maybe more so.
Consider Georgia. Twenty-two elected members of the Georgia General Assembly have not paid their taxes—some for several years—according to a news report published by the Lexington Herald-Leader. That equates to 10 percent of the Assembly.
Georgia Sen. Robert Brown was not on the original list of delinquents, but while arguing against a proposed rule that would give other senators more power to take action against senators who don’t pay their taxes, Brown revealed that he wasn’t even sure if he owed any state or federal government taxes because he hasn’t filed a tax return for the past two years.
Mexican cartels are entrenched in at least 230 American cities, the National Drug Intelligence Center says. For years they have subcontracted the distribution of drugs to local U.S. street gangs. But as the cartels have grown in power thanks to the enormous and increasing cash flow generated by their booming business, they have assumed greater control of the process. By cutting out the middlemen, they now rake in higher profits, which enable them to expand their filthy business even more.
They’re not only infiltrating border cities: They are digging in as far north as Wisconsin and Alaska. And they’re bringing their criminal culture with them.
Phoenix now has the second-highest kidnapping rate of any city in the world—after Mexico City. Last year it averaged one abduction per day, and experts estimate only half are reported. Police there are becoming personally acquainted with the cartels’ signature ruthlessness: smashing the fingers of victims, pistol whipping, arbitrary killing to instill fear. “The tactics are moving north,” says Phoenix Assistant Police Chief Andy Anderson. Last month officials found a body of a man who had been tortured, shot, completely enveloped in duct tape and dumped. Gangs sometimes dress as Phoenix police or an American swat team as they raid homes. This is 185 miles from the Mexican border.
Atlanta, 1,500 miles from the border, has become the cartels’ top drug distribution center for the eastern U.S., according to a USA Today report last week. At the same time, this city is seeing a spike in assaults, abductions and executions. “The violence follows the drugs,” says fbi agent David Cuthbertson.
In Birmingham, Alabama, the bodies of five Mexican men—bound, gagged and electrocuted in what officials think was a drug-related hit—were found. Greenville, Tennessee, has indicted dozens of cartel-tied drug dealers. North Carolina has cartel cells that reach south of the border. Authorities in San Diego and Houston are convinced some murders there were assassinations ordered by drug traffickers from Mexico.
These are the types of projects the cash-rich cartels like to spend their money on. Another favorite project: incredibly sophisticated smuggling operations. The gangsters are building cross-border tunnels nine stories underground. They are purchasing semi-submersible vessels that can evade radar and travel at 20 knots. A recent year-long multi-agency investigation in Arizona exposed one organization bringing a billion dollars’ worth of marijuana into the U.S. via heavy duty camouflaged trucks; drivers wore night vision goggles so they could drive in the dark through the desert without headlights; scouts lived in the mountains for weeks on end radioing directives and warnings to drivers.
The cartels also use these routes to smuggle people. They sell their services to various groups for exorbitant fees, who turn around and extort money from the illegals traveling into the States. At hundreds of drop houses in American cities, immigrants are mistreated, tortured, raped—so criminals can extract ransoms from their families. “This is modern-day slavery of terrible proportions,” says Arizona state Sen. Jonathan Paton.
WASHINGTON: President Barack Obama and his advisers have decided to expand significantly Afghanistan's security forces in the hope that a much larger professional army and national police force could fill a void left by the central government and do more to promote stability in the country, according to senior administration and Pentagon officials.
A plan awaiting final approval by the president would set a goal of about 400,000 troops and national police officers, more than twice the forces' current size, and more than three times the size that American officials believed would be adequate for Afghanistan in 2002, when the Taliban and Al Qaeda appeared to have been routed.
The officials said Mr. Obama was expected to approve a version of the plan in coming days as part of a broader Afghanistan-Pakistan strategy. But even members of Mr. Obama's national security team appeared taken aback by the cost projections of the program, which range from $10 billion to $20 billion over the next six or seven years.
By comparison, the annual budget for the entire Afghan government, which is largely provided by the United States and other international donors, is about $1.1 billion, which means the annual price of the program would be about twice the cost of operating the government of President Hamid Karzai.
Those figures include only the cost of training and establishing the forces, and officials are still trying to determine what the cost would be to sustain the security forces over the long term.
The Obama Deception is not about Left or Right: it's about a One World Government. The international banks plan to loot the people of the United States and turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation. Covered in this film: who Obama works for, what lies he has told, and his real agenda, and how his initial appointments and actions prove he serves the corporate oligarchs, not the American people. If you want to know the facts and cut through all the hype, this is the film for you.
LUXEMBOURG (Reuters) - A U.N. panel will next week recommend that the world ditch the dollar as its reserve currency in favor of a shared basket of currencies, a member of the panel said on Wednesday, adding to pressure on the dollar.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
The House passed a bill yesterday which includes disturbing language indicating young people will be forced to undertake mandatory national service programs as fears about President Barack Obama’s promised “civilian national security force” intensify.
The Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act, known as the GIVE Act, was passed yesterday by a 321-105 margin and now goes to the Senate.
Under section 6104 of the bill, entitled “Duties,” in subsection B6, the legislation states that a commission will be set up to investigate, “Whether a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people could be developed, and how such a requirement could be implemented in a manner that would strengthen the social fabric of the Nation and overcome civic challenges by bringing together people from diverse economic, ethnic, and educational backgrounds.”
Section 120 of the bill also discusses the “Youth Engagement Zone Program” and states that “service learning” will be “a mandatory part of the curriculum in all of the secondary schools served by the local educational agency.”
“The legislation, slated to cost $6 billion over five years, would create 175,000 “new service opportunities” under AmeriCorps, bringing the number of participants in the national volunteer program to 250,000. It would also create additional “corps” to expand the reach of volunteerism into new sectors, including a Clean Energy Corps, Education Corps, Healthy Futures Corps and Veterans Service Corps, and it expands the National Civilian Community Corps to focus on additional areas like disaster relief and energy conservation,” reports Fox News.
The Senate is also considering a similar piece of legislation known as the “Serve America Act,” which also includes language about “Youth Engagement Zones”.
WASHINGTON -- The U.S. government is working on an integrated plan to address Mexico's escalating war with drug traffickers and could complete work on the initiative as early as this week, a top U.S. military official said on Tuesday.
Air Force Gen. Gene Renuart, who oversees U.S. military interests on both sides of the U.S.-Mexican border as the head of Northern Command, told the Senate that the plan would likely involve all agencies of government including law enforcement and the military.
Among the priorities are likely to be measures to deal with violence that spills over the U.S. border, the flow of small arms from the United States to Mexico, support for the Mexican military, tightening border security and the spreading presence of Mexican cartels in U.S. cities.
The military is already employing border security techniques mastered in the war zones of Iraq and Afghanistan, including unmanned aerial vehicles and technology capable of locating underground tunnels.
But an interagency government team, meeting this week at the Department of Homeland Security, is expected to produce a broad new initiative to confront a drug war that has killed thousands in Mexico and spilled over into U.S. cities such as Phoenix in a surge of kidnappings and other gang-related violence.
"They are the new face of crime in the age of globalization," Durbin said.
Sen. Jim Webb, a Virginia Democrat on the armed services panel, sought to underscore the complexity of the problem by saying that some drug traffickers are former Mexican soldiers trained by U.S. Special Forces.
"They're highly trained," he said. "Their tactics are very sophisticated."
Renuart said the Mexican military also faces a challenge in border cities like Juarez, near El Paso, Texas.
"They have been very effective when they've been in place," he said. "The challenge for the Mexican government is its sustainment of that effort because their military is not that large." He said the U.S. military is providing Mexico with assistance including tactics for raiding cartel operations and seizing weapons.
COLUMBIA, Mo. | A new document meant to help Missouri law enforcement agencies identify militia members or domestic terrorists has drawn criticism for some of the warning signs mentioned.
The Feb. 20 report called "The Modern Militia Movement" mentions such red flags as political bumper stickers for third-party candidates, such as U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, who ran for president last year; talk of conspiracy theories, such as the plan for a superhighway linking Canada to Mexico; and possession of subversive literature.
"It seems like they want to stifle political thought," said Roger Webb, president of the University of Missouri campus Libertarians. "There are a lot of third parties out there, and none of them express any violence. In fact, if you join the Libertarian Party, one of the things you sign in your membership application is that you don't support violence as a means to any ends."
But state law enforcement officials said the report is being misinterpreted.
WASHINGTON, Mar 17, 2009 (UPI via COMTEX) -- The U.S. State Department re-signed the security firm formerly known as Blackwater despite Iraq saying it didn't want the company there, records show.
The State Department said $22.2 million deal signed with Blackwater, since renamed Xe, in February was a contract modification concerning aviation work, The Washington Times first reported. The contract expires in September, months after its contract for work in Baghdad was to have run out.
One observer said the deal raises questions about why the United States would want to pay a contractor for work in Iraq if the government won't approve its operating license.
"Why would you continue to use Blackwater when the Iraqi government has banned the highly controversial company and there are other choices?" asked Melanie Sloan, executive director of the non-partisan Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.
The private security firm has been heavily criticized, particularly for a 2007 incident that left 14 Iraqi civilians dead and six former guards facing manslaughter charges.
Xe spokeswoman Anne Tyrell declined to comment to the Times on the company's work in Iraq or the contract modification. She said the company was aware that the State Department indicated it didn't plan to renew its contracts in Iraq but that Xe officials hadn't received specific information about leaving the country.{8C076A77-37D4-4E13-9BAA-44D48274A2DA}
On February 13, 2009, President Obama released his first National Security Directive. Titled Presidential Policy Directive -1, it greatly expands the power of the National Security Council (NSC) to oversee all executive departments and agencies. The Directive introduces new members into top level NSC meetings including the Energy Secretary and the U.S. representative to the United Nations. Most significant is that Obama’s National Security Advisor, General James Jones (ret.), was given direct authority to develop and implement policy throughout the NSC system. Under previous Presidential administrations, a number of interagency committees were not chaired or controlled by the NSC. “Under Obama”, according to one Foreign Policy analyst, “the NSC chairs everything, though some committees can and will be cochaired.” Prior to his current appointment, General Jones was involved in a secretive Boeing Corporation effort to declassify antigravity technology for commercial application. Boeing’s declassification efforts were denied. Obama’s Directive now gives General Jones a second opportunity to have antigravity technology declassified for commercial development.
After reading about the droughts in two major agricultural countries, China and Argentina, I decided to research the extent other food producing nations were also experiencing droughts. This project ended up taking a lot longer than I thought. 2009 looks to be a humanitarian disaster around much of the world
On March 11, most of San Cristobal de las Casas' 200,000 residents bathed themselves out of buckets and left the dishes to pile up in the sink as they have all week. For most of them, it was their sixth day without running water. For some, it's been over a month.
The government is aware of the problem, but refuses to fix it. In fact, it was the government that intentionally shut off the water to spite San Cristobal residents. San Cristobal's government-owned and -operated Municipal Potable Water and Sewage System (Sapam in its Spanish abbreviation) owes $1,380,000 pesos to the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), also a government company. So, last week the CFE shut off electric power to all of the pumps that supply San Cristobal with water.
When angry and dirty San Cristobal residents attended a city council meeting to demand action from their elected representatives, Mayor Mariano Diaz Ochoa left the meeting early without hearing all the citizen complaints. Before he did so, he told his constituents that the water would stay off until everyone paid their water bill. Diaz Ochoa claims that 90% of San Cristobal's water customers have not paid their bills. This may or may not be the case--no one knows for sure because Sapam's operations and books are not readily available to the public. But one thing residents are sure of is that state companies don't suddenly go bankrupt without warning. Something happened.
A look at the future!
Are Mexican drug cartels a threat to the United States? This is an easy conclusion to make after reading most mainstream U.S. newspapers. Hardly a day goes by without sensational stories about “broad daylight” gun battles, heart-wrenching interviews with weeping mothers, and praise for the Mexican army in its “war” against “narco-terrorists.”
Interestingly, Mexico has lately been compared to Pakistan as a country “on the verge” of becoming a “failed state,” with the Mexican drug cartels accused of playing the same “destabilizing” role as the Taliban/terrorists in Pakistan. Calling such a comparison a stretch would be a gross understatement, of course.
There is in fact a real connection between Mexico and Pakistan that’s worth discussing, though you’d never hear it mentioned in the mainstream media. Both countries have governments that are virtual pawns of the U.S. and, as such, are having a difficult time with their native populations as they attempt to please their real bosses — U.S. mega-corporations and rich investors.
And these bosses can be demanding. For example, in Pakistan the U.S. dominated International Monetary Fund (IMF) is demanding that Pakistan privatize state-owned banks, railways, power plants, water, insurance, factories, etc. — so that U.S. corporations and investors can buy them at discount rates for private profit.
In Mexico, the same U.S. groups are lustfully eyeing Mexico’s number one source of national revenue: the state oil company (PEMEX). Mexican companies and natural resources had already been gobbled-up by U.S. corporate vultures long before NAFTA came into effect, though this trade agreement intensified the trend, making it a good place to begin if one is to have any understanding of the current political situation in Mexico.
NAFTA is in fact more than a trade agreement, it’s a trade bloc, the size of which rivals the European Union as the world’s largest. A trade bloc is essentially an agreement between countries on economic integration, which inevitably includes varying levels of political and military agreements. Also, every trade bloc has a dominant member — which in NAFTA’s case is the U.S.
When NAFTA was enacted, a new flood of U.S. corporate and private investment flooded into Mexico, requiring that this money be well protected. For the international investor, political instability of any kind is bad for business. This is in fact why NAFTA was extended into the “Security and Prosperity Agreement,” which provides U.S. security (military) aid to protect the NAFTA-created prosperity (investments) inside of Mexico.
Posted by
King Leonidas I
8:33 AM
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
The Protocols - You be the judge
It has been generally asserted for many years past that a document called The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is a forgery. Supposedly a report of speeches given at the 1897 First Zionist Congress in Basle, it pictures an international Jewish conspiracy to undermine Christian institutions and pave the way for world domination. Gerald Krefetz remarked in his 1982 Jews and Money; the Myths and the Reality that the Protocols - "apparently the plagiarized concoction of a Russian religious mystic"- had long since been discredited as propaganda promoted by the Czarist secret police to justify their own anti-Semitism.
Yet if so long discredited, why have they become what he calls the most successful piece of propaganda in the twentieth century? "For a spurious document", says Krefetz, "it has had a remarkably long and influential life." Could this be due simply to continuing anti-Semitism? Indeed, it is hard to see how this document could have been a genuine record of speeches at the Congress. Would people clever enough to engineer such a global conspiracy as the Protocols reflect have been dumb enough to let an outsider take notes of their proceedings, let alone live to publish them? And is such a plot any more credible now than it was then? The recent decline of some big Jewish houses, coupled with the emergence of wealthy Asian conglomerates, seems rather to spoil the picture for those inclined to fantasize about an unstoppable international conspiracy guided only by Jewish financiers! But of course there has been an even more recent decline of all Asian conglomerates.
A book which became a best seller in 1972 - None Dare Call It Conspiracy, by Gary Allen shows in some detail how they had simultaneously financed both the Soviet Union (page 71) and the Third Reich (page 85), like people fattening birds for a cock-fight. The book is quite even-handed. While it indicts such Jewish luminaries as Rothschild, Warburg and Schiff's Kuhn Loeb and Company, it also assigns prominent roles to many Gentile houses, including Rockefeller's. (But, of course he too is a Jew).
David Rockefeller seems to have had a finger in everything. Many famous names in politics, Nixon and Kissinger, were alumni of his system, whose imperial reach was by NO means confined to the United States. (Apparently the surest way to wealth and power is on the coat-tails of a man who already has these things and will "look after" you so long as you do his bidding. Kruschev's downfall seems to have come about when he stopped doing it). Chase Manhattan Bank was formed by merging Warburg and Rockefeller units. How closely Jewish and Gentile "insiders" worked together is shown throughout the book. For instance, a roster of blue-chip American corporations, along with prominent politicians of both parties, joined the "insiders" in the immensely influential Council for Foreign Relations (page 88).
Allen's book makes a compelling case for the existence of a conspiracy - or at least a close working relationship between financiers of international clout. And an even greater centralization of money-power in the Western world has occurred since 1972. But isn't that inevitable given the current globalization? As to his thesis that the ultimate aim of the "insiders" was to create a totalitarian World Government in which they would control everything as a spider sitting in the center controls his web, we should note that co-operation between international financiers today - whatever it may have been in the past - is not necessarily of evil intent. And that a great many other people have long since come to see some kind of world government as a necessary goal. The next big war may be about who gets to control it!)
What light does Allen's book, throw on the Protocols? A negative one, it would seem, in as much as he shows Gentile interests to have as much clout as the Jewish. Yet the Protocols are not to be dismissed so easily. For if they are false in one sense, a reader cannot help feeling that they are genuine in another! What makes them seem genuine is that they are not at all what one would expect from "a Russian religious mystic." They show too deep an understanding both of Gentile weaknesses familiar to us all and of the sort of mind set which might ruthlessly exploit them for sectarian gain. Fictional or not, they were written by somebody who knew very well the kind of men whose utterances they supposedly report. They express a wealth of hard-headed insight in a tone of arrogant superiority which is not unfamiliar to us either. We cannot quarrel with the comment of Henry Ford's Dearborn Independent - which publicized the Protocols in America around 1921 - that the work was "too terribly real for fiction, too well-sustained for speculation, too deep in its knowledge of the secret springs of life for forgery".
Then who did write the Protocols? We may never know that, but it seems improbable that either a mystic or a bigoted Russian policeman could have come up with an analysis so penetrating, and so unfailingly prophetic. "Spurious" the document may be, historically speaking. But as anyone familiar with current events will instantly recognize, many passages in it show a remarkable prescience.
That a document first published in 1905 should have predicted the collapse of European monarchies, the Bolshevik Revolution and World Wars yielding little change in territory but a big one on the map of international finance is surprising enough. That it should also have anticipated a Great Depression caused by the arbitrary cutting-off of credit, the resurgence of Israel, the current squeeze on countries with large external debt - and even hinted at today's explosion in "derivatives:" trading - has to impress any thoughtful reader. ("That's some "mystic"! Or he might echo the comment made in 1921 by Ford himself: "The only statement I have to make about the Protocols is that they fit into what has gone on in the world situation these sixteen years. They fit it now.)
The Protocols accurately reflect the plans of Meyer Amschel Rothschild, Adam Weishaupt, Albert Pike, Mazzini, etc.
Since discourse in the Protocols is often disjointed, we have taken the liberty of grouping quotations (from Victor Marsden's 1934 edition) in what seems a logical order of subject. We have also tried to minimize the more offensive ones.
Contemptuous references to goyim (the unfortunate Talmudic term for Gentiles, meaning cattle) are scattered throughout the work, as indeed one might expect if the author were a propagandist determined to present a malign image of Jewry. One might have preferred to omit such racism altogether, along with utterances more interesting to students of religious pathology than to the general reader. But the purported speaker's ultimate aim to see "the King-Despot of Zion as Patriarch of the World, is so central to the work that excluding it would give a wholly false impression. For those who ignore that side (as one can easily do by substituting Untermenschen for goyim and some other ideology for the Mosaic), the fascination of the document lies in its Machiavellian practicality, (its being virtually a manual for would-be dictators is probably why Adolf Hitler knew it so well.)
The document opens with a flat statement that all "rights" other than that of "might" are vacuous, that "freedom" is an empty word, and absolute despotism the only sensible form of government.
"Economic crises have been produced by us through the goyim by no other means than the withdrawal of money from circulation. Huge pools of capital have stagnated, forcing States to borrow from them and thus become their bond-slaves. . . in twenty years, a State which has borrowed money at 5% has paid the whole sum in interest without reducing the debt. . . The State is thus forced to impoverish its masses in order to pay off rich foreigners. Why could those stupid goyim not have taken the money they needed from their own people".
"Goy governments could play tricks with internal loans but not the external, for they know that we shall demand all our money back".
(Wow! If a "Russian religious mystic" so long ago could show this good a grasp of money matters, maybe we should try to get one for our next Minister of Finance!)
Posted by
King Leonidas I
5:21 PM